"Although the salary limits for junior researchers have been increased by 35% since 1 January this year, salaries remain insufficiently competitive. Research talent is leaving Lithuania. Additional funding is needed to retain and attract them to Lithuania, and to ensure a motivating salary."
2021 m. gegužės 13 d., ketvirtadienis
Let's go, Juozai, from here ...
Why don't we have decent science in Lithuania?
Their explanations of the situation are too complex. In reality, the bribed Lithuanian government (Eligijau Masiuli, where are you? Not yet in prison?) serves primitive and greedy Lithuanian privatizers who do not know anything serious themselves, and don't need science. Therefore, the Lithuanian government doesn't need science. These predators will suck the last juices out of Lithuania, and take everything abroad (Numa-Numavičiau, where are you? In the UK?). They will leave us on the ropes.
Ideas of Lithuanian industrial confederations and all kinds of carriers' associations
Aušra Maldeikienė, Member of the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Substitute Member of the Committee on Budgets and economist:
"Well, though, kill me, over the years, when I listen intently to the so-called social partners, I haven't heard them try to present their wishes and ideas at least through the prism of the common good. The languages of all those industrial confederations and carriers' associations is the same: lower taxes and increase support from the budget. At whose expense? So it is clear that at expense of those who work in the public sector - teachers, doctors, nurses, civil servants, officials, etc. "
Lietuvos pramonininkų konfederacijų ir visokių vežėjų asociacijų kalbos
Europos Parlamento Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto narė bei Biudžeto komiteto pavaduojančia narė ir ekonomistė Aušra Maldeikienė:
"Na, nors užmuškite, per ilgus metus, kai įdėmiai klausau vadinamųjų socialinių partnerių, neteko girdėti, jog jie pasistengtų savo pageidavimus ir idėjas bent jau bandyti pateikti per bendrojo gėrio prizmę. Visų tų pramonininkų konfederacijų ir visokių vežėjų asociacijų kalbos vienodos: mažinkit mokesčius ir didinkit paramą iš biudžeto. Kieno sąskaita? Taigi aišku, tų, kurie dirba viešajame sektoriuje – mokytojų, gydytojų, slaugių, valstybės tarnautojų, pareigūnų ir t.t."
Lithuanian renovation of buildings is a deception of people and destruction of the quality of buildings, says the Minister
"The Lithuanian Minister of the Environment stressed that the problem is the cheapest price criteria still prevailing in the construction sector." Basically, we should talk about an important aspect - we still buy renovation works on the cheapest price criteria and do not attract innovation, and competent professionals, which poisons the whole renovation campaign. We have to admit that if residents want the walls of the house not to get moldy after 5 years, we have to build with quality builders and materials. It is an illusion that we will have the best result at the cheapest price, so as the tenders are organized at the cheapest price, a shit on the stick is received, because there are no more high-quality and cheap builders in Lithuania," he emphasized."
If you can still stop the renovation project you are involved in - now is the time. It is worth waiting for Lithuania to leave the stage of the Republic of Thieves.