
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. gegužės 31 d., penktadienis

Playing with the fire of a nuclear war could cost US President Biden dearly in the election


“It was a historic moment for the U.S. as well: It appeared to be the first time an American president had allowed the limited use of American weapons to strike inside the borders of a nuclear-armed adversary (Russia). [1]

"And recently, the Americans have expressed displeasure over Ukraine's drone strikes on Russian nuclear early warning stations, whose work they consider critical to ensuring nuclear security."


During the election campaign, Biden's rival D. Trump periodically points out that Biden's actions in Ukraine increase the risk of nuclear war. It is clear that voters do not like the risk of such a war. And the risk of opening the gates of hell for everyone became serious.

1. As U.S. Shifts Policy on Striking Into Russia, Kharkiv Is Hit Again. Kramer, Andrew E.  New York Times (Online) New York Times Company. May 31, 2024.

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