
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2015 m. sausio 4 d., sekmadienis

Kaip prasidėjo šių dienų pilietinis karas Ukrainoje?

Propagandinis mitas visam pasauliui yra paprastas. Lašinių pavalgę, Maidano didvyriai tuščiomis rankomis ir apnuogintomis krūtinėmis stojo prieš Ukrainos tvarkos sergėtojus. Ukrainos tvarkos sergėtojai neišlaikė tokio vaizdo (ar kvapo) ir pabėgo.

Realybėje Lvovo berniukai užgrobė iš Lvovo policijos daugybę Kalašnikovo automatų ir pradėjo šaudyti tvarkos sergėtojus Kijeve. Kadangi tvarkos sergėtojams Kijeve buvo uždrausta atsišaudyti, tvarkos sergėtojams beliko viena išeitis: palikti Kijevą. Kodėl mums ši istorija nežinoma? Nes  ši istorija sugriauna mums naudingą mitą (žiūrėk čia, 1).

1. "The allies’ desertion, fueled in large part by fear, was accelerated by the seizing by protesters of a large stock of weapons in the west of the country...

According to the chief of police in Lviv, Dmytro D. Zagariya, around 1,200 weapons, mostly pistols and Kalashnikov rifles, were seized in raids on five district police stations and the headquarters of the Interior Ministry’s western command. Only 300 of these, he said, were recovered by the authorities. He said there was no evidence that any of the missing guns had been used in or even reached Kiev.
Western diplomats in Kiev, including the American ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, also heard about the guns grabbed in Lviv and worried that, if brought to Kiev, they would turn what had begun as a peaceful protest movement that enjoyed wide sympathy in the West into an armed insurrection that would quickly lose this good will...

 Andriy Tereschenko, a Berkut commander from Donetsk who was holed up with his men in the Cabinet Ministry, the government headquarters in Kiev, said that 16 of his men had already been shot on Feb. 18 and that he was terrified by the rumors of an armory of automatic weapons on its way from Lviv."

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