Such energetic, no longer the first youth, creatures would have, as it were, dealt with a destroyer to the amazement of the whole world.
2021 m. gegužės 25 d., antradienis
Čmilytė-Nielsen, Armonaitė ir Šimonytė turėjo šokti ant šluotų ir duoti atkirtį tam Lukašenkos naikintuvui.
Tokios energingos, jau ne pirmos jaunystės, būtybės būtų kaip mat susidorojusios su naikintuvu viso pasaulio nuostabai.
2021 m. gegužės 24 d., pirmadienis
Auga naujas verslas. Lenkijoje turėsime vandenilio slėnį
Slėnyje bus gaminami kuro elementai ir vandenilio autobusai“.
O Lietuvoje ką turėsime? Žinote, mes nesugebam vaikščioti ir tuo pačiu metu naudoti kramtomąją gumą. Mes dabar visa Lietuva kovojame su Lukašenka. Ateikite po dvidešimt metų. Tada gal pakalbėsime.
A new business is growing. Poland will have a hydrogen valley
Fuel cells and hydrogen buses will be produced in the valley."
And what will we have in Lithuania? You know, we can’t walk and use chewing gum at the same time. We are now fighting Lukashenko all over Lithuania. Come in twenty years. Then maybe we'll talk.
The cost of new sanctions to Belarus pushed by Landsbergiukas
A lot of money is spent in vain and a lot of gas that heats the climate.
"Belarus, in eastern-central Europe, is along a major air corridor between Europe and Asia.
Analysts had predicted that the E.U. might be reluctant to ban flights over Belarus because such a move would create difficulties for European airlines. Already, airlines are avoiding Ukraine, the country’s southern neighbor, because of its conflict with Russia.
Putting Belarusian air space off limits as well presents serious routing difficulties for flights from Europe to Asia.
“Flying to Asia from Europe without crossing Belarus is likely too costly and challenging,” analysts from Eurasia Group, a research firm, wrote in a note on Monday."
Vladimir Laučius. To express concern or declare war
Vladimir Laučius promotes the opinion that war should be declared. For example, salvos of missiles fired at our neighbor Batka’s potato field. It is not very important if Russia will respond with nuclear weapons that will turn the territory of Lithuania into a radioactive desert, Vladimir Laučius thinks. This is a matter of principle. Not all criminals should be allowed to grow potatoes calmly. You go, Vladimir...