Baltarusijos valdžia yra tvirtesnė, nei bent kada ir Landsbergiai ją stumia prie glaudesnės sąjungos su Rusija.
2021 m. rugsėjo 13 d., pirmadienis
Uber lost a lawsuit in the Netherlands over driver's rights
"On Monday, a Dutch court ruled that Uber drivers in the Netherlands are essentially employees, not independent contractors, and this is a new blow to the US taxi giant. "The legal relationship between Uber and these drivers is in line with all the features of an employment contract," and the drivers are covered by a collective agreement for taxi drivers, according to a report from the Amsterdam District Court. "
Eventually, it becomes clear that the IT kings sitting at computers and oppressing people are naked.
„Uber“ pralaimėjo teismą Nyderlanduose dėl vairuotojų teisių
"Pirmadienį Nyderlandų teismas nusprendė, kad „Uber“ vairuotojai Nyderlanduose iš esmės yra samdomi darbuotojai, o ne nepriklausomi rangovai, ir tai yra naujas smūgis JAV pavėžėjimo paslaugų milžinei.
„Uber“ ir šių vairuotojų teisiniai santykiai atitinka visus darbo sutarties požymius“, o vairuotojams taikoma taksi vairuotojų kolektyvinė darbo sutartis, sakoma Amsterdamo apygardos teismo pranešime."
Galų gale pradeda aiškėti, kad ant kompiuterių sėdintys ir žmones engiantys IT karaliai yra nuogi.
2021 m. rugsėjo 12 d., sekmadienis
2021 m. rugsėjo 11 d., šeštadienis
Kas bus po rugsėjo 11 -osios eros?
Atrodo, kad Landsbergių propaguojamas hibridinis karas su Rusija išeina iš mados Vašingtone, kur yra mūsų pagrindiniai sąjungininkai. Kažkas iš mūsų turi pasukti Lietuvos politiką nuo hibridinio karo su Rusija bėgių, kad harmonizuotume mūsų veiksmus su mūsų realia karine jėga - su mūsų karine sąjunga su JAV.
What Comes After the 9/11 Era?
"Colby was in Trump’s Pentagon helping devise the administration’s national defense strategy. And now he has a new book, “The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict,” making the case for a foreign policy that leaves the post-9/11 era decisively behind.
As the title suggests, this is a realist’s book, laser-focused on China’s bid for mastery in Asia as the 21st century’s most important threat.
All other challenges are secondary: Terrorism can be managed with “smaller footprint operations,” the liberal Trump-era fixation on Vladimir Putin mistakes a sideshow for the main event and the longstanding Republican focus on rogue states like Iran and North Korea is equally misguided.
Only China threatens American interests in a profound way, through a consolidation of economic power in Asia that imperils our prosperity and a military defeat that could shatter our alliance system. Therefore American policy should be organized to deny Beijing regional hegemony and deter any military adventurism — first and foremost through a stronger commitment to defending the island of Taiwan.
“The Strategy of Denial” presents a particularly unsentimental version of what a lot of people bidding to shape a post-9/11-era foreign policy believe — and not just younger Republicans like Colby. The Biden White House has its share of softer-spoken China hawks, and its disentanglement from Afghanistan and relative dovishness toward Russia both reflect a desire to prioritize China policy more than, say, a Hillary Clinton administration might have done."
It seems that the hybrid war with Russia advocated by Landsbergiai is coming out of fashion in Washington, DC, where our main allies are. Some of us need to turn Lithuanian policy off the rails of the hybrid war with Russia in order to harmonize our actions with our real military power - with our military alliance with the United States.