2021 m. balandžio 30 d., penktadienis
Komunizmas susijungė su kapitalizmu ir puikiai jaučiasi mūsų dienomis
"Rinkos kapitalizmo priešprieša valstybiniam socializmui ir komunizmui buvo pagrindinis konfliktas 20-ojo amžiaus politinėje ekonomikoje. Tačiau, kaip ir daugelis ekonomikos ir politikos teorijų, šis ilgalaikis galimybių apibrėžimo modelis - laisvosios rinkos ir "komandinės ekonomikos" - negali išgyventi šiandieninės Kinijos valstybės atvejo.
Kapitalizmas ir komunizmas, priešpastatomos ideologijos, pasirodo esančios suderinamos realiame pasaulyje. Ir galbūt konceptuali opozicija žlunga ir Vakaruose, nes kapitalizmas prabunda ir sportinių batelių reklama tampa neatskiriama nuo kairiosios JAV kongreso narės AOC kampanijos medžiagos, išskyrus jų gamybos vertes.
Mūsų žinomas „kairumas“ išsikristalizavo XIX amžiuje, daugiausia globojamas marksizmo, kuris apibūdino kapitalizmą, kaip išnaudotojišką ir žudikišką ideologiją, kuri dievino godumą. Kairiųjų sprendimas, kurį išreiškė Karlas Marxas ir Friedrichas Engelsas „Komunistų manifeste“, buvo vyriausybės kontroliuojama ekonomika pagal „proletariato diktatūrą“.
Tačiau pasirodė, kad diktatoriai yra žmonės, o ne abstrakti istorinė jėga, todėl vis dėlto tai nebuvo žmogaus godumo problemos sprendimas. Visos gamybos, žemės ūkio ir prekybos perdavimas komunistų partijai paprasčiausiai reiškė sutelkti visus turtus ir valdžią keliose rankose. Pavyzdžiui, sovietų vyriausybė pavirto naują oligarchija. Sovietinė oligarchija buvo šiek tiek veiksmingesnė už carinę aristokratiją, kurią ji pakeitė. Bet ji nepakankamai ar nepakankamai greitai išmoko iš konkurentų kapitalistų. Baisiai prastai reklamavo sovietų tvarką. Daugelis Vakarų analitikų padarė išvadą, kad komandinė ekonomika neveikia, kad atstumas tarp vyriausybės biurokratijos ir realių sandorių privertė ekonomiką nereaguoti į besikeičiančias sąlygas, negalėjo pasinaudoti galimybėmis ir negalėjo aprūpinti savo gyventojų tuo, ko jiems iš tikrųjų reikėjo.
Xi Jinpingo Kinija teigia, kad tokios išvados buvo per ankstyvos. Ne todėl, kad Kinija neturi savo sovietinio stiliaus problemų, tačiau ji jas nugalėjo taip, kaip sovietai niekada nepajėgė. Kinijos komunistų partija yra susirūpinusi ir dėl ekonomikos augimo, ir dėl savo gyventojų kontrolės. Jai sekasi abiejuose darbuose. Bet kur ji patenka, į kairįjį ir dešinįjį spektrą? Tai atsispindi visame dalyke: tai komunistinis kapitalizmas ar kapitalistinis komunizmas.
Jei Kinijos komunistai pasisavino kapitalizmą, Vakarų „pažadintame kapitalizme“ kapitalistai pasisavino socializmą. Tai taikoma tiek įmonių viduje, nes įmonės orientuojasi į savo darbuotojų ideologinį perauklėjimą, rengiant įvairovės mokymus ir panašiai, tiek išoriškai, nes šios įmonės nenumaldomai, jei neįtikėtinai, vaizduoja save kaip egalitarinės ateities agentus. Nauji rinkėjų įstatymai Džordžijoje (JAV) kristų ne dėl Teisingumo departamento ar teismų, o dėl „Major League Baseball“, „Delta Airlines“ ir „Coca-Cola“ iššūkių, kurios vienu metu veikia, kaip pelno siekiančios kompanijos ir kaip politinės organizacijos. Greičiau, kaip mini-Kinijos.
Pažadintas kapitalizmas greičiausiai yra etapas ir jis išnyks, jei nustos padėti, kaupiant turtus. Tačiau Kinija pateikia ilgalaikiškesnį ir pasaulinės istorijos iššūkį mūsų istorijos supratimui. Galbūt Šaltasis karas baigėsi ne kapitalizmo pergale prieš komunizmą, bet jų susijungimu “[1].
Lietuvoje trys raganos, Šimonytė, Čmilytė-Nielsen ir Armonaitė, bei vaiduoklis, Landsbergio anūkas, vadovauja tam „pažadintam kapitalui“. Realiai tai yra lietuviška kiniško komunizmo atmaina. Jų siekis - visapusiškai kontroliuoti mūsų gyvenimą, kaip tai daro Kinija. Kvaili būsime, jei neseniai ištrūkę iš sovietinių komunistų jungo, pasiduosime naujųjų komunistų kontrolei.
1.'Woke' Corporations Use the Chinese Model
Sartwell, Crispin. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]27 Apr 2021: A.15.
Communism merged with capitalism and feels great today
"The opposition of market capitalism to state-oriented socialism and communism was the basic conflict in 20th-century political economy. But like many an economic and political theory, this durable model for delineating the possibilities -- free markets vs. a "command economy" -- cannot survive today's Chinese state.
Capitalism and communism, opposed in ideology, turn out to be compatible in the real world. And perhaps the conceptual opposition is also collapsing in the West, as capitalism goes woke and sneaker commercials become indistinguishable from AOC campaign materials except by their production values.
"Leftism" as we know it crystallized in the 19th century largely under the aegis of Marxism, which described capitalism as an exploitative and murderous ideology that lionized greed. Leftists' solution, as expressed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels's "The Communist Manifesto," was government control of the economy under the "dictatorship of the proletariat."
But the dictators turned out to be people rather than an abstract historical force, so it wasn't a solution to human greed after all. Turning over all manufacturing and agriculture and trade to the party simply meant concentrating all the wealth and power in a few hands. It made the Soviet government, for example, a new oligarchy.
The Soviet oligarchy was little more effective than the czarist aristocracy it replaced. It didn't learn enough, or quickly enough, from its capitalist rivals. It was terrible at marketing itself. Many Western analysts concluded that a command economy was unworkable, that the distance between government bureaucracy and real transactions made the economy unresponsive to changing conditions, unable to take advantage of opportunities, and unable to supply its population with what it actually needed.
Xi Jinping's China suggests that such conclusions were premature. Not that China doesn't have its own Soviet-style problems, but it has powered through them as the Soviets never could. The Chinese Communist Party is preoccupied with both economic growth and control of its population. It is succeeding at both. But where does it fall on the left-right spectrum? It reclines across the whole thing: It's communist capitalism or capitalist communism.
If China's communists have appropriated capitalism, in "woke capitalism" the capitalists have appropriated socialism. This is applied both internally, as companies focus on the ideological re-education of their employees with diversity training and the like, and externally, as those companies relentlessly if implausibly portray themselves as the agents of an egalitarian future. The new voter laws in Georgia will fall, if they do, to challenges not from the Justice Department or the courts, but from Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola, which operate at once as profit-making concerns and political organizations. Rather like mini-Chinas.
Woke capitalism is likely a phase, and it will fade if it stops working on the bottom line. But China presents a more enduring and world-historical challenge to our understanding of history. Perhaps the Cold War ended not with the victory of capitalism over communism, but with their merger." [1]
In Lithuania, three witches, Šimonytė, Čmilytė-Nielsen and Armonaitė, and a ghost, grandson of Landsbergis, lead this "awakened capital". In reality, it is a Lithuanian variant of Chinese communism. Their goal is to have complete control over our lives as China does. We will be foolish if, having recently escaped the yoke of Soviet communists, we surrender to the control of the new communists.
1.'Woke' Corporations Use the Chinese Model
Sartwell, Crispin. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]27 Apr 2021: A.15.
2021 m. balandžio 29 d., ketvirtadienis
Mes ėdame koldūnus ir didžiuojamės, kad esame Rusijos, Lenkijos, Latvijos ir Baltarusijos priešai
Tai ir viskas, ką turime Lietuvoje - prašvinkę koldūnai ir totali priešų apsuptis.
Latvija tyliai prekiauja baltarusiško Astravo elektra. O Lietuvos valdžia stengiasi ir daro viską, kad Baltarusijoje prasidėtų ekonominė suirutė, kiltų Maidanas, tekėtų kraujo upės. Braliukai latviai tam trukdo. Tai kaip čia taip, a braliukai?
2021 m. balandžio 28 d., trečiadienis
2021 m. balandžio 27 d., antradienis
2021 m. balandžio 25 d., sekmadienis
Radioaktyvus cezis-137 iš Černobylio Vokietijoje ir Lietuvoje
Radioactive cesium-137 from Chernobyl in Germany and Lithuania
We know a little about this pollution in Lithuania as well:
"Radioactive clouds passed over Lithuania in the first days after the accident, leaving significant precipitation of radioactive materials in the south-western and western part of the country: Varėna, Alytus and other southern and southwestern districts of Lithuania and Neringa and Klaipėda districts in the western part of the country.
Relatively large amounts of long-lived radioactive cesium Cs (up to 18.5 kBq m) have spread in these regions of the country, traces of which have been detected in soil, forest mushrooms and berries to date. This is because radioactive cesium Cs is constantly circulating in the forest ecosystem and is not removed from it for a long time. Contamination of forest wood, mushrooms, berries and game with cesium radionuclides remains dangerous for a long time, especially where the density of precipitation was high."
2021 m. balandžio 24 d., šeštadienis
Vienas iš pigesnių būdų, kaip sukurti vandenilio ekonomikos ateitį
"Japonijos technologija SPERA įveikia daugelį būdingų vandenilio suskystinimo trūkumų, susijusių su vandenilio dujų suspaudimu arba atšaldymu iki kriogeninės temperatūros - tai brangus, daug energijos reikalaujantis procesas. Vietoj to, SPERA procesas apima vandenilio dujų fiksavimą prie bendro naftos produkto tolueno aplinkos temperatūroje. Iš jo gaunamas metilcikloheksanas, kaip stabilus skystis, kurį galima transportuoti dideliais kiekiais, naudojant įprastus naftos tanklaivius. Paskirties vietoje metilcikloheksanas ilgą laiką gali būti laikomas standartinėse talpyklose, o prireikus vandenilis efektyviai atskiriamas nuo toluolo, naudojant „Chiyoda“ dehidrinimo katalizatorių, toluolas surenkamas pakartotiniam naudojimui ir gabenamas atgal į hidrinimo įrenginį, o vandenilis pristatomas naudoti paskirties vietoje.
Kurdami šį katalizatorių, „Chiyoda“ tyrėjai eksperimentavo su vis smulkesnėmis platinos dalelėmis. „Maždaug 1 nanometro dydžio - artėjant prie dydžio, lygaus vos kelioms metilcikloheksano molekulėms - pasiekėme katalizinio aktyvumo šuolį“, - sako Okada. "Tai viską pakeitė ir atvėrė naują katalizatoriaus chemijos erą".
2011 m. „Chiyoda“ pradėjo masiškai gaminti savo nanometrinį metilcikloheksano dehidrinimo katalizatorių ir 2014 m. demonstravo technologiją bandomojoje gamykloje. „Chiyoda“ metilcikloheksano technologija, pavadinta SPERA lotyniško „vilties“ pavadinimu, artėjo prie komercinės tikrovės. Liko tik parodyti visišką tarptautinę tiekimo grandinę.
2020 m. balandžio mėn. „Chiyoda“, bendradarbiaudama su „Mitsubishi Corporation“, „Mitsui & Co., Ltd.“ ir „NYK Line“, pademonstravo pirmąją pasaulyje pasaulinę vandenilio tiekimo grandinę, sėkmingai perveždama Brunejaus Darusalame gaminamą metilcikloheksaną į Kawasaki naftos perdirbimo gamyklą Japonijoje. "[1]
Rusai, turintys sutvarkytą naftos eksporto sistemą, gali panaudoti šią technologiją, kad parduotų saulės ir vėjo energijos generuotą vandenilį Europai ir Kinijai.
1. A final link in the global hydrogen supply chain. 24 Mar 2021, Nature, Volume 591 Issue 7851
One of the cheaper ways to build the future of the hydrogen economy
"Japanese technology SPERA overcomes many of the intrinsic drawbacks of liquefying hydrogen, which involves compressing or chilling hydrogen gas to cryogenic temperatures — an expensive, energy-intensive process. Instead, the SPERA process involves fixing hydrogen gas to the common petroleum product toluene at ambient temperature. It produces methylcyclohexane as a stable liquid, which can be transported in large volumes using conventional petroleum tankers. At the destination, the methylcyclohexane can be stored in standard tanks for long periods, and when needed, the hydrogen is efficiently separated from the toluene using Chiyoda’s dehydrogenation catalyst. The toluene is recovered for reuse and shipped back to the hydrogenation plant, and the hydrogen is delivered for use at the destination.
Researchers at Chiyoda experimented with finer and finer platinum particles. “At around 1 nanometre — approaching just a few methylcyclohexane molecules in size — we achieved a jump in catalytic activity performance,” says Okada. “That changed everything and opened a new era in catalyst chemistry.”
In 2011, Chiyoda started mass producing their nanoscale methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation catalyst and demonstrated the technology in a pilot plant in 2014. Named SPERA after the Latin for ‘hope’, Chiyoda’s methylcyclohexane technology was inching closer to commercial reality. All that remained was to demonstrate an end-to-end international supply chain.
In April 2020, Chiyoda, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and NYK Line, demonstrated the world’s first end-to-end global hydrogen supply chain, successfully transporting methylcyclohexane produced in Brunei Darussalam to a refinery in Kawasaki, Japan." [1]
Russians with a streamlined oil export system can use this technology to sell solar and wind energy-generated hydrogen to Europe and China.
1. A final link in the global hydrogen supply chain. 24 Mar 2021, Nature, Volume 591 Issue 7851
Rusai užverbavo karalienę Mortą
To dėka karalienė Morta perdavė rusams duomenis apie Gabrieliaus Landsbergio lytinių organų dydį. Pasirodo, kad jie yra neįtikėtinai maži, todėl jo elgesys yra toks moteriškas.
Oh, why are we so poor in today's Lithuania?
It must be admitted that the one thousand euros a month earned in Vilnius is also incompatible with high, European level, Lithuanian prices. It is necessary to either emigrate or change the order in Lithuania fundamentally.
Oi kodėl taip skurdžiai Lietuvoje gyvenam?
"2020 m. pabaigoje vidutinė alga Lazdijų rajone siekė vos 752,90 euro „į rankas“, klestinčiame Druskininkų kurorte – dar mažiau, vos 729,30 euro, Varėnos rajone – 709,6. Vilniečių vidutinė alga tuo pat metu pasiekė 1 082,30 euro ir atotrūkis nuo provincijos vis didėjo.
Net ir atokiausiuose Lietuvos pakraščiuose esu sutikęs puikių verslininkų, kuriems jų darbuotojai yra tarsi šeimos nariai. Ir ne ta prasme, kad kišasi į jų privatų gyvenimą ir nemoka priedų už viršvalandžius. Deja, jų pavyzdžiai neįkvepia keistis didžiosios dalies smulkių darbdavių, atsinešusių įpročius iš laukinių 90-ųjų ir dar ankstesnių laikų. Jų versliukai gyvuoja tik todėl, kad dar nebaigė griūti sovietmečio pabaigoje privatizuoti statiniai, o kelis dešimtmečius už minimalias algas vergavę samdiniai įprato būti engiami ir tetrokšta kaip nors iškęsti iki pensijos. Profesinės sąjungos atokiau nuo didžiųjų miestų niekada taip ir nebandė plėsti savo veiklos, o vietiniai partijų skyriai, nesvarbu, ar jos vadintųsi kairiosiomis, ar dešiniosiomis, tėra tris dešimtmečius įtakos neprarandančių vietos verslininkų būreliai. Pritraukti į regioną naujų investuotojų jiems paprasčiausiai nenaudinga, nes tai gali padidinti darbo jėgos kainą."
Reikia pripažinti, kad tas tūkstantis eurų per mėnesį, uždirbamas Vilniuje, irgi nesiderina su didelėmis, europietiškomis, Lietuvos kainomis. Reikia arba emigruoti, arba keisti tvarką Lietuvoje iš esmės.
Net dirbdami Vakaruose, mes prarandame 14 000 dolerių vertės atlyginimo per metus dalį dėl monopsonijos
Lietuvoje monopsonija neaptariama, bet darbdaviai ja naudojasi be sąžinės graužimo.
Even working in the West, we lose part of the salary equal $ 14,000 a year due to monopsony
"Marshallian economics was a realm of beautiful symmetries. Supply and demand naturally reached an equilibrium, and workers were paid the precise value of what they contributed to production. So long as companies had to compete on the price and quality of their goods, consumers could force producers to make improvements by purchasing cheaper, superior goods from their competitors. The market would respond to consumers and the wealth of society would increase.
The snake to this Eden was monopoly. If a single producer captured enough market share, it could immunize itself from competition and force consumers to respond to its preferences — higher prices, inferior quality, suppressed innovation. Marshall recognized that most markets were not perfectly competitive. But like other thinkers of his day, he believed that these were passing flaws and that markets had a natural tendency toward competition. The market was almost always improving itself of its own accord; only conditions of pure monopoly could impede this progressive trend.
Economist Robinson turned Marshall’s framework on its head. Competition, she argued in her landmark 1933 book, “The Economics of Imperfect Competition,” wasn’t an on-off switch between pure monopoly and pure competition. A competitive market was not the normal state of affairs — it was a rare “special case.” Markets typically reached a state of “equilibrium” in which Marshall’s progressive improvements halted while exhibiting many of the flaws of a monopoly regime.
The most potent arrow in Robinson’s conceptual quiver was a new idea she called “monopsony.” A monopoly had always been understood to involve a single seller forcing its prices on powerless buyers, like the U.S. oil industry at the turn of the century. But buyers, Robinson observed, could enjoy the forbidden fruits of imperfect competition as well: If only one buyer for a good existed, then that buyer could dictate its price, no matter how many sellers might be competing for its purchases. This was monopsony.
Crucially, Robinson argued that workers, as sellers of their own labor, almost always faced monopsonistic exploitation from employers, the buyers of their labor. This technical point had a political edge: According to Robinson, workers were being chronically underpaid, even by the standards of fairness devised by the high priests of the free market.
Under classical conceptions of monopoly, economists and lawyers often interpreted labor unions as unfair barriers to competition. Instead of allowing employers to freely compete for individual workers, their reasoning went, unions forced them to negotiate with a cartel. In the 1920s, an influential Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, declared that the entire function of labor unions was to prevent fair competition for wages through the threat of “primitive violence” against strikebreakers.
But under Robinson’s framework, it was not unions that created competition problems in the market for labor; instead, labor markets were anti-competitive by their very nature, except in rare, special cases. In effect, she had reimagined competition policy as a labor-rights issue. The problems she exposed were not the excesses of a few over-the-top corporate behemoths, resolved with a few breakups and spinoffs. Monopsony, Robinson’s argued, is endemic to the labor market and demands an ongoing regulatory response throughout the economy.
A growing body of empirical literature indicates that Robinson’s conceptual insights were correct: Intensifying corporate concentration has suppressed worker wages over the past quarter-century. Imperfect competition is not only real but also appears to be intensifying. The economist Simcha Barkai pegs the figure at about $14,000 a year in lost wages for the typical worker.
The conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh cited “monopsony” in a 2019 ruling against Apple; a recent investigation by House Democrats concluded that Amazon deploys monopsony power and that its warehouses tend “to depress wages” for warehouse and logistics workers when they enter a local market. In an era of historically weak organized labor and the accelerating concentration of job opportunities in a few big cities, much of the country faces a decline in potential buyers of labor and limited opportunities for redress through collective bargaining."
In Lithuania, monopsony is not discussed, but employers use it without remorse.
2021 m. balandžio 23 d., penktadienis
Putinas ir toliau naudojasi pavydėtinais teigiamais reitingais
"Net krintant pragyvenimo lygiui, Vakarų sankcijoms ir Rusijos valdžios pažadams uždrausti Vakarų socialinius tinklus, tokius kaip" Twitter "ir" TikTok ", p. Putinas ir toliau naudojasi pavydėtinais teigiamais reitingais. Sociologai sako, kad nedaugelis gali jausti gilų palaikymą p. Putinui, Kremliui. ir toliau gali tikėtis, kad teigiami reitingai bus maždaug 60%. „Yra momentas, kai populiarumas toliau nesumažės“, - sakė Levas Gudkovas, nepriklausomos rinkimų organizacijos „Levada Center“ vadovas. “[1]
1. 1.World News: Putin Retains Popularity Despite Wave of Protests --- Navalny's high-profile opposition does little to shake Russian's faith in longtime president
Grove, Thomas. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]21 Apr 2021: A.9.
Mr. Putin continues to enjoy enviable approval ratings
"Even amid falling living standards, Western sanctions and promises from Russian authorities to ban Western social networks such as Twitter and TikTok, Mr. Putin continues to enjoy enviable approval ratings. Sociologists say while few may feel deep support for Mr. Putin, the Kremlin can continue to count on approval ratings of around 60%.
"There's a point at which popularity won't fall any further," said Lev Gudkov, head of independent polling organization Levada Center." [1]
1. 1.World News: Putin Retains Popularity Despite Wave of Protests --- Navalny's high-profile opposition does little to shake Russian's faith in longtime president
Grove, Thomas. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]21 Apr 2021: A.9.
Laikas ir Lietuvai sumažinti bereikalinga didžiules išlaidas ginklams
"Nedaugelis žiniasklaidos priemonių pastebėjo, tačiau JAV Baltieji rūmai siūlo fiskalinį 2022 m. Pentagono biudžetą, kurio vertė yra 715 mlrd. dolerių. Tai padidėjo 1,6 proc., Palyginti su 2021 m. 704 mlrd. Ne gynybos vidaus išlaidos padidės 16 proc., švietimo departamento - padidės 41 proc., sveikatos ir žmogiškųjų paslaugų - 23 proc., o plinkos apsaugos agentūroz- 21 proc. Ponui Bidenui pasiūlius atskirą 2,3 trln. dolerių „infrastruktūrai“, jūs manote, kad Pentagonas bus įtrauktas. Orlaiviai ir jūrų laivai yra labiau pateisinami, kaip viešieji darbai, o ne subsidijos „Teslų“ pirkimui. Ponas Bidenas sąmoningai pareiškia apie savo partijos politinius prioritetus: sviestas ir daugiau sviesto, bet ginklams mažiau “[1].
1. Biden's Defense Budget Squeeze
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]19 Apr 2021: A.16.
It is time also for Lithuania to reduce unnecessary huge spending on weapons
"Few in the media have noticed, but the White House is proposing a fiscal 2022 Pentagon budget of $715 billion. That's a 1.6% increase from 2021's $704 billion, but it's a cut in the military's spending power assuming likely inflation of more than 2%. Non-defense domestic discretionary spending will surge 16%, with the Education Department rising 41%, Health and Human Services 23% and the Environmental Protection Agency 21%.
With Mr. Biden proposing a separate $2.3 trillion for "infrastructure," you'd think the Pentagon would be included. Aircraft and naval ships are certainly more justified as public works than subsidies to buy Teslas. Mr. Biden is making a conscious statement about his party's political priorities: butter and more butter, but less for guns." [1]
1. 1. Biden's Defense Budget Squeeze
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]19 Apr 2021: A.16.
2021 m. balandžio 21 d., trečiadienis
Plepūs italai nemoka vogti
Tai teigia konservatorių/liberalų Vyriausybės Lietuvoje ministrė Gintarė Skaistė. Girdi, plepūs italai bandė pavogti Europos Sąjungos dalijamus milijardus eurų, bet išplepėjo, todėl Italijos vyriausybė krito. Anot ministrės, konservatorių/liberalų Vyriausybė Lietuvoje nori ir tuos milijardus eurų išvogti, ir valdžioje likti, todėl daro tai su lietuvišku sumanumu: dalinasi milijardus eurų slaptai.
Daug, labai daug gražių ir labai brangių automobilių tuoj bus statomi Vilniaus gatvėse. Moka žmonės gyventi...
„Tu gyveni tik vieną kartą“
Lietuvos darbdaviai pasinaudojo korumpuotais socdemais ir kitais politikais, kad atimti iš dirbančiųjų keturias darbdavio apmokamas atostogų dienas paskutinio Darbo kodekso priėmimo metu. Tai kvailiausias sprendimas, jei tikėtis išsaugoti gabiausius jaunus dirbančiuosius Lietuvoje. Socdemai daugiau niekada nepateks į valdžią. Lietuvos darbdaviai niekada neturės gabios ir veržlios darbo jėgos, reikalingos, kad praturtėti be korupcijos.
"You only live once"
"If this movement has a rallying cry, it’s “YOLO” — “you only live once.” Fearful of an exodus, employers are trying to boost morale and prevent burnout. LinkedIn recently gave the majority of its employees a paid week off, while Twitter employees have been given an extra day off per month to recharge under a program called #DayofRest. Credit Suisse gave its junior bankers $20,000 “lifestyle allowances,” while Houlihan Lokey, another Wall Street firm, gave many of its employees all-expenses-paid vacations.
Raises and time off may persuade some employees to stay put. But for others, stasis is the problem, and the only solution is radical change.
“It feels like we’ve been so locked into careers for the past decade, and this is our opportunity to switch it up,” said Nate Moseley, 29, a buyer at a major clothing retailer.
Disillusioned workers with money to spare have always gone soul-searching. And it’s possible that some of these YOLOers will end up back in stable jobs if they spend through their savings, or their new ventures fizzle. But a daredevil spirit seems to be infecting even the kinds of risk-averse overachievers who typically cling to the career ladder.
In part, that’s because more people than ever can afford to take a risk these days. Stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment benefits and a stock market boom have given many workers bigger safety nets. Many sectors now face severe labor shortages, meaning that workers in those fields can easily find new jobs if they need them. (Not all of these are high tech; many restaurants and trucking companies, for example, are struggling to fill open jobs.) U.S. job openings rose to a two-year high in February, and economists and business owners expect more turnover in the months ahead, as workers who stayed put during the pandemic start emerging from their bunkers.
But many of these decisions seem related to a deeper, generational disillusionment, and a feeling that the economy is changing in ways that reward the crazy and punish the cautious.
Several people in their late 20s and early 30s — mostly those who went to good schools, work in high-prestige industries and would never be classified as “essential workers” — told me that the pandemic had destroyed their faith in the traditional white-collar career path. They had watched their independent-minded peers getting rich by joining start-ups or gambling on cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, their bosses were drowning them in mundane work, or trying to automate their jobs, and were generally failing to support them during one of the hardest years of their lives."
Lithuanian employers took advantage of corrupt Social - democratic party and other politicians to deprive employees of four days of employer-paid leave at the time of the last adoption of the Labor Code. This is the stupidest decision if you expect to keep the most talented young workers in Lithuania. The Social - democratic party will never come to power again. Lithuanian employers will never have the talented and energetic workforce needed to get rich without corruption.
2021 m. balandžio 20 d., antradienis
All the money we earn in Lithuania is stolen - there is nothing left for investment
"Today, the Lithuanian economy needs more investment. Historically, Lithuania was only 14 among the EU countries in terms of the ratio of investments to GDP. Larger investments would at least equalize the growth rates of labor costs with the growth rates of labor productivity, ”notes LPK economist-analyst Titas Budreika.