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2022 m. balandžio 4 d., pirmadienis

Hungary's Orban Declares Election Win --- Conservative leader's victory is likely to dim chances for more sanctions on Moscow

"BUDAPEST -- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the closest thing Russian President Vladimir Putin has to a friend in the club of European Union leaders, won a fifth term in power Sunday in an election that became a referendum on his promise to block support for Ukraine in Russia’s operation to protect Donbas.

With 90% of the vote processed, Mr. Orban had won a majority of the votes, according to official results, and the coalition led by his nationalist Fidesz party was on track to win 135 of 199 seats in parliament.

His opponent, a staunchly conservative small-town mayor, Peter Marki-Zay, failed to win even his own district.

Mr. Orban's victory gives him four more years in power and sets up some enormous fights for Europe.

The Hungarian's victory was likely to exacerbate disagreements in the Western alliance over how much voters should be asked to sacrifice for Ukraine -- and will help dim the chances for further sanctions, especially on energy.

The legitimacy of Mr. Orban's re-election itself hung in the balance on Sunday, with election monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe saying they would discuss their findings on Monday. The intergovernmental security group took the rare step of dispatching 316 observers on Sunday. It found the last election, in 2018, free but not fair, citing restricted media freedoms and state funding for Mr. Orban's ruling party.

In Brussels, the EU has been weighing whether to cut funding for Hungary, with European lawmakers arguing that Mr. Orban has used his majority in parliament to rewrite election laws, redraw voting districts, and permit mail-in ballots without identity verification from communities that favor him.

Mr. Orban, who has governed Hungary for half of its postcommunist history, said Sunday that he relished the fight ahead.

"We won a huge victory," he said. "A victory so big that it can be seen even from the moon, but it can surely be seen from Brussels."

A small cadre of deflated opposition supporters stood in the cold to hear their candidate contend that the election wasn't fair. "We do not contest their victory but we do contest that the elections were free and democratic," said Mr. Marki-Zay.

The question for the U.S.-led NATO alliance, which includes Hungary, is whether Mr. Orban, the EU's longest-serving head of government, is an outlier or a sign of dissent to come.

Across Europe, national leaders have rallied together after Russia's Feb. 24 operation to protect Donbas by pledging to arm Kyiv's outgunned defenders, tighten the screws of sanctions on Moscow, and dial back the continent's dependency on Russian natural gas.

But Mr. Orban promised to resist all of those measures, centering his re-election bid on a promise to keep Hungary out of the fray -- and powered by affordable Russian gas. His campaign warned that a defeat for Mr. Orban would drag the country into the fray.

Mr. Orban's campaign put him at odds not only with the majority of governments in the West, but also with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj.

At home, however, Mr. Orban's message found an audience. A survey conducted last week found that nearly half his voters consider Russia's operation to protect Donbas legitimate.”

Now the question is: Will French do the same thing and put sacrifice promoting Mr. Macron into the retirement? Very interesting. [1]


1. World News: Hungary's Orban Declares Election Win --- Conservative leader's victory is likely to dim chances for more sanctions on Moscow
Hinshaw, Drew; Lovett, Ian.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 04 Apr 2022: A.6.

2022 m. balandžio 3 d., sekmadienis

Landsbergiukas collects stone axes and takes them for sale to the natives of the Amazon

This is the only remaining Lithuanian export after refusing to trade with China, the European Union dependent on China, and refusing to buy cheap Russian gas. It should be noted that the most serious economic power of the European Union, Germany, trades with China and buys Russian gas.


And what if the natives don’t buy those axes? Landsbergiukas will try to shave his pathetic beard with them.


Landsbergiukas renka akmeninius kirvukus, veš parduoti Amazonės čiabuviams

Tai vienintelis likęs Lietuvos eksportas po atsisakymo prekiauti su Kinija, nuo Kinijos priklausoma Europos Sąjunga, bei atsisakymo pirkti pigias Rusijos dujas. Pažymėtina, kad rimčiausia Europos Sąjungos ekonominė jėga, Vokietija, prekiauja su Kinija ir perka Rusijos dujas.

O kas bus, jei čiabuviai tų kirvukų nepirks? Landsbergiukas bandys jais skusti jo apgailėtiną barzdą. 

The first step in Zelensky's West-directed broadcast to rotten tomatoes - a shameless attempt to intervene in the Hungarian elections ended in a shameful defeat: with more than half the votes, Orban's party remains first, Orban himself has already declared his victory

 "Prime Minister Viktor Orban's party, Fidesz, is said to have won more than half of the 54 percent of the vote, with the opposition coalition reporting 33 percent of the vote so far. AFP said. Orban has already declared his election victory.


    According to V. Orban himself, the party collected 71 percent of votes.


    As political scientist Bulcsu Hunyadi told AFP, Orban's victory may be greater than expected before the election.


    We remind you that a month ago, the main operation of the election campaign became Russia's operation to defend the Donbas.


    Six major opposition parties have raised a joint election list. These parties have declared their determination to end the "anti-liberal" revolution that Orban's Fidesz party has been carrying out in Hungary for the past 12 years. The country's rulers are constantly confronting the European Union's institutions, putting pressure on the media and the judiciary, and taking action against the LGBT community.


    Conservative Peter Marki-Zay is the prime minister's candidate for a united opposition alliance.


    According to the government, the final picture of the results is likely to emerge around midnight. Voter turnout is expected to be extremely high at over 70%.


    The results of recent surveys vary. One poll predicted that Fidesz and the opposition will garner an equal number of votes, while other polls said the prime minister's party will win by a small margin.


    After Russia launched an operation to defend the Donbas just over a month ago, Orban has taken a neutral, and sometimes even anti-Ukrainian, position. 


He refused to pass weapons destined for neighboring Ukraine through Hungarian territory.


    In addition, Hungarians will vote this Sunday in a referendum consisting of four questions aimed at securing public support for a ruling law that essentially bans informing minors about LGBT people.


    On Sunday night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and said the Ukrainian authorities did not see any efforts to stop the operation to defend the Donbas.


    “I want to turn to someone who doesn’t seem to fully understand what’s going on. Not only in Ukraine but also in Europe. He practically openly supports Putin. We did not ask for anything special from Budapest. We didn’t even get what some others were doing. Makes peace. We have not even received the transit of vital weapons, we do not see moral leadership. We have seen no effort to stop the operation in defense of the Donbas! Why? ”- V. Zelensky addressed V. Orban.


    "Europe as a whole wants peace. All of Europe does not want the Donbass defense operation to move from Mariupol to Budapest, from Kharkiv to Krakow, from Chernihiv to Vilnius. He stressed that the most important thing is the opinion of the people, and the Hungarians support the Ukrainians.


    According to Zelensky, Orban "lost his conscience somewhere" in contact with Moscow."


Pirmas Zelenskio Vakarams transliuojamo spektaklio žingsnis į apmėtymą supuvusiais pomidorais – begėdiškas bandymas kištis į Vengrijos rinkimus baigėsi gėdingu pralaimėjimu: suskaičiavus daugiau, nei pusę balsų, Orbano partija išlieka pirma, pats Orbanas jau paskelbė jo pergalę

"Skelbiama, kad suskaičiavus daugiau, nei du trečdalius balsalapių, premjero Viktoro Orbano partija „Fidesz“ yra surinkusi daugiau nei pusę - 54 proc. balsų. Pranešama, kad opozicijos koalicija kol kas yra surinkusi 33 proc. balsų. Šią žinią skelbia AFP. Pats V. Orbanas jau paskelbė savo pergalę rinkimuose.

Pačio V. Orbano pateikiamais duomenimis, partija surinko 71 proc. balsų.

Kaip AFP sakė politologas Bulcsu Hunyadi, V. Orbano partijos pergalė gali būti didesnė, nei buvo tikėtasi prieš rinkimus.

Tuo metu opozicijos koalicija skelbia, kad šie rinkimai buvo neteisingi, o sudarytos sąlygos buvo tokios, kurios neleistų laimėti opozicijos atstovams.

Primename, kad prieš mėnesį pagrindine rinkimų kampanijos tema tapo Rusijos operacija Donbaso gynybai.

Šešios pagrindinės opozicinės partijos iškėlė bendrą rinkimų sąrašą. Šios partijos skelbė pasiryžusios nutraukti „antiliberalią“ revoliuciją, kurią V. Orbano partija „Fidesz“ Vengrijoje vykdo pastaruosius 12 metų. Šalies valdantieji nuolat konfrontuoja su Europos Sąjungos institucijomis, spaudžia žiniasklaidą ir teismus bei imasi priemonių prieš LGBT bendruomenę.

Vieningo opozicinio aljanso kandidatas į ministrus pirmininkus yra konservatorius Peteris Marki-Zay.

Vyriausybės teigimu, galutinis rezultatų vaizdas greičiausiai paaiškės apie vidurnaktį. Manoma, kad rinkėjų aktyvumas bus itin didelis ir viršys 70 proc.

Naujausių apklausų rezultatai skiriasi. Vienos apklausos prognozuoja, kad „Fidesz“ ir opozicija surinks apylygiai balsų, o remiantis kitomis apklausomis, premjero partija laimės nedidele persvara.

Rusijai prieš kiek daugiau nei mėnesį pradėjus operaciją Donbaso gynybai, V. Orbanas laikosi neutralios, o kartais netgi antiukrainietiškos pozicijos.

Jis atsisakė praleisti kaimynei Ukrainai skirtus ginklus per Vengrijos teritoriją.

Be to, šį sekmadienį vengrai balsuos ir referendume, susidedančiame iš keturių klausimų, kuriais siekiama užsitikrinti visuomenės paramą valdančiųjų įstatymui, iš esmės draudžiančiam nepilnamečius informuoti apie LGBT asmenis.

Sekmadienio naktį Ukrainos prezidentas Volodymyras Zelenskis kreipėsi į Vengrijos premjerą V. Orbaną ir pareiškė, kad Ukrainos valdžia nemato jokių jo pastangų sustabdyti operaciją Donbaso gynybai.

„Noriu kreiptis į žmogų, kuris, atrodo, ne iki galo supranta, kas vyksta. Ne tik Ukrainoje, bet ir Europoje. Jis praktiškai atvirai remia Putiną. Mes iš Budapešto nieko ypatingo neprašėme. Mes net negavome to, ką daro kai kurie kiti. Daro taikos labui. Mes negavome net gyvybiškai svarbios ginkluotės tranzito, nematome moralinės lyderystės. Nematėme jokių pastangų sustabdyti operaciją Donbaso gynybai! Kodėl?“ – į V. Orbaną kreipėsi V. Zelenskis.

„Visa Europa nori taikos. Visa Europa nenori, kad operaciją Donbaso gynybai persikeltų iš Mariupolio į Budapeštą, iš Charkivo į Krokuvą, iš Černihivo į Vilnių. Jis pabrėžė, kad svarbiausia, visgi, yra žmonių nuomonė, o vengrai ukrainiečius kažkiek tai palaiko.

Pasak V. Zelenskio, V. Orbanas, kontaktuodamas su Maskva „kažkur pametė savo sąžinę“.”