
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2015 m. kovo 8 d., sekmadienis

Tėvų pagalba suaugusiems vaikams kenkia tiems vaikams

Nes pagal statistinius duomenis, suaugusieji vaikai, gaunantys daugiau tėvų pagalbos, per tų vaikų gyvenimą sukaupia mažiau turto [1]. Kam stengtis, jei galima parazituoti?

O pagalbos srautas į priešingą pusę yra būtinas. Popiežius primena mums, kad negerbti tėvus ir jais nesirūpinti yra mirtina nuodėmė.

1. "The moms and dads who picked it up came in for some tough love if they were funneling money to their adult children. In the chapter “Economic Outpatient Care,” meant to lampoon parental good intentions gone awry, the authors noted that the more parents give their adult children, the less wealth those children accumulate. Adult children who get little or nothing from their parents once they are grown-ups end up accumulating more than those children who are beneficiaries of their parents’ largess. The giving of one-time gifts to get young adults going instead became habit-forming for everyone."

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