
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. birželio 4 d., penktadienis

Europe asks for the CO₂ payment

 "The EU Commission wants a price to be paid in future for climate-damaging imports. Anyone who wants to import steel, cement, aluminum or fertilizer will have to pay for CO₂ emissions. Other countries are skeptical. 

Pioneers can have a tough time. In climate protection, for example: Nice climate targets can also lead to companies migrating or products no longer being competitive on the world market. Europeans and their industries have been plagued by this concern for years. But now the Commission is working on a new solution: a mechanism that is supposed to charge imported goods for their carbon footprint, in euros and cents. A draft for a corresponding regulation is now circulating in Brussels, it is part of the EU Commission's large climate package; It should be officially presented in mid-July. The responsible Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans called this bundle of twelve legislative proposals "Fit for 55". This should make it possible to reduce the emission of climate-damaging CO₂ by 55 percent compared to 1990. This, in turn, is an important intermediate step for the other goal: Europe should become climate neutral by 2050. 

The Europeans do not want to lose their competitiveness because of the sheer amount of climate protection. The draft for the appropriate answer is 24 pages long. He describes a procedure that is very reminiscent of a tax return. Anyone who imports goods into the EU should know their CO₂ footprint - and submit a declaration to a new authority. For every ton of carbon dioxide that the importer has imported into the EU with his products, he must acquire a climate certificate. Its price, in turn, is based on the average cost of the certificates in European emissions trading. The EU is also a pioneer with this instrument, there is still no international example of this. 

This "border adjustment" should be due from 2026, but initially only for companies that want to import cement, fertilizers or electricity, or products made of iron, steel and aluminum. The mechanism should apply to all third countries except Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. According to the draft, the EU Commission can both adapt the list of goods and exempt countries from tax - for example, as soon as a system for trading in emissions certificates comparable to the EU is created. If an importer has already paid for his CO₂ emissions at home, this should be offset." 

 This time, Europe seems to be taking this seriously. In Lithuania, sitting with smoky diesels and a polluting economy will no longer be feasible.


Bidenas paaštrina D.Trumpo prekybos ginčą su Kinija

 "Kiekvienas, kuris tikėjo, kad Joe Bidenas bus šiek tiek labiau susitaikęs su Kinija nei jo pirmtakas Donaldas Trumpas, šiais laikais bus išmokytas geriau. Priešingai: JAV prezidentas laikosi ne tik baudžiamųjų tarifų ir ekonominių sankcijų, kurias Trumpas turėjo pastaraisiais metais primetęs Liaudies Respublikai, jis netgi jas griežtina. 

Pavyzdžiui, vėlyvą ketvirtadienio vakarą Bidenas pasirašė dekretą, išplečiantį Kinijos bendrovių, į kurias amerikiečiams nebeleidžiama investuoti, sąrašą nuo 48 iki 59 bendrovių. Be korporacijų, turinčių faktinių ar tariamų ryšių su kariuomene, tai taip pat turi įtakos įmonėms, kurios netiesiogiai dalyvauja, engiant mažumas, pavyzdžiui, pristatydamos stebėjimo kameras šalies valdžios institucijoms. 

Ekonominis ir prekybos karas tarp dviejų pirmaujančių pasaulio galybių žengia į kitą etapą. „The Wall Street Journal“ citavo aukštą JAV pareigūną, sakantį, kad Bideno įsakymas buvo „platesnės strategijos, kuria siekiama padidinti konkurenciją su Kinija ir apsiginti nuo bet kokių veiksmų, prieštaraujančių mūsų interesams ir vertybėms, dalis“.“


Biden exacerbates Trump's trade dispute with China

 "Anyone who believed that Joe Biden would be a little more conciliatory with China than his predecessor Donald Trump will be taught better these days. The opposite is the case: The US President is not only sticking to the punitive tariffs and economic sanctions Trump had imposed on the People's Republic in recent years, he is even tightening it in parts. Late on Thursday evening, for example, Biden signed a decree expanding the list of Chinese companies in which Americans are no longer allowed to invest from 48 to 59 companies. 

In addition to corporations with actual or alleged links to the military, this also affects companies that indirectly participate in the oppression of minorities, for example by delivering surveillance cameras to the country's authorities. 

The economic and trade war between the two leading great powers of the world is thus entering the next round. The Wall Street Journal quoted a senior US official as saying that Biden's order was "part of a broader strategy designed to increase competition with China and defend ourselves against any actions that run counter to our interests and values "." 

Kokiu verslu vokiečiai gali užsiimti Rusijoje?

 „Be tokių didelių projektų kaip „Nord Stream 2“, „Linde“ dujų perdirbimo sistemos, pažangiausios „Siemens “ traukinių technologijos ir didelės „Volkswagen“ investicijos į Rusijos gamyklas, pastaraisiais metais buvo suformuotas investicijų bumas. ypač vidutinių ir šeimos valdomų įmonių", - sako Scheppas, ir rusai iš SPIEF tyrinėja, kaip toks verslas gali toliau įgauti pagreitį. 

Derybos taip pat yra apie energetinį dialogą. Atstovaujami „Siemens Energy“, OMV, „Uniper“ ir „Wintershall Dea“ generaliniai direktoriai. Vadybos konsultantas ir buvęs CDU politikas Friedbertas Pflügeris bei kairysis Bundestago narys Klausas Ernstas taip pat paskelbti Vokietijos ir Rusijos kolegijoje šio renginio metu. 

Vokietijos buvimas rodo, kad Rusija yra svarbi, sako Raineris Seele, Austrijos energetikos bendrovės OMV vadovas. „Čia Vokietijos vyriausybės ir Europos vyriausybių prašoma atgauti prarastą naudą naujomis iniciatyvomis“, - sako Seele, kuris taip pat yra AHK prezidentas Rusijoje, atsižvelgdamas į didėjantį Kinijos dalyvavimą Rusijos rinkoje."

Lietuvos verslininkai turi tik Landsbergių myžčiojimą, nukreiptą prieš rusus. Sūris iš Landsbergių myžalų neišeis.

What kind of business can Germans do in Russia today?

 "In addition to major projects such as Nord Stream 2, gas processing systems from Linde, state-of-the-art train technology from Siemens and the high investments made by Volkswagen in its Russian plants, the investment boom in recent years has been shaped in particular by medium-sized and family-run companies," says Schepp and Russians at SPIEF are exploring how business can continue to gain momentum. 

The talks are also about an energy dialogue. The CEOs of Siemens Energy, OMV, Uniper and Wintershall Dea are represented. The management consultant and former CDU politician Friedbert Pflüger and the left-wing member of the Bundestag Klaus Ernst have also been announced at a German-Russian panel. The German presence shows that Russia is important, says Rainer Seele, head of the Austrian energy company OMV. "Here the German government and also European governments are called upon to regain lost land with new initiatives," says Seele, who is also AHK President, with a view to China's increasing presence in the Russian market.

 Lithuanian businessmen have only the Landsbergiai pee directed against the Russians. The cheese will not come out of these Landsbergiai activities.

Landsbergiai only talk, and the Russians finish the tasks

 "Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the construction of the country's second export gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea to Germany's Nord Stream 2, the first of two strands, had been completed and was ready to be filled with natural gas."

Landsbergiai kalba, o rusai padaro

 "Rusijos prezidentas Vladimiras Putinas penktadienį pareiškė, jog šalies antrojo eksporto dujotiekio per Baltijos jūrą iki Vokietijos „Nord Stream 2“ pirmoji iš dviejų gijų baigta tiesti ir parengta užpildymui gamtinėmis dujomis."