
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2023 m. balandžio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Politics of Lithuania

“Lithuania confidently holds the title of one of the most anti-Russian states in the world. After the start of the events in Ukraine, Vilnius lowered the level of diplomatic relations. The republic recalled its ambassador from Moscow and ordered the Russian ambassador to leave. In addition, the Russian consulate in Klaipėda was closed; in response, the Lithuanian consulate was closed in St. Petersburg.

In May last year, the Sejm called Russia a terrorist state. Vilnius is also constantly lobbying for new packages of anti-Russian and anti-Belarusian sanctions. The last proposal is to limit the work of Rosatom and the Russian nuclear industry. “Strong sanctions are needed. There is some concern about attempts to weaken them under the pretext of food security. This should not happen,” Lithuanian President Nausėda said.

Lithuania is also actively arming Ukraine. After the start of the events in Ukraine, anti-tank weapons, ammunition, grenades, small arms, several dozen M113 and M577 armored personnel carriers and Bofors L70 anti-aircraft guns were transferred. Vilnius sent its instructors to Ukraine, who taught military personnel how to handle Western weapons.

Lithuania is strengthening its army. A record military budget has been adopted in the republic for 2023. 

It is planned to spend 3% of GDP on defense needs (a year ago it was 2%).

 In particular, Vilnius signed a contract for the purchase of eight HIMARS MLRS, as well as ammunition for them, including ATACMS missiles, which hit a distance of up to 300 km. The transaction amount is $495 million. In addition, Vilnius will buy American Switchblade 600 kamikaze drones, which are designed to destroy armored vehicles.

At the same time, Lithuania suffers significant losses due to its policy. At the end of 2022, inflation in the republic amounted to 21%, food inflation - 34%. Youth unemployment reached 11%. The budget for this year has been drawn up with a deficit of 4.9% of GDP. Klaipeda port lost one fifth of its cargo. The sanctions have led to the closure of a number of enterprises. So, the plant for the production of Lifosa fertilizers stopped, a thousand employees found themselves on the street.

The demographic situation remains difficult. In general, over the past 30 years, the population has decreased by almost a million and now stands at 2.8 million people. The average age of the population has increased by 12 years and reaches 44 years, the proportion of children and young people is only 17% of the total population. For example, in February this year, the number of births was 5% less than in February last year, the number of marriages decreased by 23%. The population is projected to continue to decline. It is expected that by 2045 there will be 2 million inhabitants in the republic.

  Against this background, internal political scandals do not subside. So, in early March, the book “Informer and the President” was published, which tells about the election campaign of the current head of state, Gitanas Nausėda. It is alleged that he was financed by the Swedish bank SEB, employees and clients of the bank were persuaded to become supporters of Nausėda. In addition, the politician's candidacy was supported by Belarusian companies that shipped fertilizers in the port of Klaipeda. In gratitude, Nausėda then allegedly tried to block sanctions against these companies.

Another scandal was caused by the publication of the journalist Dovydas Pantserovas. He released archival documents showing that Nausėda became a member of the Communist Party in June 1988. Moreover, during the presidential campaign of 2019, he hid this fact, declaring his membership in the nationalist socio-political organization Sąjūdis. The politician himself called the communist past a mistake of youth.”


Manote, kad esate per jaunas, kad prireiktų kolonoskopijos? Pagalvokite dar kartą

„Prieš kelerius metus per mano kasmetinį sveikatos patikrinimą mano gydytojas ištarė žodį „kurį nė vienas 40-metis plius nenori girdėti“: kolonoskopija.

     - Aš ne toks senas, - nusijuokiau.

     Pasirodo, buvau.


     Medicinos grupės sumažino rekomenduojamą pradinį storosios žarnos vėžio patikros amžių iki 45 metų nuo 50, reaguodamos į didėjantį storosios žarnos vėžio atvejų skaičių tarp jaunesnių žmonių. 


Tačiau, remiantis Amerikos vėžio draugijos duomenimis, tik apie 20% 45–49 metų amžiaus žmonių yra tikrinami dėl vieno iš mirtiniausių vėžio formų.


     „Vis dar trūksta žinių apie patikrinimo svarbą, ypač šioje amžiaus grupėje“, – sako Cassandra Fritz, gastroenterologė ir Vašingtono universiteto Sent Luise docentė.


     Kolonoskopija yra daug laiko reikalaujanti ir gana nemaloni patirtis. Norėdami ištuštinti storąją žarną dieną prieš procedūrą, tam tikrą laiką venkite kieto maisto ir gerkite skaidrius skysčius bei gerkite vidurius laisvinančius vaistus.


     Procedūra paprastai apima anesteziją arba sedaciją, kai į tiesiąją žarną įkišamas optinis zondas, kad gydytojas galėtų pažvelgti į storosios žarnos vidų. Polipai gali būti pašalinti, naudojant taikiklį, o audinių mėginiai gali būti paimti biopsijai.


     2018 m. Amerikos vėžio draugija sumažino rekomenduojamą storosios žarnos vėžio patikros pradžios amžių nuo 50 iki 45 metų. 2021 m. JAV prevencinių paslaugų darbo grupė, kurios rekomendacijų laikosi draudikai ir federalinės sveikatos priežiūros programos, pasekė pavyzdžiu, todėl kolonoskopijos 45 metų ir vyresniems žmonėms paprastai yra apdraustos sveikatos draudimu." [1]


1. Your Health: Think You're Too Young to Need A Colonoscopy? Think Again
Reddy, Sumathi.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 06 Apr 2023: A.12.

Think You're Too Young to Need A Colonoscopy? Think Again

"A few years ago at my annual wellness exam, my doctor brought up the word no 40-something wants to hear: colonoscopy.

"I'm not that old," I scoffed.

Turns out, I was.

Medical groups have lowered the recommended starting age for colorectal cancer screenings to 45 from 50, in response to rising colon cancer rates among younger people. But only about 20% of 45- to 49-year-olds are screened for one of the deadliest cancers, according to American Cancer Society data.

"There is still a lack of knowledge about the importance of getting screened, especially within this age group," says Cassandra Fritz, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis.

A colonoscopy is a time-consuming and rather unpleasant experience. To empty out your colon the day before the procedure, you avoid solid food and drink clear liquids for a certain amount of time, and take a laxative.

The procedure typically involves anesthesia or sedation, with a scope inserted into your rectum so a doctor can look inside your colon. Polyps can be removed with the scope, and tissue samples can be taken for a biopsy.

In 2018, the American Cancer Society lowered the recommended starting age for colon cancer screenings to 45 from 50. In 2021, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a panel whose recommendations are followed by insurers and federal healthcare programs, followed suit, so colonoscopies for people 45 and older are typically covered by health insurance.” [1]

1. Your Health: Think You're Too Young to Need A Colonoscopy? Think Again
Reddy, Sumathi.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 06 Apr 2023: A.12.