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2024 m. rugsėjo 12 d., ketvirtadienis

Finaly Lithuanian politician Gabrielius Landsbergis could use his houses in Greece as a refuge: Russian political scientist calls for the possibility of a nuclear strike on NATO countries

"Russia should clearly express its readiness to use nuclear weapons against countries that "support NATO aggression in Ukraine," says Russian political scientist Sergei Karaganov, who heads the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy. 


Karaganov often expresses views that the Kremlin does not want to present publicly, Reuters notes.


Karaganov appeals in the columns of the daily "Izvestia" for expanding the scope in which Russia can - in accordance with its doctrine - use nuclear weapons. 


In his opinion, Russia could carry out a limited attack using nuclear weapons on a NATO country without provoking a nuclear war.


According to Karaganov, the US is bluffing when it claims that it guarantees a nuclear umbrella to its allies. In other words, according to the Russian political scientist, the US would not necessarily use nuclear weapons against Russia if the latter carried out an attack using nuclear weapons, for example, on one of the NATO countries. (While being the president of the USA, D. Trump also expressed disbelief that the USA must get involved in World Nuclear War III if one of the aggressive countries of Eastern Europe attacked Russia. (K.))


The political scientist argues that the main goal of the Russian nuclear doctrine should be to "ensure that all current and future enemies are certain that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons".


- It is time to announce that we have the right to respond to a massive attack on our territory with a nuclear strike. This also applies to the occupation of our territory - he argues. Since August 6, part of the Kursk Oblast in Russia has been occupied by Ukrainian troops. Currently, it is being decided whether Ukrainians will be able to use American ATACMS missiles to attack targets deep inside Russia (according to the Kremlin, such consent has already been given by the United States).


Western experts – as Reuters writes – listen carefully to Karaganov's statements, because they are an indicator of what the Russian authorities think about foreign, defense and nuclear policy.


For over a year, Karaganov has been calling for changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine. Recently, the Kremlin announced that it would review this doctrine. Currently, Russia may use nuclear weapons only in a situation where the territorial integrity or sovereignty of the country is threatened, and in such a situation, Russia may use nuclear weapons even if an attack on Russia is carried out using conventional weapons.


According to Karaganov, the doctrine in its current form is suicidal and irresponsible, because it does not deter Russia's enemies sufficiently. The latter – as the political scientist argues – are convinced that Russia will almost never use nuclear weapons.


The political scientist argues that with the current doctrine, Russia is heading for a catastrophe, because it is exposing itself to “bleeding out on the battlefield and economic exhaustion”, which could lead to “even the collapse” of the country.


Karaganov also argues that “the belief that limited use of nuclear weapons must necessarily lead to nuclear Armageddon does not stand up to criticism”. He adds that he is not interested in entering a “dangerous path”, but in “saving the world and Russia”. “We will either win this conflict or lose it. The West can fight forever, this conflict is very profitable for it,” he warns. He also argues that his proposals are intended to protect the world from World War III.


According to some analysts, the Kremlin is using Karaganov's statements to present views that are intended to terrify the West and convince that Vladimir Putin seems like a moderate politician compared to the "hawks" in Moscow."