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2024 m. liepos 24 d., trečiadienis

Meta should not train AI with user content

"Users of Facebook, Instagram and Threads have to fear that Meta is using their content to train AI. The NRW consumer advice center is therefore issuing a warning to the company.


With a warning against Facebook's parent company Meta, the NRW consumer advice center wants to prevent the company from using user content to train its AI models without permission. The European subsidiary Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. was asked to submit a cease and desist declaration.


In recent days, Meta has written to Facebook, Instagram and Threads users en masse to inform them of the adjustment of its data protection declaration. "We are updating our data protection policy because we are expanding AI at Meta," the email says. In the text, users are informed of their right to object.


The consumer advocates from North Rhine-Westphalia are annoyed that Meta customers have to actively object if they do not agree with the AI ​​training based on their postings. "The objection procedure is very cumbersome and not very user-friendly." They also criticize the fact that Facebook has recently started to carry out a more detailed analysis of the private photo library as standard: users of the Facebook app now receive suggestions as to which photos or videos from their personal storage they could share on the platform. From the perspective of the NRW consumer advice center, both changes violate data protection rights.


"Meta is making it too easy for itself"


Meta is of the opinion that its approach does not violate the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The email to users states: "In order to be able to offer you these user experiences, we will in future rely on the legal basis of legitimate interest when we use your information to further develop and improve AI at Meta."


The consumer advocates cannot agree with this interpretation of data protection law. "Meta is making it too easy for itself here," explained Wolfgang Schuldzinski, board member of the NRW consumer advice center. The use of private data for training artificial intelligence must not take place without consent. In the past, users could not have foreseen that the information they posted would one day be used to train AI. Meta has until June 19 to issue a cease-and-desist declaration. If Meta lets the deadline pass without using it, consumer advocates can take legal action." [1]

1. Meta soll KI nicht mit Nutzer-Inhalten trainieren. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (online) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH. Jun 13, 2024.

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