
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. vasario 2 d., antradienis

As more people consider working from home for themselves, here are some tips for success.

 "Figure out what you do best

"Often when you want to go independent, you throw spaghetti across the wall and hope something sticks, or you say 'I'll go broad, I'll cast a wide net.' Well, you should absolutely do the opposite," says career-management consultant Marianne Ruggiero, founder and president of Optima Careers. "The market rewards specialization."

Think about how relevant your specialty is right now, as companies big and small adapt to social distancing and remote working.

And don't forget to analyze not only what you're good at—but also what parts of your profession you like doing the most, advises career coach Sarina Virk Torrendell.

Think checks and balances

Because working independently means no more steady paycheck, review your finances when embarking, Ms. Ruggiero says. Remember, it may be some time before you get gigs—and between gigs. Ask, "How long can you float yourself?" she says. Ms. Virk Torrendell recommends consulting with an accountant.

People who thrive in freelance work are those who realize how uncertain the income and overall stability will be, according to research co-conducted by Brianna Barker Caza, an associate professor of management at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Have a straight talk with loved ones whose lives are directly affected by your financial status about the ebbs and flows of self-employment, she advises.

Factor in the things that were automatically taken care of when you worked for a company, such as health insurance and vacation time.

Adam Rosenberg, who freelanced for months after being laid off from a public-relations job in June, recommends talking with others who have freelanced or done contract work, to learn the financial ropes. "Nobody gets it right the first time," says the 40-year-old Boston resident, who now has a full-time job as communications director of esports technology company Vindex. "Your first contract is always going to pay you way less than it should."

Sleuth on industry websites and ask fellow independent workers in your field about market rates so you can set your prices accordingly.

Learn to read job-contract fine print carefully or consult with someone who can review the contract objectively, advises Prof. Fuller of Harvard Business School.

Consult your contacts

"Try to get your foundation clients: people who know you from prior positions, maybe you sold them something and they were the customer, maybe you were the purchasing manager and they were the vendor," says Ms. Ruggiero, the career consultant. "Start there with your networking to get assignments."

You can also use those contacts for advice, says Prof. Fuller. "You don't have to necessarily say, 'Can you give me a gig?' But you can say, 'Do you use these platforms? Which is the best one?' " he says. The bottom line: "Work your network."

Professional groups of similarly minded self-employed or gig workers on social media can also help you network and find jobs.

Check out the platforms

Many online platforms match independent workers with companies looking to assign work contracts, such as Braintrust, Catalant, Fiverr, Toptal and Upwork, in addition to broader career websites like LinkedIn.

They typically are free to join and charge commissions on contracts signed. As with any website in which you're uploading profiles and looking for matches, read privacy policies thoroughly to make sure you're comfortable with what the company does with your data.

Be as specific as possible in your profile in order to effectively find matches on the websites. "The words you use and how you describe yourself are raising or lowering the likelihood that algorithms will say, 'Hey this guy looks like a good match, let me spit him out to get considered for this job,' " Prof. Fuller says.

Your goal should be getting a few projects under your belt and do them well, so that your reviews and ratings on sites stay high.

Hustle hard

Newcomers should realize it's a constant hustle and be prepared for how much work it is to get the next assignment. "They have taken on this role of marketing themselves in ways that they didn't have to do for a larger organization," says psychologist John Weaver, owner of Stress Management & Mental Health Clinics. They either have to learn this skill or employ someone to help them with it, he says.

Get better-organized

Remember you'll likely take on "non-core work" that a company would have handled in the past. "It's surprising to some people how much organizations literally organize our lives in important ways and how much of a burden it can be to have complete discretion over your work," Dr. Caza says. One memorable tip on how to deal with that, from a freelance worker she interviewed recently for a research project: Develop routines and practices around organizing yourself. Tee up alerts and reminders and write out or type notes, detailed schedules and to-do lists for big projects and office minutia.

Don't get lonely

While many people have been working from home or remotely since last March, doing so while working for yourself is different. Working for a company, "you're isolated but you're not completely cut off. You still have contact with colleagues," says Dr. Weaver, the psychologist. Those working independently don't have that. "Your contacts are going to be your customers. And for that reason a lot of people will join a business group, a local chamber of commerce or a CEO roundtable or group of colleagues that are in the same environment," he says. "That's really important to do." You can find groups for individuals who are self-employed or independent workers in your field on social media." [1]

 1. Tips on Going Freelance During the Covid-19 Pandemic; As coronavirus accelerates moves to contract, gig and 'on-demand' work, here's advice if you're considering becoming your own boss. Smith, Ray A. Wall Street Journal (Online); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]31 Jan 2021

Persirgai koronaviruso liga be simptomų? Šokinėji? Neilgai šokinėsi...

 „Tyrimai rodo, kad, net ir besimptomių Covid atvejų turintys, žmonės gali turėti pasekmių jų organizmui. Remiantis naujausiais tyrimais, maždaug vienas ketvirtadalis iki trečdalio Covid infekcijų yra besimptomės. 

Keli tyrimai parodė, kad besimptomiai pacientai gali neįprastus pokyčius plaučiuose. Pora nedidelių tyrimų atskleidė sportininkų studentų, įskaitant besimptomę infekciją, širdies problemas. O tyrimas, kuriame buvo nagrinėjami besimptomiai ir lengvi Covid atvejai vaikams, nustatė galimų smulkių kraujagyslių pažeidimų požymius. 

Kol kas nėra aišku, kokias pasekmes sveikatai gali turėti bet kuri iš šių komplikacijų, jei tokių pasekmių yra, sako gydytojai. Nedaug kitų virusų buvo taip kruopščiai patikrinta, kaip Covid-19, todėl gali būti, kad kiti virusai palieka panašų poveikį, nesukeldami didelių problemų. Daugeliu atvejų žala greičiausiai išsispręs savaime, pažymi gydytojai. Tačiau jie sako, kad reikia atlikti daugiau tyrimų, siekiant nustatyti, koks gali būti ilgalaikis poveikis, ir ar žmonės turėtų ieškoti stebėjimo ar patikros. 

„Šiems žmonėms kyla vidinių problemų rizika, apie kurią jie nežino“, - sako Ericas J. Topolis, medicinos tyrimų įstaigos „Scripps Research Translational Institute“ įkūrėjas ir direktorius La Jolla, Kalifornijoje. „Kai viskas vyksta lėtai, žemiau paviršiaus, galite patekti į chronišką situaciją. "" [1]


1. Covid-19's Effects May Linger in Your Body, Even After Asymptomatic Cases; Researchers have found abnormalities even in people who didn't show symptoms, raising questions about possible risks later in life
Reddy, Sumathi. Wall Street Journal (Online); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]01 Feb 2021.

Have you had asymptomatic coronavirus disease? Jumping from joy? You won't be jumping for long ...

 "Even people with asymptomatic Covid cases can have after-effects in their bodies, research indicates, raising questions about possible risks later in life.

An estimated one-quarter to one-third of Covid infections are asymptomatic, according to recent studies. Multiple studies have shown asymptomatic patients can have irregular lung scans. A couple of small studies have found cardiac issues in student athletes, including those with asymptomatic infections. And a study looking at asymptomatic and mild cases of Covid in children found signs of possible small blood vessel damage.

It's not yet clear what health consequences any of these after-effects may have, if any, doctors say. Few other viruses have been scrutinized as closely as Covid-19, so it's possible other viruses leave similar effects without causing major problems. In many cases the damage will likely resolve on its own, doctors note. But they say more research needs to be done to determine what, if anything, the long term effects might be, and whether people should seek monitoring or screening.

"There is a risk of internal hits to these people that they are unaware of," says Eric J. Topol, founder and director of Scripps Research Translational Institute, a medical research facility in La Jolla, Calif. "When things happen slowly in a person, below the surface, you can end up with a chronic situation."" [1]

1. Covid-19's Effects May Linger in Your Body, Even After Asymptomatic Cases; Researchers have found abnormalities even in people who didn't show symptoms, raising questions about possible risks later in life
Reddy, Sumathi. Wall Street Journal (Online); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]01 Feb 2021.

Lietuvos užsienio politikos šiuolaikiniai prioritetai

 "JAV yra labai svarbu turėti saugų užnugarį Europoje. Todėl labai tikėtina, kad amerikiečiai dės pastangas įtraukti Europos valstybes į koaliciją prieš Kiniją. 

Ir netgi Rusija JAV yra naudingesnė kaip savarankiškas strateginis žaidėjas, nei gilesnė Rusijos ir Kinijos strateginė karinė partnerystė. Beje, šiais metais baigia galioti 2001 metais pasirašyta Rusijos ir Kinijos geros kaimynystės ir draugiško bendradarbiavimo sutartis. Tarptautinės politikos raidai svarbu kas pakeis ją – strateginė partnerystė ar dar glaudesnis aljansas. 

Lietuvos interesai ir vertybiniai orientyrai sutampa su JAV interesais ir atitinkamai turėtumėme vertinti mūsų bendradarbiavimą su Kinija. Kinijos politinė, ekonominė ir socialinė sistema yra vertybiškai visiškai svetima Lietuvai. Nacionalinio saugumo primatas turi nusverti visus kitas motyvacijas, nes bet koks Kinijos atėjimas į Lietuvą: kultūrinis, mokslinis, ekonominis, kloja pamatus jos politinei ekspansijai.

Transatlantinė sąjunga gali susitelkti – JAV ir Europą gali suvienyti siekis atsispirti Kinijos autokratinei technokratinei diktatūrai."

Išrinkdami Landsbergius į valdžią, mes suorientavome Lietuvos užsienio politiką į praeito amžiaus orientyrus. Landsbergiai nesupranta, kas dabar vyksta. Neveltui neturime ambasadorių Briuselyje ir Vašingtone. Rimti žmonės nenori į ten važiuoti ir sekti pasakas apie puolančius rusus, pasakas, kurias niekas nenori toliau klausyti. 

Iš kitos pusės naivu tikėtis, kaip daugelis mūsų, lietuvių, tikisi, kad Vakarų Europa apsieis be rusų dujų ar kinų rinkų. Todėl taip svarbu mums turėti rimtą diplomatą Briuselyje, nes mūsų naivumas mums užtemdo akis ir brangiai kainuoja.

Kodėl kilo tokia siaubinga Covid-19 pandemija? Kodėl pasaulio valdantieji sureagavo į ją kitaip, negu mes tikėjomės?

 „Tufekci save apibūdina kaip„ sistemų mąstytoją “. Ji bando sužinoti apie sistemas ir pagalvoti, kaip jos sąveikauja. Pavyzdžiui, ji studijavo autoritarines sistemas ir viena jų supratimo taisyklė yra ta, kad „tu nori pažvelgti į tai, ką jie daro, o ne į tai, ką jie sako“. Taigi, kai Kinija, anksti sumenkinusi viruso sunkumą, uždarė Wuhaną, ji į tai žiūrėjo rimtai. „Jei tokia šalis kaip Kinija uždaro 11 milijonų miestą, - ji man pasakė, - tai didelė problema. Jis plinta, yra mirtinas, ir mes nukentėsime “. Jau tada daugelis visuomenės sveikatos ekspertų Jungtinėse Valstijose manė, kad kinai klydo arba meluoja, kai perspėjo, kad virusą platina besimptomiai nešiotojai. Tačiau Tufekci žinojo, kad autoritarinės sistemos linkusios slėpti vidines problemas nuo viso pasaulio. Tik tikroji ekstremali situacija priverstų juos keisti viešus pranešimus. "Yra principas, vadinamas gėdos principu", - paaiškino ji. „Jei pasakotojui pasakojimas tikrai nepatogus, jis gali sakyti tiesą“. 

 Štai keletas kitų sistemų supratimo sąvokų, kurias Tufekci man pasakė, kad jai atrodo naudingos: 

Bandos poveikis. Visuomenės sveikatos ekspertai - įskaitant tokius veikėjus kaip dr. Anthony Fauci, kurie šiandien giriami, - lėtai keitė gaires dėl trikdančių priemonių, tokių kaip maskavimas ir draudimai keliauti. Tai sukėlė žiniasklaidos nesėkmių kaskadą, atspindinčią tai, ką žurnalistai girdėjo iš ekspertų šaltinių. Viena priežasčių, kodėl Tufekci buvo pasirengusi užginčyti šį sutarimą, buvo tai, kad ji, ekspertų nuomone, atspindi ne tik empirinius, bet ir socialinį spaudimą. "Įstaigų žaidėjai žiūri vienas į kitą, kad nuspręstų, kokia yra norma", - sakė ji. Problema ta, kad socialiniai pagrindai „turi daug inercijos“, nes visi laukia, kol kiti sulaužys normą. Ši krizė kainavo brangų laiką. 

Mąstymas eksponentėmis. Eksponentinio augimo, kaip šachmatų lentos ir kviečių pasakėčioje, sunkumas yra tas, kad ankstyvosios augimo fazės yra kuklios ir valdomos, o tada, atrodo, staiga patenka į šokiruojančio dydžio skaičius - arba šiuo atveju virusų plitimas yra katastrofiškas savo mastu. "Mano pradinė studijų sritis yra socialinė žiniasklaida", - sakė Tufekci, ir tai yra dar viena sritis, kurioje matematika paprastai būna eksponentinė. Pasak jos, tai buvo priežastis, kodėl kai kurie Silicio slėnyje greitai pastebėjo viruso pavojų. "Daug rizikos kapitalo pasaulio ir programinės įrangos žmonių, jie ieško to kito eksponentinio efekto ... taigi jie turėjo šiek tiek intuicijos dėl savo srities." 

Gyventojų dauguma, palyginti su atskirais asmenimis. Klinikinėje medicinoje Tufekci sakė: „mes linkę iš tikrųjų galvoti apie individualius rezultatus, o ne apie visuomenės sveikatą ir apie tai, ko mums reikia gyventojų visumos lygiu“. Tačiau mąstymas gyventojų visumos lygmeniu kardinaliai keičia situaciją. Pvz., tyrimas su dideliu kiekiu klaidingų teigiamų rezultatų gali būti siaubinga diagnostikos priemonė gydytojo kabinete. Bet jei tai būtų galima padaryti pigiai ir pakartotinai, ir namuose, tai galėtų būti labai naudinga priemonė gyventojų visumai, nes tai suteiktų žmonėms šiek tiek daugiau informacijos masiškai. Tufekci sakė, kad mąstymas individualiai, palyginti su visuomenės sveikata, yra tai, kodėl JAV Maisto ir vaistų administracija buvo tokia neryžtinga, tvirtinant greitus antigenų tyrimus namuose (nors tai pagaliau pradeda keistis)." 


Why are we suffering through such a terrible Covid-19 pandemic? Why did the rulers of the world react to it differently than we expected?

 "Tufekci describes herself as a “systems thinker.” She tries to learn about systems, and think about how they interact with one another. For instance, she studied authoritarian systems, and one rule for understanding them is that “you want to look at what they do and not what they say,” she said. So when China, after downplaying the severity of the virus early on, locked down Wuhan, she took it seriously.

“If a country like China is closing down a city of 11 million,” she told me, “this is a big deal. It is spreading, it is deadly, and we’re going to get hit.” Even then, many public health experts in the United States thought the Chinese were wrong, or lying, when they warned that the virus was spreading through asymptomatic transmission. But Tufekci knew that authoritarian systems tend to hide internal problems from the rest of the world. Only a true emergency would force them to change their public messaging. “There’s a principle called the principle of embarrassment,” she explained. “If a story is really embarrassing to the teller, they might be telling the truth.”

Here are a few other frameworks Tufekci told me she finds helpful:

    Herding effects
. Public health experts — including figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci who are lauded today — were slow to change guidance on disruptive measures like masking and travel bans. That led to a cascade of media failures that reflected what journalists were hearing from expert sources. One reason Tufekci was willing to challenge that consensus was she saw experts as reflecting social pressure, not just empirical data. “The players in the institution look at each other to decide what the norm is,” she said. The problem is social frameworks “have a lot of inertia to them,” because everyone is waiting for others to break the norm. That cost precious time in this crisis.

    Thinking in exponents. The difficulty of exponential growth, as in the fable of the chessboard and the wheat, is that early phases of growth are modest and manageable, and then, seemingly all of a sudden, tip into numbers that are shocking in size — or, in this case, viral spread that is catastrophic in its scale. “My original area of study is social media,” Tufekci said, and that’s another area where the math tends to be exponential. This was, she said, a reason some in Silicon Valley were quick to see the danger of the virus. “A lot of venture capitalism, the VC world and the software people, they’re looking for that next exponential effect … so they had some intuition because of the field they were in.”

    Population versus individual. In clinical medicine, Tufekci said, “we tend to really think about individual outcomes rather than public health and what we need at the population level.” But thinking at the population level changes the situation dramatically. For instance, a test with a high rate of false positives may be a terrible diagnostic tool for a doctor’s office. But if it could be done cheaply, and repeatedly, and at home, it could be a very useful tool for a population because it would give people a bit more information at a mass scale. Thinking in individual terms versus public health terms is, Tufekci said, why the Food and Drug Administration has been so resistant to approving rapid at-home antigen testing (though that is, at last, beginning to change)."