
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. spalio 1 d., penktadienis

President of Finland Sauli Niinistö: Worrying developments in relation to Russia

"According to the President, there must be a dialogue with Russia.

According to the President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, Finland's relations with Russia are long-term and complex.

- Over time, this relationship has experienced fluctuations, to put it mildly. But something that has persisted for decades is our shared commitment to strive to maintain effective relations between neighbors, President Niinistö said at a 60th anniversary seminar organized by the Foreign Policy Institute (Upi) on Wednesday.

- As a result, maintaining relations with Russia - which are as effective as could be possible in each situation - has become an important pillar of our own security.

President Niinistö emphasizes that this relationship has, of course, never operated in vacuum.

- It is an integral part of the wider European and even global situation. And unfortunately, there are many worrying developments in this regard.

The relationship between the European Union and Russia has virtually withered away.

- Despite this, I urge everyone to look at the bigger picture. We are missing out on opportunities to address common threats and challenges in Europe. There is a danger that the tradition of cooperative security will disappear. We may therefore walk blindfolded in the midst of an even greater conflict than the one that is now underway."


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