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2024 m. liepos 20 d., šeštadienis

EU Leader Wins a Second Term --- Pro-conflict von der Leyen's confirmation sets EU for huge humiliation

French Macron and Germany's Scholz are weak leaders. So von der Leyen might be seen as running the show, like in the story of, dangerous for competitiveness of the German and French car industry, increased custom duties on Chinese cars.  If, as expected, D. Trump will become America's president again, and establishes peace in Ukraine, EU will be seen as incompetent and loud magpie changing nothing.

 "Von der Leyen's critics charge that her green policies are hurting Europe's economy, that she has expanded EU powers too broadly and that she has been weak in standing up to U.S. protectionist measures.

Trump has forged an alliance with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the one EU leader who voted against von der Leyen's nomination."

Orban is urging the EU to work with Trump, if elected, to end the Ukraine conflict." [1]  

1. World News: EU Leader Wins a Second Term --- Von der Leyen's confirmation aims to stabilize volatility across the globe. Norman, Laurence.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 19 July 2024: A.16.

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