
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. sausio 2 d., šeštadienis

SolarWinds and Belarusian IT employees, who are invited to Lithuania


"SolarWinds employees say that SolarWinds under Mr. Thompson, an accountant by training and a former chief financial officer, every part of the business was examined for cost savings and common security practices were eschewed because of their expense. His approach helped almost triple SolarWinds’ annual profit margins to more than $453 million in 2019 from $152 million in 2010.

But some of those measures may have put the company and its customers at greater risk for attack. SolarWinds moved much of its engineering to satellite offices in the Czech Republic, Poland and Belarus, where engineers had broad access to the Orion network management software that hackers compromised."

SolarWinds has sparked a major hacker attack scandal in the United States. Are we in Lithuania ready to deal with similar problems? 

What does our future depend on in 2021?

  On what the Chinese now eat.




Nuo ko priklauso mūsų ateitis 2021-aisiais metais?

 Nuo to, ką dabar valgo kinai. 

Kas svarbiausia iš to, ką britai gavo ir prarado Brexite?

 Svarbiausias pasiekimas - daugiau nebeatvyks be leidimų jauni ir alkani Lenkijos (ir Lietuvos) santechnikai konkuruoti su vietiniais britais.

Svarbiausias pralaimėjimas - paslaugos, ypač finansinės paslaugos - britų ekonomikos stipriausia ir didžiausia dalis neteko laisvo priėjimo prie didžiulės ES rinkos, esančios Britanijos kaimynystėje:

"Sudarytas susitarimas neapima 80% britų ekonomikos sudarančių paslaugų."

Na, o visa kita yra tik smulkūs nemalonumai Lietuvos ir kitų ES šalių transporto kompanijoms:

"Pirmą kartą po dešimtmečių pertraukos sugrįš muitinės patikrinimai prie sienos, nepaisant laisvosios prekybos susitarimo tikimasi eilių ir sutrikimų dėl papildomo kanceliarinio darbo."

2021 m. sausio 1 d., penktadienis

Robotikos įtaka turto kainoms

 Dirbtinis intelektas ir robotika leidžia pigiau ir lengviau gauti vertę iš turimo produktyvaus turto. Darbo jėga šiame procese tampa mažiau vertinga. Daugelis žmonių dėl to netenka darbo. Norėdami apsaugoti savo vertę kuriantį turtą nuo šių viltį praradusių bedarbių, turto savininkai didina turto kainą. Turto kaupimas, ruošiantis pabaigai šiame perėjime, yra protingas veiksmas. 

The influence of robotics on asset prices

  AI and robotics make it less expensive and easier to get value from available productive assets. The labor force becomes less valuable in this process. Many people lose their jobs as a result. To protect their value-generating assets from these jobless desperate people, owners of the assets increase the price of the assets. Accumulating the assets now preparing for the completion in this transition is a prudent action. 

Well, Šimonytė apologized for not being able to do anything

  Because she can't, she doesn't try. She moved to the prime minister's residence, walks around the empty rooms, counts the furniture.  

Why to count? Because an accountant knows nothing but counting. Our accountants who are proficient with numbers are elected to the highest positions: Nausėda - accountant, Grybauskaitė - accountant, Šimonytė - accountant. We still hope that people who are able to achieve lower taxes will be able to create a better life for all of us. Therefore, we have no leaders, we are like a herd of cattle. Therefore, the coronavirus pushes us out of life more than others.