If we allow this, people’s lives will degrade to the level of the jungle.
"A military drone that attacked soldiers during a battle in Libya’s civil war last year has done so without human control, according to a recent report commissioned by the United Nations.
The drone, which the report described as “a lethal autonomous weapons systems,” was powered by artificial intelligence and used by forces backed by the government based in Tripoli, the capital, against enemy militia fighters as they ran away from rocket attacks.
The fighters “were hunted down and remotely engaged by the unmanned combat aerial vehicles or the lethal autonomous weapons systems,” according to the report, which did not say whether there were any casualties or injuries.
The weapons systems, it said, “were programmed to attack targets without requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition: in effect a true ‘fire, forget and find’ capability.”
The report indicates that the “race to regulate these weapons” is being lost, a potentially “catastrophic” development, said James Dawes, a professor at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., who has written about autonomous weapons.
“The heavy investment militaries around the globe are making in autonomous weapons systems made this inevitable,” he said in an email.
So far, the A.I. capabilities of drones remain far below that of humans, said Mr. Kallenborn. The machines can easily make mistakes, such as confusing a farmer holding a rake for an enemy soldier holding a gun, he said.
The Kargu-2 was built by STM, a defense company based in Turkey that describes the weapon as “a rotary wing attack drone” that can be used autonomously or manually."