
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., ketvirtadienis

Foolish Idea: Registration opens for Day X Prep and Drone Operator Courses


Due to the common market, our prices have been equalized with the prices of Western countries. We are not a cheap country anymore. We do not have and will not have good professionals. Therefore, we cannot compete in terms of quality. Bankruptcy. What are we doing? We are playing nuclear war with NATO involvement, hoping that everyone will die and we won't have to bother anymore. Idiots.




 "Registration for the preparation day "X" and drone operator courses starts from Thursday.




 You can register for the Day X preparation course, which is aimed at strengthening the public's civil resistance skills, on the website of the Department of Mobilization and Civil Resistance.




 The new system of preparation for civil resistance consists of three stages.




 One of them is the basic course, which takes place on the remote training platform "Mobilization School".




 The Ministry plans that about 33,000 citizens will take basic courses this year, and about 50,000 next year.




 The next phase is hybrid threat resilience training. According to the ministry, this course will be offered in 8 hours. more than 50 persons will participate in theoretical trainings that last at the same time. This part is intended to provide theoretical knowledge and strengthen the resilience of society.




 The last is a practical skills course module focused on self-survival and the skills necessary to help others in the event of war. The practical training will last about 8-9 hours and will be attended by up to 30 participants at a time.




 About 800 people are expected to take the hybrid threat resistance course this year, and by 2025 – 2,000 citizens, practical skills module this year – 400, next year – 1,000 citizens.




 The training is planned to start in September and will usually take place on Saturdays.




 Registration for drone operator courses will also open from Thursday, which will be open to anyone interested in gaining basic drone control skills.




 Drone operator courses at the Military Academy will start from September.




 Upon completion, graduates will receive an A1/A3 license and basic drone piloting skills."


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