
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2013 m. kovo 15 d., penktadienis

Funny oil tycoon

_Thomas Haselton, a naturalized Lithuanian citizen from the US, could be called Lithuania's first oil tycoon. It was him who brought the US energy giant Chevron to Lithuania – the company whose name alone incites so much emotion these days._ 

He explained recently [1]:

_People object to chemicals because they think it's poisonous. But poisonous is a relative thing. It depends on concentration._

It would help for Mr. Thomas Haselton and other proponents of fracking to use more balanced talk. Particularly helpful for them would be to realize that small concentrations of the fracking poisons lead to chronic problems like increased inflammation, heart disease, and cancer.

Who wants this for the people of the nation that made you rich?

1. Thomas Haselton, oil tycoon who brought Chevron to Lithuania

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