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2024 m. gruodžio 10 d., antradienis

Mirštančios Vakarų įmonės susivienija, kad standartizuotų karinių bepiločių orlaivių programinę įrangą

  „Rheinmetall ir Auterion teigė, kad kartu kurs standartizuotą programinę įrangą įvairiems kariniams bepiločiams orlaiviams, o tai turėtų sustiprinti Vakarų atgrasymo pastangas.


 Vokietijos ginklų gamintoja ir JAV įsikūrusi bepiločių orlaivių programinės įrangos kompanija pirmadienį pranešė, kad pasiekė susitarimą sukurti pramonės standartą nepilotuojamų oro, sausumos ir jūrų bepiločių orlaivių valdymui.


 „Auterion“, įkurta Šveicarijoje ir kurios būstinė yra Arlingtone, Vašingtone, parduoda „viskas viename“ kompiuterį ir skrydžio valdiklį, pavadintą „Sky-node“, kuris, kaip teigiama, negali būti užstrigdytas ir jau buvo išbandytas kovinėse misijose Ukrainoje. Bendrovė teigia, kad tai yra pirmoji programinė įranga, siūlanti valdyti dronų spiečių.


 „Rheinmetall-Auterion“ partneryste siekiama leisti NATO šalims kartu valdyti bepiločius orlaivius, naudojant bendrą operacinę sistemą, panašią į tai, ką „Microsoft Windows“ reiškė kompiuterių vartotojams, kai ji buvo paleista devintajame dešimtmetyje, interviu sakė „Auterion“ generalinis direktorius Lorenzas Meieris.


 "Autonominėms sistemoms mes neturime bendros kalbos. Kiekviena autonominė sistema NATO šalyse šiuo metu veikia tik su savo antžemine stotimi, todėl negali bendrauti ir negali būti naudojama pakaitomis", - sakė jis. „Šiuo metu vokiečių brigada negali naudoti prancūziško drono, o tai labai problematiška, nes jie gali veikti kartu ir negali susikalbėti su kitu dronu."


 Tai supaprastintų ir paspartintų bepiločių orlaivių operatorių mokymus, sakė Timo Haasas, „Rheinmetall“, kelis mėnesius dislokavusios dronus Ukrainoje, skaitmeninės tarnybos vadovas.


 „Ukrainoje matome per 200 skirtingų nepilotuojamų oro sistemų.


 Dėl to kariniai mokymai labai brangūs ir atima daug laiko, o sistemų sąveikumas negarantuojamas, – sakė Haasas. – Bendradarbiavimas su „Auterion“ ir vienalytės operacinės sistemos kūrimas leis efektyviai ir lengvai diegti nepilotuojamas sistemas."


 Bendradarbiavimas atvers kelią užsakymams iš NATO šalių ir jos sąjungininkų, sakė Meieris ir pridūrė, kad „Rheinmetall“ ir „Auterion“ jau parodė integruotą bepiločių orlaivių technologiją NATO pajėgoms realiais scenarijais.


 Meieris teigė, kad didelės gynybos įmonės turi bendradarbiauti su pradedančiomis ir novatoriškomis įmonėmis, kad išliktų priekyje ir išliktų konkurencingos prieš Kiniją, kur pramonė privalo dalytis savo technologijų plėtra su kariuomene.


 „Auterion“ pastaruosius septynerius metus dirbo su JAV gynybos departamentu ir jo Gynybos inovacijų padaliniu, taip pat žinomu, kaip padalinys X.


 „Tai, ką matome su Rheinmetall, yra esminis momentas ne tik mums, kaip įmonei, bet ir pramonei, nes tai dabar žymi šį momentą, kai kartu su įsitvirtinusiais žaidėjais gausite naujas masinio masto technologijas“, – sakė Meieris.


 Jis tikisi, kad naujoji JAV administracija, vadovaujama išrinktojo prezidento Donaldo Trumpo, parodys „dar didesnį atvirumą ir greitį bei susitelks į tai, kad iš naujų žaidėjų būtų perimta daugiau technologijų“.


 „Auterion“ padidina „Skynode“ vienetų skaičių Ukrainoje iki dešimčių tūkstančių ir planuoja padidinti jo naudojamų dronų apimtį ir tipus, sakė Meieris.


 Partnerystė rodo, kad „Rheinmetall“, kuri didžiąją dalį pajamų gauna iš kovinių transporto priemonių ir amunicijos, yra judri, kai reikia pasinaudoti naujomis technologijomis, sakė „mwb“ tyrimų analitikas Jensas-Peteris Rieckas.


 Pirmadienio prekyboje „Rheinmetall“ akcijos atpigo 6 proc.“ [1]


Taip ir turi būti su šiomis akcijomis. Kariniai dronai be gerai išvystyto vartojimo prekių komponento šiais laikais tampa nykstančia rūšimi. Kinai laimi vartotojų dronų konkurencijoje. Ar kas nors nori karinio lygio iPhone? Jis atsparus kinetiniam poveikiui, juo galite skaldyti riešutus." [1]

1.  Firms Team Up to Standardize Software for Military Drones. Gallardo, Cristina.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 10 Dec 2024: B.4.

Dying Out Western Firms Team Up to Standardize Software for Military Drones


"Rheinmetall and Auterion said they will jointly develop standardized software for a range of military drones, which is expected to step up the West's deterrence efforts.

The German arms producer and the U.S.-based drone-software company said Monday that they reached a deal to create an industry standard for controlling and operating unmanned aerial, land and naval drones.

Auterion, founded in Switzerland and headquartered in Arlington, Va., commercializes an all-in-one computer and flight controller, named Sky-node, which it says can't be jammed and has already been tested in combat missions in Ukraine. The company says this is the first software to offer control of swarms of drones.

The Rheinmetall-Auterion partnership aims to allow NATO countries to operate drones together, by using a common operating system, akin to what Microsoft Windows meant for computer users when it launched in the 80s, Auterion Chief Executive Lorenz Meier said in an interview.

"For autonomous systems we do not have a common language. Every autonomous system in NATO countries right now is only working with its own ground station so it can't communicate, it can't be used interchangeably," he said. "Right now, a German brigade can't use a French drone, and that's very problematic because they might be operating together and they can't talk to a different drone."

This would simplify and speed up the training of drone operators, said Timo Haas, chief digital officer at Rheinmetall, which has deployed drones in Ukraine for several months.

"We see over 200 different aerial unmanned systems in Ukraine. 

This makes military training very costly and time-consuming, and system interoperability is not guaranteed," Haas said. "Cooperation with Auterion and the development of a homogeneous operating system will enable the efficient and scalable deployment of unmanned systems."

The collaboration will pave the way for orders from NATO countries and its allies, Meier said, adding that Rheinmetall and Auterion have already shown the integrated drone technology to NATO forces in real scenarios.

Meier said large defense companies must team up with startups and innovative companies to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive against China, where industry is obliged to share its technology developments with the military.

Auterion has been working with the U.S. Department of Defense and its Defense Innovation Unit, also known as Unit X, for the past seven years.

"What we are seeing with Rheinmetall is a pivotal moment, not just for us as a company but also for the industry, because it now marks this moment when you have new technology at mass scale coming together with the established players," Meier said.

He expects the incoming U.S. administration, led by President-elect Donald Trump, to signal "even more openness and speed, and a focus on adopting more technology from new players."

Auterion is scaling up the number of Skynode units in Ukraine to the tens of thousands and is planing to increase the volume and types of drones that it is powering, Meier said.

The partnership shows that Rheinmetall, which derives most of its revenue from combat vehicles and ammunition, is agile when it comes to capitalizing on emerging technologies, said mwb research analyst Jens-Peter Rieck.

Rheinmetall shares fell 6% in Monday's trading." [1]

They well should be. Military drones without well developed consumer merchandise component become dying out species these days. Chinese are winning in  consumer drone competition. Military grade iPhone anyone? It is resistant to kinetic impact, you can use it to crack nuts.

1.  Firms Team Up to Standardize Software for Military Drones. Gallardo, Cristina.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 10 Dec 2024: B.4.

2024 m. gruodžio 9 d., pirmadienis

Accusations of Žemaitaitis Being Stretched Too Thin

 "Last Thursday, Gintaras Paluckas presented the Lithuanian Government program to the Seimas, and its approval is expected this Thursday. After that, the cabinet led by him will be sworn in and begin its duties, although it is not known whether it will be fully formed. The time has come to push R. Žemaitaitis's statements to the background and allow law enforcement agencies to conduct their investigations. It is much more important to allow the newly elected government to start doing its job, because there are quite a few challenges that need to be addressed immediately.


The new ruling coalition, like all others, has positive and negative qualities. A big advantage is its size: as many as 86 members. It will be able to easily make the necessary decisions, even if a relatively large number of deputies will not be in the Seimas hall for various reasons. It is important to treat the deputies of "Nemuno aušra" with respect, assign them appropriate places in commissions and other positions, and not consider them to be some kind of outsiders who constantly have to prove its value. No less important is how the other two coalition partners will react to the reproaches leveled at the "Nemunas aušra" by the opposition and abroad.


It is a mistake to defend what cannot be justified, and no less a mistake to remain silent when the criticism is completely unfounded. Israeli Minister for the Diaspora and the Fight against Anti-Semitism Amichai Chikli accused Žemaitaitis of spreading blood libel against the Israeli armed forces fighting Hamas terrorism. Blood libel is the claim that Jews killed Christians so that they could use their blood to perform religious rituals. By accusing Žemaitaitis of blood libel, Chikli portrayed him as an extreme anti-Semite, inclined to believe the most disgusting lies about Jews.


Just a week after Chikli’s accusations, the international human rights organization Amnesty International published a report: there is “sufficient evidence to believe” that Israel’s behavior during the war in Gaza amounts to genocide against Palestinians. “Month after month, Israel has treated the Palestinians in Gaza as a subhuman group, unworthy of human rights and dignity, demonstrating its intention to physically destroy them,” Amnesty International said in a statement. The US and Germany have rejected Amnesty’s accusations, but the killing of about 40,000 civilians, most of whom are children and women, cannot be random.


Paluckas himself, convicted and unelected, does not fit the image of a flawless prime minister, quite the opposite. However, he has been in a leading position in his party for almost a decade and, despite several controversial decisions as party leader, has maintained the trust of his comrades, and no one has challenged G. Paluckas’s claims to the post of prime minister. This is no small achievement and shows leadership skills. However, as prime minister, he will have to find a way to get along with the president and S. Skvernelis – two powerful politicians with big egos and limited willingness to compromise.


During the election campaign, Nausėda was a patron of the social democrats and their leader, openly and consistently supporting them, hoping that they would implement his wishes through legislation. Support for the new ruling coalition faltered when Žemaitaitis’ anti-Semitism came into the spotlight. The President distanced himself from the "Nemuno aušra", announced urbi et orbi that he would not approve any party member as a minister, and emphasized his detachment by deciding to reject two candidates for ministers, non-party specialists, although he supported weaker candidates from other parties. Here he is partly following the scenario of President D. Grybauskaitė after the 2012 elections, when she sought to prevent the Labor Party from participating in government.


It is not known how long the honeymoon will last, but historically the relationship between the President and the Government is tense. Nausėda will not be inclined to seek compromises, and Paluckas will not always be able to give in, as if he were an obedient schoolboy. Nausėda’s views are much more right-wing than in the sphere of social democratic values, and one can doubt how firmly he intends to create a “welfare state”. 


If the national defense budget is increased to 4.5 or 5.0 percent. GDP, there will be crumbs left for social needs.


In 2017, Paluckas said he would not support proposals to allocate more than 2 percent of GDP to defense, saying that the funds should be directed to reducing social exclusion. Today, the situation is different. The Social Democrats are determined to allocate more than 3.5 percent of GDP to national defense, but if the perceived threats were to decrease, would they remember their roots and values?


I think Lithuania and Lithuanians have done enough to prove that anti-Semitism is alien to them, that far more people condemn it than support it. I am an absolutist of freedom of speech, convinced that a case can be filed for incitement to hatred only in cases where the statement is direct, convincing, and unavoidable, and causes or may cause specific, objectively determined, serious harm. Žemaitaitis's remarks did not pose such a danger, it would be more effective to oppose them by publicly condemning them and demonstratively supporting Lithuanian Jews, emphasizing that they are no worse citizens and patriots than ethnic Lithuanians.


The accusations against Žemaitaitis are exaggerated. It is proposed to add to the accusations his private letter to Litvak Liovas Kaplan, in which the parliamentarian urged Kaplan to "save his pennies for both food and treatment, because Biden will bring the state to bankruptcy!" And he also added a link to the database, which stores the calculation "A Jew climbed a ladder" recorded in 1975. Perhaps some of Žemaitaitis's classmates from the first grade will report that they heard Žemaitaitis repeating the calculation then. Everything would be clear - Žemaitaitis was already in the first grade a condemned hardened anti-Semite. QED.


I don't know whether Žemaitaitis will control his tongue, realizing that artificial confrontations will harm the work of the Government, or whether he will repeat them, convinced that it increases his and the party's popularity. It's good that he reminded the Seimas' saints of the killings in Gaza, it's bad that he called Netanyahu an animal. I hope that in March the work of the Government, and not Žemaitaitis' words, will attract the attention of the people and the media."