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2021 m. rugsėjo 20 d., pirmadienis

Markets alone will not solve our problems

"A problem of our era is there’s too little utopian thinking, but one worthy exception is Aaron Bastani’s “Fully Automated Luxury Communism,” a leftist tract that puts the technologies in development right now — artificial intelligence, renewable energy, asteroid mining, plant and cell-based meats, and genetic editing — at the center of a post-work, post-scarcity vision.

“What if everything could change?” he asks. “What if, more than simply meeting the great challenges of our time — from climate change to inequality and aging — we went far beyond them, putting today’s problems behind us like we did before with large predators and, for the most part, illness.

In a world where two-thirds of emissions are now coming from middle-income countries like China and India, the only way for humanity to both address climate change and poverty is to invent our way to clean energy that is plentiful and cheap, and then spend enough to rapidly deploy it.

Progressives will note that pharmaceutical companies pump money into me-too drugs, spend gobsmacking amounts on advertising and administration, and make billions and billions in profits. And they’re right. It’s ludicrous to say that the pharmaceutical system we have now is oriented toward innovation. It’s oriented toward profit — sometimes that intersects with innovation and sometimes it doesn’t.

Too often, though, progressives let their argument drop there. They need to take the obvious next step: We should combine price controls with new policies to encourage drug development. That could include everything from more funding of basic research to huge prizes for discovering drugs that treat particular conditions to more public funding for drug trials. Years ago, Bernie Sanders had an interesting proposal for creating a system of pharmaceutical prizes in which companies could make millions or billions for inventing drugs that cured certain conditions, and those drugs would be immediately released without exclusive patent protections.

But this is a lesson progressives are, increasingly, learning. This is clearest on climate. Much of the spending in the Biden agenda is dedicated to increasing the supply of renewable energy and advanced batteries while building the supply of carbon-neutral transportation options. Democrats have realized that markets alone will not solve the climate crisis. And the same is true for much else on the progressive docket.

“The transportation, rail, public transit, and port investments will reduce efficiency-killing frictions that keep people and goods from getting to markets as quickly as they should,” they wrote. “The child and elder care investments will boost the labor supply of caretakers. The educational investments in pre-K and community college will eventually show up as higher productivity as a result of a better-educated work force.”

A list like this could go on. It’s not clear whether it’ll be in the reconciliation bill, for instance, but Biden has proposed an expansive plan to increase housing supply in part by pushing local governments to end exclusionary zoning laws. And in California, that’s exactly what’s happening. A decade ago, progressives talked often of making housing affordable, but they didn’t talk much about increasing housing supply. Now they do. That’s progress."

In the days of Smetona, the state organized the breeding of pigs and cows and the production and sale of bacon and butter. The British bought those of our bacon and that butter and ate it, preparing breakfast scrambled eggs with them. Today's independent Lithuanian governments have not yet found such an idea. The Lithuanian elite is just running around the world, depicting very principled and like Don Quixote fighting autocrats all over the world. This should not be the only job of our government. 

2021 m. rugsėjo 19 d., sekmadienis

Trying to make good impression between illiterate rural voters, Lithuanian politicians are competing for who is more cruel to migrants

 At the same time, Lithuanian politicians feel that what they are doing is a crime against humanity and non-compliance with the law. Therefore, there is a cry about the mystical hybrid war with Belarus, travel to other European countries with demands to change EU laws. The problem is that EU laws are based on international agreements, which Lithuanian politicians have too narrow a gut to change. And when it comes to paying millions of euros in compensation to abused migrants, which the courts award to Lithuania, there is a deadly silence among Lithuanian politicians on this issue. Therefore, it is now worth remembering the most important actor of this stupidity: 

 "A couple of days ago, Asta Skaisgirytė, the president's chief adviser, began to assess the actions of the rulers on illegal migration.""From the very beginning, we saw that things were going pretty badly, but after about a month the situation improved, when decisive measures were taken after the convening of the State Defense Council and a clear conversation between the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and other ministers," - told Tuesday the chief adviser to the president, trying to add points to her boss. 

According to her, the physical barrier had to be built earlier - it was "said many times".

 The oil spilled on the red embers soon ignited. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė wrote on the social network Facebook trying to remember that "clear conversation". "Maybe I unnecessarily hope that other politicians, and especially those who speak on their behalf, will also appreciate their merits with due moderation. But I would still like to hope, "the Head of Government said. 

The Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė, who named the position of the President's adviser as a desire to "warm up in the glory achieved by others", also jumped into this debate without hesitation." 

Pataikaudami neraštingiems kaimo rinkėjams, Lietuvos politikai konkuruoja, kas žiauresnis migrantų atžvilgiu

 Kartu Lietuvos politikai jaučia, kad tai, ką jie daro yra nusikaltimas žmoniškumui ir įstatymų nesilaikymas. Todėl rėkaujama apie mistinį hibridinį karą su Baltarusija, važinėjama į kitas Europos šalis su reikalavimais keisti ES įstatymus. Problema tame, kad ES įstatymai paremti tarptutinėmis sutartimis, kurias keisti Lietuvos politikams yra pernelyg siauros žarnos. 

O kai reikia mokėti milijonus eurų kompensacijų skriaudžiamiems migrantams, kurias teismai skiria Lietuvai, tarp Lietuvos politikų nusistovi mirtina tyla šiuo klausimu. Todėl dabar verta prisiminti svarbiausias šios kvailystės veikėjas:

 "Prieš porą dienų Asta Skaisgirytė, prezidento vyriausioji patarėja, ėmėsi vertinti valdančiųjų veiksmus dėl nelegalios migracijos. „Pačioje pradžioje matėme, kad sekasi tvarkytis gana prastai, bet maždaug po mėnesio situacija pagerėjo, kai po sušauktos Valstybės gynimo tarybos ir aiškaus prezidento pokalbio su premjere, vidaus reikalų ministre ir kitais ministrais buvo imtasi ryžtingų priemonių“, – „Žinių radijui“ antradienį sakė prezidento vyriausioji patarėja, mėginusi pridėti taškų savo viršininkui.

Pasak jos, ir fizinį barjerą reikėjo statyti anksčiau – esą apie tai „buvo daug kartų pasakyta“.
Ant rusenančių žarijų užlašinta alyva netruko įsižiebti. Premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ rašė bandanti prisiminti tą „aiškų pokalbį“.

„Gal be reikalo tikiuosi, kad kiti politikai, o ypač jų vardu kalbantieji, irgi vertina savo nuopelnus su tinkamu saiku. Bet norėčiau vis dar tikėtis“, – atkirto Vyriausybės vadovė.

Neliko skolinga ir vidaus reikalų ministrė Agnė Bilotaitė, įvardijusi prezidento patarėjos poziciją kaip norą „pasišildyti kitų pasiektoje šlovėje“."

Pataikaudami neraštingiems kaimo rinkėjams, Lietuvos politikai konkuruoja, kas žiauresnis migrantų atžvilgiu



Lithuania of Landsbergiai

"XDDD - UAB" POLĖ "CEO Laima Kazanavičienė, director Address Anykščių st. 6-15, LT-35171 Panevėžys Average salary 625,28 € (July 2021) XDDDDDDDDDD" 

Landsberginė Lietuva


2021 m. rugsėjo 18 d., šeštadienis

What is the current Lithuanian government doing?

 Stealing European Union money and, to distract attention, shouting about freedom to use marijuana is a short recipe for liberal and conservative rule in Lithuania.

Ką daro šiandieninė Lietuvos valdžia?

Vogti Europos Sąjungos pinigus, ir, nukreipiant dėmesį, šūkauti apie laisvę vartoti marihuaną- štai trumpas liberalų ir konservatorių valdžios receptas.