
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. rugpjūčio 9 d., penktadienis

Artūras Zuokas, chairman of the "Freedom and Justice" party: A letter to Lithuania, driven into fear and ruled by the "Euro-tits" army (Part I)




"We live in an interesting and turbulent time. Each of us has something to be happy and proud of - our achievements, our children's and Lithuania's achievements. And all these achievements belong primarily to a working and creative Lithuania. But accept that something is wrong in our country - we have started to use the word too often in our lives: fear. And I'm not only talking about the fear that Rev. Richard Doveika spoke about.




The current government is responsible for this. First of all, for the fact that in the last four years, it not only opposed the public and incited panic. This government has created an unprecedented party bureaucracy and a chain of middlemen, which ... without participating in elections, always wins them. I will explain why.




Civil servants are the backbone of the state. Unfortunately, they can no longer work normally, because the party bureaucracy simply does not allow them - it has formed its army of bureaucrats from party friends, its own public institutions and all kinds of experts and consultants, who simply suck hundreds of millions of euros every year from Lithuania, which earns that money.




The army of "Euro-sucking" still manages to call us, the working people of Lithuania, by a humiliating name - "animal farm". Those who get up early every morning, take risks every day, work to support their families, pay salaries to their employees and taxes to the state, and are constantly threatened with new taxes. 



Need money for defense? What is the first proposal of the Conservatives? After all, we will take extra from artists, hairdressers, drivers, waiters or small farmers... It is not surprising - after all, we, the government's so-called "livestock farm", are not represented in the Seimas.




Recently, at the invitation of the mayor of Kaunas, I participated in the beginning of the construction of a new bridge over the river Nemunas. The price of the bridge is over 100 million euros. (By the way, two polyclinics, schools, a sports arena, pedestrian bridges to Santakas, a science museum are currently being built in Kaunas). I ask the mayor where the money comes from... The mayor answers: "I did the same thing you once did in Vilnius: I fired the municipal companies, the idle conservatives and their friends - about 400 party bureaucrats." We are saving 20 million euros, which we are now allocating to the city." During my first term as mayor of Vilnius, I reduced the army in party buildings from 1,248 to 641, and moved the entire administration into one new building. The saved money was allocated to the city and the people of Vilnius, and then not only the streets were repaired, but the city was also built.




What do we have now? At the moment, there are again more than 1102 employees in the Vilnius municipality! The conservatives, together with the coalition partners, established various mediators, such as VŠĮ "Go Vilnius", VšĮ "Vilniaus naktinis biuras", etc. i.e., they employed their "party flappers" in them, and they additionally buy various "consultations", "experts" and advice or studies for tens of millions of euros. And so for 40 million euros.




The inactivity of the leaders of the Kaunas Conservative Party has moved to Vilnius, and from here the inactivity and money-sucking is spreading like the COVID virus throughout Lithuania: the same is happening at ministries and state-run institutions.




Let's take the Central Bank of Lithuania and compare it with the Swedish Central Bank. Sweden has its own currency, conducts an independent monetary policy, manages large international banks, and the bank has 480 employees. The Central Bank of Lithuania has 717 employees! Apparently it works well... That's why we have the most expensive loans and services in the EU, the worst access to business and home loans, the least competition and a drastically shrinking ATM network. And the representative of the Bank of Lithuania explains on television that there is really no need to make borrowing easier for those who want to buy their own home, let them pay higher interest rates. A young person is left to live with the fear that they will never be able to buy their own home.




Not to mention, this party bureaucracy diligently creates rules and prohibitions. Those rules and restrictions are such that each of us always lives in fear, because in fact we are always violators, it is only up to the party bureaucrats when they will apply the punishment to each of us. And what do you think, how much does one Lithuanian person who actually works and creates production, competes in the market every day, gives money to those who control him, supervise him, explain how to work, what to do and what not to do? You won't believe it - for 3 thousand euros per year! So, if it were not for the expenses of the party bureaucracy and "euro suckers", pensions in Lithuania could reach 1,000 euros per month a long time ago. This is the commitment of "Freedom and Justice". The fear of seniors that there will be no money left for bread after paying for medicine must disappear together with the current government of "euro suckers". For Lithuania without fear!"

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