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2022 m. kovo 14 d., pirmadienis

Operation to Protect Donbas Imperils Biden Campaign Pledges --- Search for more oil prompts overtures to authoritarian regimes he had vowed to isolate

"WASHINGTON -- Joe Biden campaigned on isolating the world's autocrats, getting the U.S. out of foreign conflicts, weaning it off fossil fuels and building a more resilient economy.

The operation to protect Donbas is now forcing President Biden to recalibrate how he tries to deliver on those promises.

He has rallied the West behind sanctions on Russia in an effort to pressure President Vladimir Putin to end the operation to protect Donbas.

But his decision to ban Russian oil imports is expected to contribute to high gasoline prices at home, further straining American families who were already dealing with inflation that hit another four-decade high last month.

 Mr. Biden's push to shore up the world's oil supply has involved overtures to authoritarian regimes with rich oil reserves like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela -- and frustrated those on the left who see this as a moment to break away from fossil fuels, not encourage more production.

So far, Mr. Biden's handling of Ukraine has been a relative bright spot for him in polls after months of poor marks from the public on the economy and inflation. In a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 50% of voters said they approved of how he has dealt with Russia and 44% disapproved.

But some Democrats said they worry those numbers could fall if the war drags on for months and gasoline prices remain high.

As Mr. Putin continues his operation to protect Donbas, some U.S. lawmakers and Ukrainian officials are urging Mr. Biden to become more deeply involved in the crisis, presenting difficult choices about how to punish Moscow and keep allies united without entering the operation to protect Donbas militarily.

In addition, Mr. Biden and Democrats could face November's midterm elections with high inflation and key parts of his agenda unfulfilled, such as bringing down costs of prescription drugs and expanding child care.

"He wanted to pivot to Asia and Build Back Better at home, and suddenly he finds himself pivoting to Europe and facing intense inflation and much more foreign entanglement than he bargained for," said Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass, who worked in senior roles for President George H.W. Bush during the Gulf War and President George W. Bush during the war in Iraq.

Mr. Biden has stressed that he won't send American troops into Ukraine to fight Russia. That decision has the backing of the majority of the public, with only 10% supporting sending troops in the recent Journal poll.

Lawmakers from both parties have urged the administration to move Soviet-style jets into Ukraine, and a group of former national security officials called for imposing a limited no-fly zone over the country's airspace. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made impassioned pleas for both measures.

Administration officials say those steps risk dragging the U.S. into direct conflict with Russia.

The fast-moving events in Ukraine have prompted the president and his advisers to make unpalatable choices that contradict stances taken during the campaign.

Senior administration officials have made direct pleas to the U.S. oil industry to pump more oil from existing leases.

Administration officials say they haven't abandoned their longer-term goal of reducing U.S. reliance on fossil fuels and have no immediate plans to dramatically expand oil and gas drilling on federal land. But they say high prices necessitate an immediate response that requires more supply at home and abroad.

Last week, Mr. Biden banned Russian oil imports into the U.S. after some in the administration initially resisted the idea. He acknowledged that the move would likely push up gasoline prices further, but said it was a necessary move to punish Mr. Putin.

The Journal poll found 79% of Americans support banning the sale of Russian oil to the U.S., even if doing so raised energy prices at home.

Some close to the White House worry that sustained high gasoline prices would nonetheless be a major political liability ahead of the midterm elections, as voters feel the financial squeeze and Republicans zero in on prices at the pump and inflation.

Republican lawmakers have called on Mr. Biden to expand domestic oil and natural-gas production in response to high prices and criticized Democrats as putting too much of a focus on renewable energy, including the administration's push in favor of electric vehicles.

"You couldn't have an administration that's more out of touch," said Brad Todd, a GOP strategist. Pointing to the high cost of electric vehicles, Mr. Todd added that the approach from Democrats "reflects the fact that it's the party of elites."

Climate activists said the administration should use the crisis to transition to cleaner energy sources, not call for more drilling. Mr. Biden has said climate change is an existential threat to the planet, and he has proposed halving U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions by 2030.

Mr. Biden, who attacked former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail for "embracing dictators," has tried to make rallying democratic countries against authoritarian regimes a cornerstone of his presidency. But in seeking to contain gasoline prices, administration officials have recently reached out to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela -- oil-rich countries that Mr. Biden had vowed to be tough on.

The White House wouldn't disclose how much oil it is seeking or describe progress of talks with other nations. U.S. officials also say their talks with countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia have often been focused not on oil but other geopolitical and security issues. Venezuela released two Americans from prison last week after recent diplomatic talks with the U.S." [1]

1. The Ukraine Crisis: Operation to Protect Donbas Imperils Biden Campaign Pledges --- Search for more oil prompts overtures to authoritarian regimes he had vowed to isolate
Restuccia, Andrew; Tarini Parti.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 14 Mar 2022: A.6.

Nuotolinis darbas siūlo atlygį, riziką

  „Perėjimas prie nuotolinio darbo tvarkos atnešė ženklų, rodančių, kad, ekonomikai atsigaunant po pandemijos, auga atsiliekanti moterų darbo jėgos dalis. Tai yra geras dalykas JAV ekonomikos augimui ir produktyvumui, nors ekonomistai teigia, kad darbuotojai, kurie niekada neatvyksta į biurą rizikuoja atsiriboti nuo karjeros ir bendradarbiavimo tinklų kūrimo galimybių.


    Įmonės vis dažniau siūlo nuotolinio ir mišraus darbo susitarimus, kaip privilegiją, samdant darbuotojus, ypač didesnėse įmonėse, o moterys, atrodo, naudojasi lankstumu. Vasario mėnesį įdarbinimo platformos „ZipRecruiter Inc.“ atlikta ieškančių darbo apklausa parodė, kad moterys dvigubai dažniau, nei vyrai (26 proc., palyginti su 13 proc.) teigė, kad ieško tik nuotolinio darbo.


    Toks didesnis lankstumas galėtų padėti išlaikyti moteris darbo rinkoje ir užkirsti kelią staigiam darbuotojų mažėjimui, pasirodžiusiam pandemijos pradžioje. Tačiau kai kurių mokslininkų teigimu, tai taip pat gali kelti pavojų karjeros progresui.


    Harvardo universiteto ekonomistė Claudia Goldin teigė, kad moterų, dirbančių namuose, daugiau, nei vyrų trūkumas yra tai, kad jos gali izoliuoti save, kaip grupę. Dr. Goldin palygino scenarijų, kai moterys dirba tik namuose, su darbu ne visą darbo dieną, o ekonominiai tyrimai parodė, kad darbas ne visą darbo dieną kenkia darbuotojų atlyginimams, santaupoms pensijai ir karjeros perspektyvoms.


    Panašiai Kweilin Ellingrud, McKinsey Global Institute, konsultacinės įmonės tyrimų padalinio, direktorė, baiminasi, kad kai darbo vietos vėl atsidarys be apribojimų, sugrįš savarankiškai pasirinkta grupė ir džiaugsis didesniu matomumu bei tinklų kūrimu. Ši grupė, daugiausia vyrai, neturintys priežiūros pareigų, galėtų dominuoti karjeros augime ir kuriant santykius. Todėl gali atsidurti nepalankioje padėtyje mažiau matomi žmonės, turintys priežiūros pareigų.


    „Tikiuosi, kad daugiau iš tų milijonų dingusių moterų ateina į darbo rinką, bet bijau, kad tai bus lėtesnė eiga ir turės neigiamos įtakos ilgalaikėms karjeros perspektyvoms“, – sakė ji.


    Tačiau daktaras Goldinas teigė, kad darbuotojai – ir ypač motinos – taip pat turi naudos iš didesnio lankstumo. Dėl technologijų moterims lengviau dirbti finansų, teisės, konsultavimo ir inžinerijos srityse, kurios kažkada reikalavo dažnų kelionių ir ilgų valandų.


    „Lankstumo kaina sumažėjo, jei kompanijų susijungimą ir įsigijimą galite atlikti namuose ar biure, o ne skristi į Japoniją, arba pasirašyti sutartį, nevykdami į Ciurichą“, – sakė dr. Goldinas.


    Atsirandančioms darbo vietoms ir darbuotojų kaitai svyruojant beveik rekordiniame lygyje, darbdaviams tenka atsakomybė ieškoti būdų, kaip įdarbinti ir išlaikyti darbuotojus, o lankstumas yra vienas iš jų.


    Neseniai atlikta Darbo departamento apklausa atskleidė, kad daugiau, nei trečdalis darbdavių padidino nuotolinį darbą dėl pandemijos, o 60,2 % tikisi, kad, pandemijai pasibaigus, padidėjimas išliks nuolat.


    Remiantis kasmėnesine ekonomistų apklausa apie darbo iš namų tvarką, jei jų būtų paprašyta grįžti į darbo vietą penkias dienas per savaitę, beveik 40 % moterų, auginančių vaikus iki 18 metų, grįžtų ir nedelsdamos pradėtų ieškoti darbo iš namų, palyginti su mažiau, nei trečdaliu vyrų. Dar 7,3 % moterų, auginančių vaikus iki 18 metų, teigė, kad jos iš karto išeitų iš darbo, jei jos būtų paprašytos grįžti penkias dienas per savaitę, net ir neturėdamos kito darbo, beveik dvigubai nei 3,8 % vyrų, taip pat turinčių vaikų iki 18 metų, kurie sakė tą patį.


    Darbo susitarimai po pandemijos gali turėti įtakos nustatant, kiek amerikiečių, ypač moterų, gali būti grąžinta į darbo jėgą.


    Moterys labiau nukentėjo dėl darbo praradimo pandemijos pradžioje, įskaitant svetingumo ir mažmeninės prekybos sektorius. Ekonomistus dabar glumina JAV ekonomikoje dingusios moterys, kurios lėtai grįžta, net kai mokyklose dažniausiai grįžo į asmeninį mokymąsi ir atsirado vakcinų.


    Neseniai darbo biržos „Indeed“ atlikta apklausa parodė, kad pagrindiniai veiksniai, neleidžiantys bedarbėms moterims skubiai ieškoti darbo, buvo įdarbinti partneriai ir vaikų priežiūros pareigos.


    Darbo departamento duomenimis, dirbančių 25–54 metų amžiaus moterų skaičius išaugo nuo pandemijos žemumo, tačiau praėjusį mėnesį vis dar buvo maždaug puse milijono mažesnis, nei prieš pandeminį 2020 m. vasario mėn. Priešingai, praėjusį mėnesį daugiau vyrų dirbo darbo rinkoje nei prieš prasidedant pandemijai.


    Remiantis kredito reitingų bendrovės „Moody's Corp.“ analize, JAV padidintų savo moterų darbo jėgos lygį iki kitų išsivysčiusių ekonomikų lygio, JAV bendrasis vidaus produktas gali padidėti beveik 1 trilijonu dolerių per maždaug kitą dešimtmetį.


    Kai kuriuose darbuose, pavyzdžiui, restorane, nuotolinis darbas nėra pasirinkimas. Kiti darbdaviai mano, kad jiems neužtenka bendradarbiavimo, nes darbuotojai nesusirenka asmeniškai. Vis dėlto darbuotojų produktyvumas ir atlyginimai per pandemiją išaugo, teigia Darbo departamentas.


     „Faktas, kad ekonomika yra produktyvesnė, turi įtakos visiems, tai padidina atlyginimus ir daro visus efektyvesnius“, – sakė vienas iš apklausą atlikusių ekonomistų Jose Maria Barrero. "Pastarieji dveji metai įrodė, kad lankstumas gali būti naudingas, nėra jokios priežasties eiti į biurą penkias dienas per savaitę."" [1]

1. U.S. News --- THE OUTLOOK: Remote Work Offers Rewards, Risks
Torry, Harriet.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 14 Mar 2022: A.2.

Remote Work Offers Rewards, Risks

"A shift to remote-work arrangements is showing signs of boosting the lagging share of women in the labor force as the economy recovers from the pandemic. That is a good thing for U.S. economic growth and productivity, although economists say that workers who never come back to the office risk isolating themselves from promotions and networking opportunities.

Companies are increasingly offering remote and hybrid work arrangements as a perk to hire workers, particularly at larger firms, and women appear to be embracing the flexibility. A February survey of job seekers by hiring platform ZipRecruiter Inc. found that women were twice as likely as men, 26% versus 13%, to say they were only looking for remote work.

That increased flexibility could help retain women in the workforce and counter the sharp decline in female workers early in the pandemic. But it could also come with risks to career progression, according to some researchers.

Harvard University economist Claudia Goldin said a potential downside to women working from home more than men is that they could isolate themselves as a group. Dr. Goldin likened a scenario in which female employees work exclusively at home to that of part-time work, which economic studies have shown hurt workers' wages, retirement savings and career prospects.

Similarly, Kweilin Ellingrud, a director at McKinsey Global Institute, the research arm of the consulting firm, said she fears that when workplaces reopen without restrictions, a self-selected group will return and enjoy increased visibility and networking. That group, largely men without caregiving responsibilities, could dominate promotions and relationship-building. That could put less-visible people with care responsibilities at a disadvantage.

"My hope is we see more of those million missing women come into the workforce, but my fear is that it will be slower and with negative implications on long-term career prospects," she said.

Dr. Goldin, however, said workers -- and mothers in particular -- also stand to benefit from the increased flexibility. High-income jobs in finance, law, consulting and engineering that once demanded frequent travel and long hours are now easier for women to take, thanks to technology.

"The price of flexibility has gone down, if you can do an M&A from home or the office rather than flying to Japan, or sign a contract without having to go to Zurich," Dr. Goldin said.

With job openings and worker turnover hovering near record levels, the onus is shifting to employers to find ways to hire and retain workers, and flexibility is one of them.

A recent survey by the Labor Department found that more than a third of employers increased telework because of the pandemic, and 60.2% expect to keep the increases permanent when the pandemic is over.

If asked to return to the workplace five days a week, nearly 40% of women with children under 18 would return and immediately start looking for a work-from-home job, according to a monthly survey of work-from-home arrangements by economists from the University of Chicago, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico and other colleges. That compared with just under a third of men. A further 7.3% of women with children under 18 said they would quit outright if asked to come back five days a week, even without another job lined up, nearly double the 3.8% of men, also with children under 18, who said the same.

Post-pandemic work arrangements could factor in determining how many Americans, especially women, can be drawn back into the labor force.

Women were harder hit by job losses at the start of the pandemic, including in the hospitality and retail sectors. Economists now are puzzling over the U.S. economy's missing women, who have been slow to return even as schools largely went back to in-person learning and vaccines became available.

A recent survey by the jobs site Indeed found that the main factors keeping female unemployed workers from urgently searching for a job were employed partners and child care responsibilities.

The number of women aged 25 to 54 in the labor force has increased from pandemic lows, but was still about half a million below the pre-pandemic February 2020 level last month, according to the Labor Department. In contrast, more men were in the labor force last month than before the pandemic began.

If the U.S. increased its female labor-force participation rate to the levels of other developed economies, that could boost U.S. gross domestic product by almost $1 trillion over roughly the next decade, according to analysis by credit-ratings firm Moody's Corp.

In some jobs, such as at a restaurant, remote work isn't an option. And other employers think they are missing out on collaboration by not having workers gather in person. Still, worker productivity and wages have risen during the pandemic, according to the Labor Department.

"The fact that the economy is more productive does affect everybody, it increases wages and makes everyone more efficient," said Jose Maria Barrero, one of the economists behind the survey. "The past two years proved flexibility can work, there's no reason to schlep to office five days a week."" [1]

1. U.S. News --- THE OUTLOOK: Remote Work Offers Rewards, Risks
Torry, Harriet.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 14 Mar 2022: A.2.

2022 m. kovo 13 d., sekmadienis

Kas atsitiko Kijevo karinėje bazėje netoli Lvovo?

  „NOVOJAVORIVSKAS, Ukraina. Praėjus kelioms valandoms po to, kai sekmadienį raketos sunaikino karinę bazę netoli Lenkijos sienos, kamufliažiniai kareiviai vis dar buvo neštuvais išvežami iš priblokuotos netoliese esančios ligoninės, daugelis kenčia nuo tokio skausmo, kad tegalėjo pasukti galvą ir atidengti sužalotas akis su baime.


    Bazė Javorive, strateginiame karinių mokymų centre, yra maždaug už keliolikos mylių nuo sienos su Lenkija, NATO aljanso ir Europos Sąjungos nare. Tai buvo artimiausios raketos, nusileidusios prie NATO teritorijos nuo tada, kai prasidėjo Rusijos operacija Donbasui apginti.


    Kadangi pastarosiomis savaitėmis daug kovų vyko Ukrainos pietuose, šiaurėje ir rytuose, daugelis bandė pabėgti, keliaudami į vakarus į tokias vietas, kaip Novojavorivskas, netoli bazės esantis miestas, kuris iki ankstyvo šeštadienio ryto nebuvo bombarduotas nuo pirmos operacijos Donbasui apginti dienos.


    „Žmonės manė, kad jie čia saugūs, nes yra po NATO prieglobsčiu dėl sienos artumo“, – sakė Volodymyras Lytvynas, bankininkas ir buvęs Ukrainos vyriausybės ministras, atvykęs iš sostinės Kijevo į savo gimtąjį miestą Novojavorivską.


    „Dabar žmonės tikrai panikuoja“, – sakė jis. „Jie pradėjo ieškoti tikrų prieglaudų. Jie turėjo tokią iliuziją, kad esame taip arti, kad „Patriot“ raketos iš Lenkijos sušaudys bet ką, kas skrieja arti. Bet atrodo, kad taip nėra“.


    Sekmadienį prieš pat aušrą dangų pliaupė liepsnos, prasidėjus išpuoliui po daugybės kurtinančių sprogimų. Per kelias sekundes buvo galima pamatyti suglamžytas ant žemės ištisas konstrukcijas filmuotoje medžiagoje, kurią laikraščiui „The New York Times“ atsiuntė bazėje esantis samdinys, riaumojantys strėlės, o dangų užstoja dūmų debesys.


    Vasilis, vidutinio amžiaus autobuso vairuotojas, važiavęs iš pabėgėlių į sieną, sakė, kad buvo apie 5.50 val., kai išgirdo gilų „buh-buh“ sprogimą. „Visas dangus degė liepsnose“, – sakė jis. Vasilis, kuris atsisakė duoti savo pavardę, nes bijojo savo asmeninio saugumo, pridūrė: „Esu dievobaimingas žmogus. Nusiėmiau skrybėlę, pažvelgiau į dangų ir meldžiausi.


    Ukrainos pareigūnų teigimu, žuvo mažiausiai 35 žmonės, o dar mažiausiai 134 buvo sužeisti. Rusijos gynybos ministerija pareiškė, kad per išpuolį žuvo 180 užsienio kovotojų. „The Times“ negalėjo savarankiškai patikrinti nė vieno skaičiaus.


    Manoma, kad bazėje, vadinamoje Tarptautiniu taikos palaikymo ir saugumo centru, kuri yra naujojo Ukrainos suburto tarptautinio legiono dalis, treniravosi apie 1000 užsieniečių samdinių, kurie tikėjosi padėti Kijevui. Pareigūnai nenurodė, ar tarp žuvusiųjų ar sužeistųjų yra užsienio piliečių.


    Vaizdo įrašuose matomos kelios beveik sunaikintos arba vis dar degančios konstrukcijos, taip pat didelis krateris šalia stovyklos treniruočių patalpos ir sporto aikštynų. Krateris buvo taip giliai, kad į jį tilptų sunkvežimis, girdėti, kaip sako filmuojantis vyras. Gaisrai po sprogimo siautė valandas ir buvo užgesinti tik apie 15 val.


    Išpuolio metu bazėje buvę kariai aprašė sunkią sceną. Tai buvo „pragaras“, – sakė švedų samdinys Jesperas Soderis. „Jie tiksliai žino, ko siekti. Jie tiksliai žino, ką padarė. Ir jie taikėsi į mus. Ir aš pasakiau: po valandos mes būsime baigti, jei pasiliksime. Ir aš visiems pasakiau, ir daug žmonių mane sekė, o daugelis liko."


    Ponas Soderis pridūrė: „Daugelis jų yra traumuoti“.


    Vienas amerikiečių kovotojas, kuris paprašė neskelbti jo tapatybės dėl saugumo problemų, sakė anksčiau dirbęs su sprogmenimis Irake kariuomenės reikmėms, ir apibūdino, kad raketa atsitrenkė į žemę, skambanti, kaip reaktyvinio lėktuvo katastrofa. Jis sakė, kad dėl to užsidegė pastatų stogai ir žmonės rėkė.


    Novojavorivsko ligoninėje sekmadienio popietę buvo galima pamatyti gydytojų, kurie rūpinosi likusiais sužeistaisiais, slaugytiems dėl stuburo traumų, pažeistų ausų ir kaukolės traumos.


    Nuo 1990-ųjų kariai iš JAV, Didžiosios Britanijos, Kanados, Lenkijos, Latvijos ir kitų Vakarų sąjungininkų bazę naudojo Ukrainos pajėgoms apmokyti.


    Vienas iš pastatų, nukentėjęs per išpuolį, buvo rajone, kuriame prieš įsiveržimą buvo apsistoję amerikiečių, kanadiečių ir kitų užsienio šalių kariniai instruktoriai, sakė JAV armijos žurnalistas, kuris aprašė daugianacionalinius mokymus bazėje


    Dešimtys Floridos armijos nacionalinės gvardijos karių treniravo Ukrainos karius bazėje, vykdydami NATO misiją, kol gynybos sekretorius Lloydas J. Austinas III įsakė jiems išvykti iš šalies praėjusį mėnesį, likus kelioms dienoms iki Rusijos operacijos Donbasui apsaugoti.


    Novojavorivsko miestas buvo įkurtas septintajame dešimtmetyje netoliese esančios sieros kasyklos ir karinės bazės darbuotojams. Aukšti daugiabučiai driekiasi miesto kvartaluose su dideliais kiemais. Nuo Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo prieš 30 metų didžioji miesto dalis buvo priklausoma nuo tarpvalstybinės prekybos su Lenkija. Po sprogimo karinėje bazėje ponas Lytvynas, bankininkas ir buvęs Ukrainos vyriausybės ministras, sakė, kad surinko jo tėvus, seserį ir didelę šeimą ir išsiuntė į Lenkiją."



What happened at Kyiv's military base near Lviv?

"NOVOYAVORIVSK, Ukraine — Hours after missiles decimated a military base near the Polish border on Sunday, soldiers in camouflage were still being wheeled out of an overwhelmed nearby hospital on stretchers, many in so much pain they could only turn their heads to reveal eyes stricken with fear.

The base at Yavoriv, a strategic hub for military training, is roughly a dozen miles from the border with Poland, a member of the NATO alliance and the European Union. It was the closest missiles had landed near NATO territory since Russia's operation to protect Donbas started.

With much of the fighting in recent weeks contained to Ukraine’s south, north and east, many have tried to escape the violence by traveling west to places like Novoyavorivsk, the town near the base, which until early Saturday morning had not been bombed since the first day of the war.

“People thought they were safe here because they are under NATO’s shelter, due to the proximity of the border,” said Volodymyr Lytvyn, a banker and former Ukrainian government minister who had come from the capital, Kyiv, to Novoyavorivsk, his hometown.

“Now people are really panicked,” he said. “They began looking for real shelters. They had this illusion that we are so close, that Patriot missiles from Poland will shoot whatever flies in proximity. But it appears that this is not the case.”

Flames ripped through the sky just before dawn on Sunday as the attack began, following a series of deafening explosions. In a matter of seconds, entire structures could be seen crumpled to the ground in footage sent to The New York Times by a fighter at the base, the booms roaring and clouds of smoke blocking out the sky.

Vasil, a middle-aged bus driver who had been on his way back from driving refugees to the border, said it was around 5:50 a.m. when he heard the deep “buh-buh” blast. “The entire sky was in flames,” he said. Vasil, who declined to give his last name out of fear for his personal security, added: “I am a God-fearing man. I took off my hat, looked at the sky and prayed.”

The strike killed at least 35 people and injured at least 134 more, according to Ukrainian officials. Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed it killed 180 foreign fighters in the attack. The Times could not independently verify either count.


About 1,000 foreigners hoping to help Ukraine fight Russia were believed to be training at the base, known as the International Peacekeeping and Security Center, part of the new International Legion that Ukraine has formed. The authorities did not mention whether any foreign citizens were among the dead or wounded.


Videos show several structures nearly destroyed, or still burning, as well as a large crater next to the camp’s training facility and sports fields. The crater was so deep a truck could fit into it, the man taking the video can be heard saying. The fires raged for hours after the explosion and were not extinguished until around 3 p.m.


Soldiers who were on the base during the attack described the scene of terror. It was “hell,” said Jesper Soder, a Swedish fighter. “They know exactly what to aim for. They know exactly what they did. And they were targeting us. And I said, in one hour we will be finished if we don’t get out. And I told everybody, and a lot of people followed me, and a lot of people stayed.”


Mr. Soder added, “A lot of them are traumatized.”


An American fighter, who asked not to be identified over security concerns, said he had previously worked in explosives in Iraq for the military and described the missile hitting the ground, sounding like a jet crash. He said it set the roofs of buildings ablaze and sent people screaming.


At the hospital in Novoyavorivsk, doctors could be seen on Sunday afternoon tending to the wounded who remained, calling out to nurses about spinal injuries, damaged ears and trauma to a skull.

Since the 1990s, soldiers from the United States, Britain, Canada, Poland, Latvia and other Western allies have used the base to train Ukrainian forces.

One of the buildings that was hit in the attack was in an area where American, Canadian and other foreign military instructors had stayed before the invasion, according to a broadcast journalist for the U.S. Army who covered multinational training at the base.


Dozens of soldiers from the Florida Army National Guard had been training Ukrainian troops at the base as part of a NATO mission until Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III ordered them to leave the country last month, days before the Russian operation to protect Donbas


The town of Novoyavorivsk was established in the 1960s for workers at a nearby sulfur mine and the military base. High apartment buildings span the city’s blocks, with large courtyards inside. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union 30 years ago, much of the town has been dependent on cross-border trade with Poland.


After the blast at the military base, Mr. Lytvyn, the banker and former Ukrainian government minister, said he packed up his parents, sister and extended family and sent them to Poland."