
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. liepos 19 d., penktadienis

Putin Counted on Waning U.S. Interest in Ukraine. It Might Be a Winning Bet

"Mr. Trump, in his speech Thursday, offered no details about how he would end “the horrible conflict with Russia in Ukraine.” But he did say the globe was “teetering on the edge of World War III,” echoing Mr. Putin’s warnings that the Ukraine conflict was spiraling into a military conflict between Russia and NATO." [1]

The New York Times said in another place that Mr. Biden is so closely monitoring how corrupt Zelenski's people are using Western weapons and Western information provided by satellites, that makes us all safe from dying in a nuclear war. That mostly sleeping all the time Mr. Biden can monitor some corrupt people in Eastern Europe, people that are inclined to steal and take bribes every day, is not convincing. We don't feel safe.  Mr. Trump is right.

1. Putin Counted on Waning U.S. Interest in Ukraine. It Might Be a Winning Bet.: news analysis. Troianovski, Anton.  New York Times (Online) New York Times Company. Jul 19, 2024.

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