Raumenų silpnumas stipriai koreliuoja su tikimybe numirti, ilgai neužtrunkant. Vidutinis dinamometro spaudimo stiprumas yra 300 niutonų. Kiekvienas sumažėjimas 50-čia niutonų koreliuoja su 16 procentų padidėjančia tikimybe greitai numirti [1].
Rankos paspaudimo stiprumas priklauso nuo kultūros, todėl neatspindi sveikatos.
1. The average grip strength the team recorded was 300 newtons (the force needed to hold a 30.6 kilogram weight against Earth’s gravity). Every 50-newton drop below this was associated with a 16% rise in the risk of death, and a 17% increase in the risk of dying in particular from heart disease. It was also associated with a 7% greater risk of having (but not necessarily dying from) a heart attack, and a 9% rise in the chance of having a stroke. Among those with cancer or chronic heart disease, the strong-gripped were more likely to survive the follow-up period than the limp. The correlation held when the researchers corrected for other factors known to play a part in death rates, including age, education, drinking and smoking.
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