
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. liepos 27 d., antradienis

„Copilot“ yra robotas, kuris gali padėti parašyti kodą

  „„Copilot“ yra sukurta „Microsoft Corporation“ ir jos įmonė „GitHub“. „Copilot“ yra „Microsoft Visual Studio Code“ redaktoriuje įmontuotas plėtinys, kuris siūlo vartotojui perduoti „OpenAI“ technologijos paremtą dirbtinį intelektą, mokant pagal milijonus kodų, saugomų „GitHub“ saugykloje, eilutes ir siūlo jomis pagrįstus sprendimus. Vartotojas gali panaudoti „Copilot“ užuominą arba atsisakyti ją naudoti.

 Programa yra riboto techninio testavimo etape, kurio metu kūrėjai pagal poreikį gauna prieigą prie produkto. Vėliau įrankis taps prieinamas visiems. Tokios sistemos gali labai palengvinti kodą kuriančių darbą. Iš tikrųjų, labai dažnai programuotojai yra priversti atlikti įprastas užduotis, parašyti pasikartojančias komandas. Svarbu pabrėžti, kad tokių sprendimų tikslas nėra pakeisti kūrėjų, bet supaprastinti ir padidinti jų efektyvumą, atlaisvinant jų laiką svarbioms, sudėtingesnėms ir kūrybiškesnėms užduotims atlikti“.

Copilot is a bot that can help write code

 "Copilot was developed by Microsoft Corporation and its company GitHub. The latter owns the eponymous largest service on the Internet for storing and exchanging program codes. Copilot is an extension built into the Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor that suggests and offers the user the continuation of the phrase. Powered by OpenAI technologies Artificial Intelligence is trained on millions of lines of code stored in the GitHub repository and offers solutions based on them. 

User can use Copilot hint or refuse to use it. The program is at the stage of limited technical testing, during which developers get access to the product on demand. Later, the tool will become available to everyone. Such systems can greatly facilitate the work of those who create the code. Indeed, very often programmers are forced to perform routine tasks, prescribe repetitive commands. It is important to emphasize that the purpose of such solutions is not to replace developers, but to simplify and increase their efficiency, freeing them up time for more important, complex and creative tasks." 

Nuomonė, kad visi muitai yra blogi, yra kvaila ir neproduktyvi.

 "Jie buvo veiksminga ekonominės politikos priemonė nuo JAV Respublikos pradžios. Jie gali kompensuoti nesąžiningas užsienio vyriausybių subsidijas ir pramonės politiką; nutraukti pasitikėjimą užsienio tiekėjais ir padidinti importo sąnaudas, taip skatindamos įmones sugrąžinti darbo vietas į mūsų šalį. Tiek, kiek muitai gali pakelti vartotojų kainas (dėl to jau galima diskutuoti), tai yra maža kaina, kurią reikia sumokėti, norint pasiekti tvirtą gamybos bazę ir užtikrinti prieigą prie kritinių atsargų."

The notion that all tariffs are bad is foolish and counterproductive.

"They have been an effective tool of economic policy since the beginning of the Republic. They can offset unfair subsidies by foreign governments and industrial policy; break reliance on foreign suppliers; and raise import costs, thus encouraging companies to bring jobs back to this country. To the extent that tariffs might raise consumer prices (which is itself debatable), that is a small price to pay to achieve a strong manufacturing base and secure access to critical supplies."

Nuskendęs automobilis


A drowned car

 “The owners of such cars, having washed them from dirt, and put an attractive price in the ad. They are trying to get rid of them soon. Moreover, the situation in the secondary market contributes to this: now the secondary market is in high demand, and cars are often bought almost indiscriminately. The cars of the expensive segment, affected by the flood, have already appeared even on the market. 

Buying a car that has survived the flood will turn into an additional headache for the new owner by almost 100%, car service specialists are convinced. Modern models are literally stuffed with electronics, and even a short stay of the car in the water inevitably leads to the failure of devices. Moreover, more often problems do not arise immediately, but after some time. Various systems of the machine start to "glitch" or simply stop working. It is noteworthy that during the diagnostics of the car before the purchase, everything functions normally. 

No less common in flood survivors is intense corrosion and decay of wet interior trims. In such cars, water through the breathers enters the engine, gearbox and axles. If the owner does not bother to change the oil in these units, the water-oil emulsion formed inside them can quickly disable these units and assemblies. In order not to unknowingly become a buyer of a "tainted" car, potential buyers should check the history of the car in databases before concluding a deal, or even just carefully study the Vehicle Passport. 

The vehicle registration number is indicated there, so it is not difficult to check in which region the car was parked before the sale. If a disaster has recently raged there, this is a reason, at least, to conduct a more thorough diagnosis of all nodes. Repair specialists recommend starting the study of the car from the interior, trunk and engine compartment. The easiest way to visually identify a drowned car is by traces of dirty water left in hard-to-reach places. Do not be too lazy to look into the niche where the spare wheel is located, lift the floor sheathing - there are often stains left. It is also worth checking a few wiring connectors under the hood: oxidized contacts on them are a clear sign that the car was under water. 

An indirect sign that the car has survived the flood can be the strong smell of fragrances in the cabin. In such a simple way, the serviceman notes, unscrupulous sellers are trying to kill the smell from decaying interior trim and seat padding, which are difficult to dry. The prevailing opinion that a drowned car can be recognized by traces of water left in the headlights is considered a myth by an auto mechanics. The headlights on modern cars are very sealed. Therefore, if it is in good working order, there will not be a drop of moisture inside the case, even if the car will stand under water for a week." 

Paruošta automobilių taršos mokesčio skaičiuoklė: galima pasižiūrėti, kiek teks mokėti

 "Kiek mokėsite, galite pasiskaičiuoti svetainėje su tokiu adresu:

Suvedus būtinus nurodyti parametrus (kuro tipas, automobilio eurostandartas, automobilio CO2 vertė ir pan.), skaičiuoklė pateiks palyginimą tarp planuojamų mokesčių dydžių nuo 2023 m., kai, tikėtina, mokestis pradės galioti, ir 2025 m., kai nebegalios lengvata naudotojo mokesčiui automobiliams, užregistruotiems iki 2020 m. liepos 1 d.

Mokestį sudaro du pagrindiniai elementai – išmetamas anglies dioksido kiekis, tenkantis vienam nuvažiuotam kilometrui (jis yra proporcingas kuro sąnaudoms ir atspindi automobilio variklio efektyvumą), bei automobilio eurostandartas (jis parodo automobilio taršą oro atžvilgiu ir jai mažinti skirtų technologijų pažangą). Projektas numato lengvatas daugiavaikėms šeimoms, vyresniems kaip 65 metų vairuotojams ir kitoms visuomenės grupėms. Iki 2025 m. pabaigos nustatomas pereinamasis laikotarpis visiems vairuotojams, kurie įsigijo transporto priemonę iki pirmojo taršos mokesčio 2020 m.

Sausas pusrytis - paskaičiavau - mokėsiu tiek pat, kiek vokietis, tik bėda uždirbu tris kartus mažiau nei jis. Kaip ir dauguma Lietuvos piliečių."

Ačiū liberalų ir konservų rinkėjams. Galų gale jie Lietuvą išvedė į vokiškos gerovės lygį. Liberalų ir konservų laukia vokiška gerovė, o mūsų visų - špyga taukuota. Labai lietuviška.