
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. spalio 1 d., penktadienis

Asylum law, explained

 "Before the Holocaust, the United States made little distinction between people fleeing their countries because of persecution and immigrants seeking economic opportunity. But the end of World War II gave rise to a new system of laws and organizations designed to help European refugees immigrate.


In 1951 the United Nations adopted the Geneva Refugee Convention, which defined refugees as those who are unable or unwilling to return to their country because of persecution — or a well-founded fear of persecution — based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. In 1967 the U.N. expanded the scope of that definition, which had been limited to people fleeing events before 1951 and in Europe, to people fleeing any part of the world and to any time.


The United States didn’t sign the Geneva Refugee Convention, but Congress adopted some of its key provisions, including the international refugee definition, into U.S. immigration law when it passed the Refugee Act of 1980. In the United States, a person must also meet this definition to be granted asylum: The primary difference, according to the International Rescue Committee, is that refugees are granted refugee status outside a host country and asylum seekers within it.

Under U.S. law, people who are granted asylum status are allowed to stay in the country and have the right to work, travel and apply for their spouse or children under the age of 21 to join them."



President of Finland Sauli Niinistö: Worrying developments in relation to Russia

"According to the President, there must be a dialogue with Russia.

According to the President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, Finland's relations with Russia are long-term and complex.

- Over time, this relationship has experienced fluctuations, to put it mildly. But something that has persisted for decades is our shared commitment to strive to maintain effective relations between neighbors, President Niinistö said at a 60th anniversary seminar organized by the Foreign Policy Institute (Upi) on Wednesday.

- As a result, maintaining relations with Russia - which are as effective as could be possible in each situation - has become an important pillar of our own security.

President Niinistö emphasizes that this relationship has, of course, never operated in vacuum.

- It is an integral part of the wider European and even global situation. And unfortunately, there are many worrying developments in this regard.

The relationship between the European Union and Russia has virtually withered away.

- Despite this, I urge everyone to look at the bigger picture. We are missing out on opportunities to address common threats and challenges in Europe. There is a danger that the tradition of cooperative security will disappear. We may therefore walk blindfolded in the midst of an even greater conflict than the one that is now underway."


Suomijos prezidentas Sauli Niinistö: nerimą keliantys įvykiai Rusijos atžvilgiu


"Pasak prezidento, turi būti dialogas su Rusija.

Pasak Respublikos Prezidento Sauli Niinistö, Suomijos santykiai su Rusija yra ilgalaikiai ir sudėtingi.

- Laikui bėgant šie santykiai, švelniai tariant, patyrė svyravimų. Tačiau tai, kas tęsiasi dešimtmečius, yra mūsų bendras įsipareigojimas siekti palaikyti veiksmingus kaimynų santykius, trečiadienį Užsienio politikos instituto (Upi) 60 -mečio seminare sakė prezidentas Niinistö.

- Santykių su Rusija palaikymas, kuris yra toks efektyvus, koks buvo įmanomas kiekvienoje situacijoje, tapo svarbiu mūsų pačių saugumo ramsčiu.

Prezidentas Niinistö pabrėžia, kad šie santykiai, žinoma, niekada veikė ne vakuume.

- Tai neatsiejama platesnės Europos ir net pasaulinės padėties dalis. Ir, deja, šiuo atžvilgiu yra daug nerimą keliančių įvykių.

Santykiai tarp Europos Sąjungos ir Rusijos beveik išnyko.

- Nepaisant to, raginu visus pažvelgti į bendrą vaizdą. Mes praleidžiame galimybes spręsti bendras grėsmes ir iššūkius Europoje. Yra pavojus, kad kooperatinio saugumo tradicija išnyks. Todėl mes galime vaikščioti užrištomis akimis, esant dar didesniam konfliktui, nei tas, kuris dabar vyksta".