"Our foolish decision to expand NATO into Russia’s face — after the fall of the Soviet Union — hardened post-Communist Russia into an enemy instead of a potential partner, creating the ideal conditions for an anti-Western autocrat like Putin to emerge. (Imagine if Russia, a country with which we have zero trade or border disputes, were OUR ally today vis-à-vis China and Iran and not THEIR ally in disputes with us.)"
2021 m. balandžio 27 d., antradienis
2021 m. balandžio 25 d., sekmadienis
Radioaktyvus cezis-137 iš Černobylio Vokietijoje ir Lietuvoje
Radioactive cesium-137 from Chernobyl in Germany and Lithuania
We know a little about this pollution in Lithuania as well:
"Radioactive clouds passed over Lithuania in the first days after the accident, leaving significant precipitation of radioactive materials in the south-western and western part of the country: Varėna, Alytus and other southern and southwestern districts of Lithuania and Neringa and Klaipėda districts in the western part of the country.
Relatively large amounts of long-lived radioactive cesium Cs (up to 18.5 kBq m) have spread in these regions of the country, traces of which have been detected in soil, forest mushrooms and berries to date. This is because radioactive cesium Cs is constantly circulating in the forest ecosystem and is not removed from it for a long time. Contamination of forest wood, mushrooms, berries and game with cesium radionuclides remains dangerous for a long time, especially where the density of precipitation was high."
2021 m. balandžio 24 d., šeštadienis
Vienas iš pigesnių būdų, kaip sukurti vandenilio ekonomikos ateitį
"Japonijos technologija SPERA įveikia daugelį būdingų vandenilio suskystinimo trūkumų, susijusių su vandenilio dujų suspaudimu arba atšaldymu iki kriogeninės temperatūros - tai brangus, daug energijos reikalaujantis procesas. Vietoj to, SPERA procesas apima vandenilio dujų fiksavimą prie bendro naftos produkto tolueno aplinkos temperatūroje. Iš jo gaunamas metilcikloheksanas, kaip stabilus skystis, kurį galima transportuoti dideliais kiekiais, naudojant įprastus naftos tanklaivius. Paskirties vietoje metilcikloheksanas ilgą laiką gali būti laikomas standartinėse talpyklose, o prireikus vandenilis efektyviai atskiriamas nuo toluolo, naudojant „Chiyoda“ dehidrinimo katalizatorių, toluolas surenkamas pakartotiniam naudojimui ir gabenamas atgal į hidrinimo įrenginį, o vandenilis pristatomas naudoti paskirties vietoje.
Kurdami šį katalizatorių, „Chiyoda“ tyrėjai eksperimentavo su vis smulkesnėmis platinos dalelėmis. „Maždaug 1 nanometro dydžio - artėjant prie dydžio, lygaus vos kelioms metilcikloheksano molekulėms - pasiekėme katalizinio aktyvumo šuolį“, - sako Okada. "Tai viską pakeitė ir atvėrė naują katalizatoriaus chemijos erą".
2011 m. „Chiyoda“ pradėjo masiškai gaminti savo nanometrinį metilcikloheksano dehidrinimo katalizatorių ir 2014 m. demonstravo technologiją bandomojoje gamykloje. „Chiyoda“ metilcikloheksano technologija, pavadinta SPERA lotyniško „vilties“ pavadinimu, artėjo prie komercinės tikrovės. Liko tik parodyti visišką tarptautinę tiekimo grandinę.
2020 m. balandžio mėn. „Chiyoda“, bendradarbiaudama su „Mitsubishi Corporation“, „Mitsui & Co., Ltd.“ ir „NYK Line“, pademonstravo pirmąją pasaulyje pasaulinę vandenilio tiekimo grandinę, sėkmingai perveždama Brunejaus Darusalame gaminamą metilcikloheksaną į Kawasaki naftos perdirbimo gamyklą Japonijoje. "[1]
Rusai, turintys sutvarkytą naftos eksporto sistemą, gali panaudoti šią technologiją, kad parduotų saulės ir vėjo energijos generuotą vandenilį Europai ir Kinijai.
1. A final link in the global hydrogen supply chain. 24 Mar 2021, Nature, Volume 591 Issue 7851
One of the cheaper ways to build the future of the hydrogen economy
"Japanese technology SPERA overcomes many of the intrinsic drawbacks of liquefying hydrogen, which involves compressing or chilling hydrogen gas to cryogenic temperatures — an expensive, energy-intensive process. Instead, the SPERA process involves fixing hydrogen gas to the common petroleum product toluene at ambient temperature. It produces methylcyclohexane as a stable liquid, which can be transported in large volumes using conventional petroleum tankers. At the destination, the methylcyclohexane can be stored in standard tanks for long periods, and when needed, the hydrogen is efficiently separated from the toluene using Chiyoda’s dehydrogenation catalyst. The toluene is recovered for reuse and shipped back to the hydrogenation plant, and the hydrogen is delivered for use at the destination.
Researchers at Chiyoda experimented with finer and finer platinum particles. “At around 1 nanometre — approaching just a few methylcyclohexane molecules in size — we achieved a jump in catalytic activity performance,” says Okada. “That changed everything and opened a new era in catalyst chemistry.”
In 2011, Chiyoda started mass producing their nanoscale methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation catalyst and demonstrated the technology in a pilot plant in 2014. Named SPERA after the Latin for ‘hope’, Chiyoda’s methylcyclohexane technology was inching closer to commercial reality. All that remained was to demonstrate an end-to-end international supply chain.
In April 2020, Chiyoda, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and NYK Line, demonstrated the world’s first end-to-end global hydrogen supply chain, successfully transporting methylcyclohexane produced in Brunei Darussalam to a refinery in Kawasaki, Japan." [1]
Russians with a streamlined oil export system can use this technology to sell solar and wind energy-generated hydrogen to Europe and China.
1. A final link in the global hydrogen supply chain. 24 Mar 2021, Nature, Volume 591 Issue 7851
Rusai užverbavo karalienę Mortą
To dėka karalienė Morta perdavė rusams duomenis apie Gabrieliaus Landsbergio lytinių organų dydį. Pasirodo, kad jie yra neįtikėtinai maži, todėl jo elgesys yra toks moteriškas.
Oh, why are we so poor in today's Lithuania?
It must be admitted that the one thousand euros a month earned in Vilnius is also incompatible with high, European level, Lithuanian prices. It is necessary to either emigrate or change the order in Lithuania fundamentally.