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2022 m. vasario 23 d., trečiadienis

Good Tips Help Older Workers Land New Jobs

"Even in a hot hiring market, it is tough for workers over 50 to stay competitive in workplaces that often value youth over experience.

The pandemic has been especially hard on older employees seeking to reclaim jobs lost in the early days of lockdowns. Many say they fear that the workplace upheaval brought on by Covid-19 has reinforced some bosses' belief that professionals in their 50s and beyond are less inclined to return to offices or adapt to new ways of working.

Workers over 50 haven't joined the jobs recovery to the same degree as younger peers, not counting the millions who retired early during the past two years. In January, nearly one-third of job seekers age 55 and older were part of the long-term unemployed, according to federal data, compared with 21.8% of those between 16 and 54.

It is perhaps little surprise that in the AARP's most recent survey, 78% of workers between 40 and 65 said they had seen age discrimination in 2020, the highest share since the advocacy group began tracking the question in 2003.

Professionals who have kept careers progressing well into their fourth and fifth working decades say they have developed a few strategies.

Tackle age discrimination head on

Rule No. 1, they say: Confront the reality of age discrimination head on instead of avoiding it. Some say they are doing so by appearing youthful -- both in person, for hiring managers and colleagues, and in writing, to the bots that screen resumes. Others are pitching themselves as indispensable mentors to younger colleagues.

"You have to never give up," said Jennifer Kay Rouse, who at 61 started a new job this month as a customer-success manager after losing her sales-account-manager position in a corporate acquisition last year.

Ageism persists as one of the most insidious forms of on-the-job discrimination, according to academic research and employment experts. In a 2021 study, researchers at New York and Stanford universities found people who opposed racism and sexism at work were still likely to harbor prejudices against older employees and to believe such workers should step aside for younger colleagues.

Meanwhile, many job postings appear to target younger job seekers with terms such as "digital native" or "recent grad," and employers focus recruiting efforts on rising talent rather than on proven veterans.

This month, unsealed court documents in an age-discrimination case cited emails in which an executive at International Business Machines Corp. referred to older workers as "dinobabies" and a plan to make them an "extinct species." An IBM spokesman said "some language in emails between former IBM executives that has been reported is not consistent with the respect IBM has for its employees and as the facts clearly show, it does not reflect company practices or policies."

Punch up your resume

Ms. Rouse of Waukesha, Wis., says asking a job interviewer for constructive advice and punching up her resume with language such as "solid reputation" and "high performer" helped her land her new job at an industrial automation company.

Ms. Rouse maintains a youthful look by staying fit and wearing what she described as an "edgy" haircut. After landing several interviews but not the jobs, she asked an interviewer to level with her "to satisfy my curiosity as to whether it is about age," she said.

The interviewer didn't address her age directly but suggested her lengthy experience might make some interviewers assume she had come in with a know-it-all attitude. So she tweaked her approach, emphasizing in interviews that she was a team player. And she acknowledged being older to make the point that she could mentor younger colleagues and was open to being mentored by them, too.

A resume writer she found on LinkedIn for $125 also helped refresh hers with a more modern format and buzzy phrases, such as "exceptional customer relationships," which she said yielded more bites from employers. Ms. Rouse now earns more in her new job than she did in her previous role.

"I love business, and I love strategizing to give customers the best outcomes," she said. "I wasn't ready to give all of that up."

Evade the job applicant-screening bots

Employers can't legally reject applicants based on their age, but ageism can arise subtly in job postings and the algorithms that screen them.

Laid off in 2018 from a middle-management role in delivery and logistics at the company where he had worked for 17 years, 56-year-old Dale Johnston said he was prepared for the algorithms that would likely screen his resume. Instead of "17 years," for instance, he wrote "over 10 years."

"I had to be very conscious about what I put in and time frames to get past the bots and AI," said Mr. Johnston, who lives in Bellingham, Wash. "I wasn't lying. I just wasn't disclosing the full age."

He also kept his hair closely cropped while interviewing, because it looks more gray when it is longer, he said. After landing a job as an analyst with a municipality in 2019, then losing it to cost-cutting a year later, he used the same tactics to apply for a job as an operations manager for a logistics-transportation company, where he works today.

Position yourself as a mentor

Ginny Cheng, a San Francisco career coach and recruiter, advises clients that it is better to delete early years of work experience from your resume if they mostly date you.

"If your total work experience is over 25 years but your last 15 is most relevant to the new opportunities you are seeking, you can focus on the newer timeline," she said.

The key, employment experts say, is putting the focus on your talents, not your age. "Employers value wisdom, so it's important to emphasize what you've learned and what you're good at, not the amount of time you spent in the labor force," said Richard W. Johnson, director of the program on retirement policy at the Urban Institute.

Harry Moseley retired at 62 from his job as chief information officer at KPMG US in early 2018 but jumped back into the workforce a couple months later by repositioning himself as a mentor.

During what would be a brief retirement, he had let his network know he remained open to new ventures and helping coach at another company. A friend soon approached him with an opportunity as global chief information officer at Zoom Video Communications Inc. Mr. Moseley hadn't thought he wanted to return to a full-time role, but the position excited him.

"It could be a lot of fun, and I felt like I could help," he said.

At Zoom since March 2018 and working mostly from the New York area, where he lives, the now 66-year-old Mr. Moseley said he makes a point of not appearing resistant to change. At the same time, he uses his experience to guide colleagues. "I am who I am. Take me for who I am," he said." [1]

1. Good Tips Help Older Workers Land New Jobs
Smith, Ray A. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 23 Feb 2022: A.11.


Kompanijų vyriausiojo informacijos pareigūno (CIO) atlyginimas smarkiai auga, kai šio vaidmens profilis auga

    „Atlyginimas vyriausiems informacijos pareigūnams didėja dviženkliais procentais, nes įmonės ieško lyderių, galinčių išnaudoti augančias technologijų verslo galimybes, o pandemijos metu ši tendencija paspartėjo.


    Remiantis personalo įdarbinimo įmonės „Mondo“ duomenimis, šiais metais vidutiniai CIO atlyginimai, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, šoktelėjo 21% iki 287 500 dolerių. Tačiau patyrę CIO didelėse įmonėse gali tikėtis uždirbti 350 000 dolerių bazinio atlyginimo, palyginti su 300 000 dolerių pernai, rodo duomenys.


    „Mondo“ renka ir analizuoja duomenis iš 2 500 JAV atliekamų vietų kasmet, o tada susieja šiuos duomenis su šios srities talentų specialistų įžvalgomis.


    „Mondo“ apskaičiavo, kad šiais metais vyriausiųjų informacijos saugos pareigūnų atlyginimai kilo taip pat, kaip ir CIO – 21%. Priešingai, ji apskaičiavo, kad rinkodaros vadovo pareigų atlyginimai per tą patį laikotarpį padidėjo tik 15%.


    Ekspertai atlyginimų kilimą sieja su vis svarbesniu CIO vaidmeniu versle. Nuo COVID-19 pradžios įmonių technologijų lyderiai turėjo paspartinti iniciatyvas, susijusias su debesimi, automatizavimu ir tiekimo grandine, tuo pačiu sklandžiau pereinant prie nuotolinio ir mišraus darbo.


    „Daugiau įmonių supranta technologijų ir gilesnių technologijų diegimo į savo įmones vertę“, – sakė Scottas Spradley, „Tyson Foods Inc.“ vykdomasis viceprezidentas ir vyriausiasis technologijų ir automatikos pareigūnas. „Taigi jos yra pasirengusios mokėti daugiau, nes supranta, kad tai turi įtakos apatinei linijai“.


    Marianna Tessel, „Intuit Inc.“ vykdomoji viceprezidentė ir vyriausioji technologijų pareigūnė nuo 2019 m., teigė, kad pandemija paspartino šią tendenciją. „Technologijos buvo labiau išstumtos į dėmesio centrą“, – sakė ji.


    Tendencijos, susijusios su debesų kompiuterija, taip pat pašalino CIO vaidmenį iš „back office“ ir „priartino prie paties verslo pobūdžio“, - sakė Edwardas Stadolnikas, Šiaurės Amerikos technologijų ir skaitmeninių pareigūnų praktikos „Spencer Stuart“ partneris ir vadovas.


    Skaitmeninės infrastruktūros bendrovės „Equinix Inc.“ CIO Milind Wagle teigė, kad šiandien tikimasi, kad CIO bus ir technologijų, ir verslo lyderiai. „Verslo ir IT strategijos konvergencija labiau, nei bet kada anksčiau“, – sakė jis.


    „Tikrai [šie] vaidmenys tampa strategiškesni“, – sakė M. Tessel. Taip yra todėl, kad „technologijos tampa visko, ką darome, dalimi“.


    Nors M. Tessel bazinis atlyginimas sumažėjo iki 700 000 dolerių 2021 m. fiskaliniais metais nuo 726 923 dolerių 2020 m. fiskaliniais metais, jos bendra kompensacija padidėjo iki 12 692 385 dolerių nuo 11 016 322 dolerių, daugiausia dėl padidėjusių akcijų apdovanojimų, kaip matyti iš vertybinių popierių biržoje pateikiamų paraiškų.


    Darbuotojų teigimu, pasiūlos ir paklausos skirtumai taip pat didina CIO atlyginimus.


    „Atvirai kalbant, aš niekada nemačiau tokios rinkos, kurioje esame dabar“, – sakė Craigas Stephensonas, „Korn Ferry“ vyresnysis klientų partneris ir Šiaurės Amerikos CIO/CTO Practice generalinis direktorius, ir pridūrė, kad CIO siūloma padidinti atlyginimus daugiau, nei 30 %, jei pereitų  iš vienos įmonės į kitą." [1]


1. CIO Pay Jumps as Role's Profile Rises
Bousquette, Isabelle. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 23 Feb 2022: B.4.

CIO Pay Jumps as Role's Profile Rises

"Compensation for chief information officers is rising by double-digit percentages as companies seek out leaders who can exploit tech's growing business possibilities, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic.

For this year, average CIO salaries leapt 21% to $287,500 from last year, according to data from staffing firm Mondo. Experienced CIOs at large companies, however, can expect to earn $350,000 in base salary, up from $300,000 last year, the data shows.

Mondo pulls and analyzes data from 2,500 U.S. placements it makes every year, and then pairs that data with insights from talent specialists in the field.

Mondo estimates that salaries for chief information security officers rose at the same rate as those for CIOs -- 21% -- this year. By contrast, it estimates that salaries for chief marketing officer roles increased 15% in the same period.

Experts attribute the salary rise to the increasingly critical role of the CIO within business. Since the onset of Covid-19, corporate tech leaders have had to accelerate initiatives around the cloud, automation and the supply chain, while smoothing the shift to remote and hybrid work.

"More companies are realizing the value of bringing technology and deeper technology into their companies," said Scott Spradley, executive vice president and chief technology and automation officer at Tyson Foods Inc. "And so they're willing to pay more because they realize it affects the bottom line."

Marianna Tessel, executive vice president and chief technology officer of Intuit Inc. since 2019, said the pandemic accelerated the trend. "Technology was pushed more into the spotlight," she said.

Trends around cloud computing have also taken the CIO role out of the back office and "closer to the nature of the business itself," said Edward Stadolnik, a partner and leader of the North America technology and digital officer practice at Spencer Stuart.

Milind Wagle, CIO of digital infrastructure company Equinix Inc., said that CIOs today are expected to be both tech and business leaders. "There's a convergence of business and IT strategy more than ever before," he said.

"Definitely [these] roles are becoming more strategic," said Ms. Tessel. That's because "technology is becoming part of everything we do."

Although Ms. Tessel's base salary dropped to $700,000 in fiscal 2021 from $726,923 in fiscal 2020, her total compensation increased to $12,692,385 from $11,016,322, mostly due to an increase in stock awards, public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission show.

Disparities between supply and demand are also driving up CIO salaries, recruiters said.

"Candidly, I've never seen a market like the one we're in right now," said Craig Stephenson, Korn Ferry senior client partner and managing director, North America CIO/CTO Practice, adding that CIOs are being offered salary increases of over 30% to jump from one company to another." [1]


 1. CIO Pay Jumps as Role's Profile Rises
Bousquette, Isabelle. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 23 Feb 2022: B.4.

Tiekimo grandinės technologiniai startuoliai traukia pirkėjus

    „Logistikos begemotai ir startuoliai planuoja dar vienerius metus, kai pirks tiekimo grandinės technologijų įmones.


    Per pastaruosius dvejus metus, įsigalėjus pasaulinės tiekimo grandinės bėdoms, senos laivybos įmonės ir startuoliai, skatinami rizikos dolerių, padidino jaunų įmonių, siūlančių su logistika susijusią programinę ir techninę įrangą, susijungimo ir įsigijimo veiklos vertę.


    Kai kurių pradedančiųjų įmonių vadovai teigia, kad šiais metais kai kurių privačių įmonių vertinimus atšaldžiusi akcijų rinka sukūrė palankesnę įsigijimo rinką.


    Rizikos investuotojai pumpavo kapitalą į logistikos ir technologijų sektoriuje veikiančius startuolius teigdami, kad padėti išardyti tiekimo grandinių kamščius taps pelningu verslu. Šis finansavimas suteikė kai kuriems startuoliams dideles kišenes, kuriomis savo ruožtu naudojasi kitų pradedančiųjų įmonių įsigijimui.


    Tuo tarpu didelės laivybos korporacijos lenktyniauja, siekdamos išplėsti savo pasiekiamumą verslo ir vartotojų rinkoje, ir ėmėsi įsigijimų bei padidino pradines investicijas. Pavyzdžiui, Danijos konteinerių laivybos įmonė A.P. Moller-Maersk AS ruošiasi atlikti daugiau įsigijimų JAV, siekdama išplėsti savo aprėpiančias tiekimo grandines iki galo.


    Remiantis analizės teikėjo „PitchBook Data Inc.“ duomenimis, rizikos remiamų logistikos įmonių susijungimo ir įsigijimo veiklos vertė JAV siekė 2,7 mlrd. dolerių 2020 m., o pasaulio mastu 2021 m. pasiekė 6 milijardus dolerių, ir 2020 m. – 8,4 milijardo dolerių.


    Gruodžio mėn. užbaigta 185 mln. dolerių vertės rizikos dalis, Indijoje įsikūrusi „BigFoot Retail Solutions Private Ltd.“, vykdanti veiklą, kaip „Shiprocket“, per pastaruosius kelis mėnesius kelis kartus įsigijo ir siekia nuveikti daugiau.


    Shiprocket siūlo programinę įrangą, kuri padeda įmonėms organizuoti ir automatizuoti įvairius siuntimo procesus. Vasario mėnesį Shiprocket įsigijo Indijoje įsikūrusį tiekimo grandinės startuolį Glaucus, siūlantį tokias paslaugas, kaip atsargų valdymas ir analizė. Šis pirkimas papildo „Shiprocket“ tiekimo grandinės paslaugas, nes juo siekiama išnaudoti didžiulę Indijos elektroninės prekybos rinką.


    Nors kapitalas užtvindė logistikos ir technologijų sektorių, ne visi startuoliai sugebėjo pritraukti kapitalą, todėl „Shiprocket“ turėjo galimybę pirkti. Dabartinis rinkos nuosmukis gali sudaryti palankias sąlygas sandoriams sudaryti, nes vertinimai atvės, arba jei startuoliams, kuriems reikia kapitalo, sunku pritraukti pinigų, jie gali būti atviresni įsigijimui.


    Investuotojai, įskaitant maisto pristatymo įmones „Zomato“, „Temasek Holdings“, „Lightrock“ ir „Moore Strategic Ventures“, dalyvavo „Shiprocket“ gruodžio mėnesio E serijos finansavimo etape.


    Čikagoje įsikūręs logistikos technologijų startuolis „Project44“ pastaruoju metu pradėjo įsigyti kitus startuolius. 2022 m. bendrovė iki šiol atliko du įsigijimus, o pirmąjį pusmetį planuoja įsigyti dar kelis, sakė įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius Jett McCandless.


    „Project44“, kurianti programinę įrangą, siūlančią įmonėms tiekimo grandinės valdymą ir jų krovinių matomumą, praėjusiais metais kelis kartus įsigijo, siekdama išplėsti savo duomenų įvestis ir analitinius pasiūlymus." [1]


1. Supply-Chain Tech Startups Draw Suitors
Vartabedian, Marc. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 23 Feb 2022: B.4.

Supply-Chain Tech Startups Draw Suitors

"Logistics behemoths and startups are planning for another year of snatching up supply-chain technology companies.

For the past two years, as global supply-chain woes took hold, legacy shipping companies and startups fueled by venture dollars pushed up the value of merger-and-acquisition activity for young companies offering logistics-related software and hardware.

This year, the stock-market rout that cooled valuations for some private companies created a more favorable acquisition market, some startup CEOs say.

Venture investors pumped capital into startups operating in the logistics-tech sector on the thesis that helping to unsnarl supply chains will become lucrative business. That funding provided some startups with deep pockets they in turn are using to pursue acquisitions of fellow startups.

Meanwhile, large shipping corporations are racing to expand their reach across the business-to-consumer market and have turned to acquisitions and increased startup investing. For instance, Danish containership company A.P. Moller-Maersk AS is preparing to make more acquisitions in the U.S. as it aims to broaden its end-to-end reach over the supply chain.

The value of merger-and-acquisition activity of venture-backed logistics startups in the U.S. reached $2.7 billion in both 2021 and 2020, a nearly 69% increase from 2019, according to analytics provider PitchBook Data Inc. Globally, the value of these deals reached $6 billion in 2021 and topped out at $8.4 billion in 2020.

Fueled in part by a $185 million venture round completed in December, India-based BigFoot Retail Solutions Private Ltd., which does business as Shiprocket, has made several acquisitions in the past several months and is aiming to do more, Saahil Goel, co-founder and chief executive, said.

Shiprocket offers software that helps businesses organize and automate various shipping processes. In February, Shiprocket acquired India-based supply-chain startup Glaucus, which offers services such as inventory management and analytics. The purchase adds to Shiprocket's supply-chain services as it aims to capitalize on the massive e-commerce market in India, Mr. Goel said.

While capital has flooded the logistics-tech sector, Mr. Goel said not all startups have been able to raise capital, giving Shiprocket the opportunity to make purchases. The current market downturn could provide favorable deal-making conditions as valuations cool, or if startups in need of capital have difficulty raising a round they might be more open to an acquisition, he said.

Investors including food delivery startup Zomato, Temasek Holdings, Lightrock, and Moore Strategic Ventures participated in Shiprocket's December Series E funding round.

Chicago-based logistics-tech startup Project44 has been on an acquisition spree recently. The company made two acquisitions so far in 2022 and is planning to make several more in the first half of the year, founder and CEO Jett McCandless said.

Project44, which develops software that offers companies supply-chain management and visibility of their freight, made several acquisitions last year to broaden its data inputs and analytic offerings." [1]

1. Supply-Chain Tech Startups Draw Suitors
Vartabedian, Marc. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 23 Feb 2022: B.4.