
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2022 m. vasario 5 d., šeštadienis

Putin, Xi Unite in Challenge to U.S.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping turned their partnership to more directly confront the U.S., opposing America's global network of alliances and seeking to nudge it aside as the sole superpower.

With Friday's opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Russia's military buildup near Ukraine as a backdrop, the two leaders conferred at a summit, struck deals on oil and gas and then pledged in a broad-ranging joint statement to provide new leadership at a time, it said, that power is shifting in the world.

Pointedly, in a break with the indirect pronouncements of past summits, their statement criticized the U.S. by name six times, taking issue with its alliances with Australia and others in Asia, and its arms-control and other policies. It also opposed any expansion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- a central demand from Russia in its standoff with the West over Ukraine.

The opposition to NATO marked China's most explicit support to date of Russia in the confrontation and, international-affairs specialists said, showed Beijing's ambition to have a say in European security and its closest alignment with Russia since the early years of the Communist bloc's Cold War with the West.

"The world should get ready for a further significant deepening of the China-Russia security and economic relationship," said Kevin Rudd, president of the Asia Society, a New York-based think tank, and former prime minister of Australia.

Mr. Rudd said not since the bitter Communist bloc split between the Soviet Union and China in the late 1950s has Beijing taken such a definitive position backing Russia on European security.

The Beijing-Moscow entente falls short of the full-fledged treaty alliances that the U.S. enjoys with Europe, Japan, Australia and others and that the Biden administration says undergirds U.S. strength and influence around the world. Closer ties with Moscow present particular pitfalls for Beijing, with China being a top trading nation still dependent on the West for critical technologies.

The timing of Friday's meeting between Messrs. Xi and Putin at a time of high tension with the West -- and their statement's pointed criticisms of the U.S. -- mark a shift in their challenge to Washington as it tries to maintain its global pre-eminence and shore up a Western-led economic and political world order.

"The growing breadth and depth of Sino-Russian cooperation is rooted in sheer pragmatism, not in ideology," said Daniel Russel, a former Obama administration official handling Asia issues. "Russia and China are making common cause to better defend their respective interests and their government systems from Western pressure."

China-Russia collaboration could frustrate U.S. efforts to isolate Moscow over its military intimidation of Ukraine, which Moscow wants to pry into its sphere of influence and away from its increasingly Western orientation. The U.S. has threatened to impose sanctions on Russian banks, state companies and imports such as microelectronics in the event Russia attacks Ukraine, and China could fill many of the gaps by bulking up trade, investment and finance.

Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant U.S. secretary of state for the Asia-Pacific region, said Beijing should have used the summit to "encourage Russia to pursue diplomacy and de-escalation in Ukraine. That is what the world expects from responsible powers."

Instead, Mr. Kritenbrink told reporters, "If Russia further invades Ukraine and China looks the other way, it suggests that China is willing to tolerate or tacitly support Russia's efforts to coerce Ukraine, even when they embarrass Beijing, harm European security and risk global peace and economic stability."

The China-Russia joint statement talks of knitting together signature economic initiatives -- Mr. Xi's Belt and Road infrastructure drive and Mr. Putin's Eurasian Economic Union -- to forge stronger links across much of the Eurasian continent and with developing nations. The two sides said they would cooperate on Arctic sea passages for shipping and on international technological standards -- areas where the U.S. has been wary of China's ambitions.

Other areas of economic cooperation include nuclear energy, with Russia's state energy corporation Rosatom launching construction of power plants in China last year. The two countries' leading aviation companies, China's Comac and Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, are also collaborating on an airliner to challenge Airbus and Boeing.

Russia and China have staged joint military exercises, including one last summer that featured coordinated command centers. Moscow has been increasingly willing to transfer military technology it once guarded from Beijing, defense analysts said.

Added to that is Friday's opposition to the U.S. alliances, with Beijing backing Russia on NATO and Moscow taking China's side against the Biden administration's strategy to rally partners in the Indo-Pacific and its new Australia-U.K.-U.S., or AUKUS, defense pact. That raises the possibility of eventual cooperation by Russia and China across two hemispheres.

"Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions," the statement said. It later added: Both "sides believe that certain states, military and political alliances and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others."

During the Cold War, the U.S. and the Soviet Union contested for influence across much of the developing world, with Moscow being joined by Beijing for much of the 1950s. Differences over ideology, geopolitics and leadership of the Communist world sundered those ties; Soviet and Chinese forces engaged in bloody border skirmishes.

Relations warmed as both Moscow and Beijing sought to improve ties with the West and draw in investment. China's need for energy to fuel its fast-growing economy, Russia's search for markets outside the West and a shared sense by Messrs. Putin and Xi that the U.S. aimed to hem in their global ambitions have increasingly underpinned ties.

On a 2019 trip to Moscow, Mr. Xi hailed the countries' deepening their economic cooperation as a "key pillar of our relations."

That year the two countries opened the $55 billion Power of Siberia pipeline delivering Russian natural gas to China. Moscow is pushing a second pipeline that would ship gas through Mongolia.

On the back of that energy alliance, said Yana Leksyutina, a professor at St. Petersburg State University in Russia, trade between the two countries has surged. China is Russia's largest trading partner, and last year trade between the two countries hit a record $147 billion.

On Friday, the two countries unveiled new oil and gas deals valued at an estimated $117.5 billion.

Russia's largest oil producer, Rosneft, also said it had a new oil agreement to supply 100 million tons of crude via Kazakhstan to Chinese state energy major CNPC over the next 10 years, while Russian gas giant Gazprom agreed to supply CNPC 10 billion cubic meters of gas a year. Those Gazprom shipments are due to start through a new pipeline in two to three years.

The tightening of ties with Moscow represents a fundamental shift in China's foreign policy, which for four decades has centered on building its relationship with the U.S.

Then-President Donald Trump's trade war against Beijing helped wear away at the foundation of relations. With tensions now escalating in areas from human rights to Beijing's sovereignty claims, the narrative that Washington is bent on keeping China down has taken hold both in official circles and among the general Chinese public.

Nowadays, the guideline set by Mr. Xi early in his reign -- that "we have a thousand reasons to get the China-U.S. relationship right, and not one reason to spoil it" -- has been replaced with a more self-assertive and confrontational approach. Mr. Xi's government has hit back on every measure Washington has taken against China, whether related to China's crackdown on civil liberties in Hong Kong or Beijing's treatment of Uyghur minorities in the western Xinjiang region.

In private meetings with American scholars and business executives, Chinese diplomats and other officials no longer describe the Sino-U.S. ties as the most important bilateral relationship for Beijing, as they used to, but as one of its key relationships.

Friday's joint statement said friendship between Russia and China "has no limits. There are no 'forbidden' areas of cooperation."

While Moscow-Beijing cooperation provides economic benefits, international affairs and trade analysts said that relations are fragile and the bounds of the Xi-Putin partnership remain untested, especially on global security." [1]


Facing deep sanctions from the West on Russia, China can help the Russians protect themselves from those sanctions. Revenge on China and the imposition of deep sanctions on China, the world's factory, could severely damage the Western economy. And the whole sanctions business is based on maximizing harm to the opponents but preserving the chances of being re-elected to power in the West. Indeed, China's actions make it more difficult the solution of the problem of Ukraine, the solution that we now imagine how it should work.  

1. Putin, Xi Unite in Challenge to U.S.
Deng, Chao; Simmons, Ann M; Gershkovich, Evan; Mauldin, William. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 05 Feb 2022: A.1.


Why don’t we have a sense of decency?

  "I. Ruginienė, the chairwoman of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK), said that prices are rising every day and no one can say clearly how much they will increase. "Prices will rise and rise, will reduce VAT or not." The mark-ups, both 200 percent and 300 percent, hurt the same farmers with dairy products and everything else," - she said on the show."

That's right. Salaries are sticky, they are raised infrequently and little by little. And raising prices is easy. The extra money goes into profit. It dissolves that sense of decency completely.


Kodėl neturime padorumo jausmelio?

 "Lietuvos profesinių sąjungų konfederacijos (LPSK) pirmininkė I. Ruginienė sakė, kad kainos kyla kiekvieną dieną ir niekas negali aiškiai pasakyti, kiek dar jos augs. „Kainos kils ir kils, sumažinsi PVM, ar ne, mūsų prekybininkai padorumo jausmelio nelabai ir turi, antkainiai ir 200, ir 300 procentų, nuskriaudžia ir tuos pačius ūkininkus tiek su pieno produktais, tiek su visu kitu“, – laidoje kalbėjo ji."

Teisingai sako. Algos yra lipnios, jos keliamos retai ir po nedaug. O kainas pakelti lengva. Papildomi pinigai nueina į pelną. Tai ištirpdo tą padorumo jausmelį galutinai.

2022 m. vasario 4 d., penktadienis

Rizikos įmonė OMX planuoja naują biotechnologijų fondą

    „OMX Ventures, rizikos kapitalo įmonė, vadovaujama investuotojų, sėkmingai rėmusių gyvybės mokslų ir technologijų įmones, šiais metais siekia surinkti 250 mln. dolerių naujam fondui.


    OMX susikūrė 2020 m., kai susibūrė keturi investuotojai, turintys patirties kitose rizikos įmonėse. Tais metais įmonė uždarė 150 milijonų dolerių debiutinį fondą su investuotojų, įskaitant šeimos biurus ir asmenis, įsipareigojimus, ir investavo į 17 naujų įmonių. Praėjusiais metais ji surinko 75 mln. dolerių galimybių fondą, kad galėtų toliau investuoti į kai kurias perspektyviausias įmones, sakė generalinis direktorius Danielis Fero.


    Remiantis Silicio slėnio banko duomenimis, JAV rizikos įmonės praėjusiais metais surinko rekordinę 28,3 milijardo JAV dolerių sumą, kad finansuotų sveikatos priežiūros įmones, palyginti su ankstesniu didžiausiu 16,8 milijardų JAV dolerių 2020 m.


    OMX siekia uždaryti savo naujausią fondą iki metų pabaigos ir planuoja paremti 25 startuolius, sakė dr. Fero. Nors kai kurios gyvybės mokslų įmonės koncentruojasi tik į vaistų kompanijas, OMX dažnai investuoja į technologijas, kurios įgalina vaistų ir biologinius tyrimus.


    Prieš paleidžiant OMX, firmos komandos nariai finansavo tokias įmones, kaip 10x Genomics Inc. – vienos ląstelės tyrimų instrumentų tiekėją, kuri pasirodė viešai 2019 m., o dabar jos rinkos kapitalizacija siekia apie 11 mlrd. dolerių ir DNR sintezės bendrovė „Twist Bioscience Corp.“, kuri 2018 m. pasirodė biržoje ir kurios rinkos riba siekia apie 3 mlrd. dolerių.


    Be daktaro Fero, kuris anksčiau investavo su „Twist“ rėmėju Merieux Equity Partners, OMX vykdomieji direktoriai yra Nickas Haftas, anksčiau investavęs į „Arcos Ventures“ ir „Morgan Noble“, ir Craigas Asheris, anksčiau investavęs į „Trancos Ventures“ ir „Vital Venture Capital“, remiančias 10x ir Twist.


    Paulas Conley, OMX ribotas partneris, vadovauja General Inception, OMX startuolių inkubatoriui Palo Alte, Kalifornijoje.


    OMX yra įsikūrusi Linkolnšyre, Ill., iš kur vykdo savo administracines funkcijas. Jos investuotojai dirba iš savo atitinkamų vietų: ponas Haftas Niujorke, daktaras A. Asher Vašingtone, ponas Fero Bostone ir daktaras Conley Vakarų pakrantėje.


    Bendradarbiaudami, kaip skirtingų įmonių nariai, OMX įkūrėjai suprato, kad turi panašias nuomones apie investavimą į gyvybės mokslus ir nusprendė įkurti savo įmonę. „Norėjome dirbti kartu ir tam tikru mastu kurti savo likimą“, – sakė daktaras Fero.


    Gyvybės mokslų įrankių kūrėjai, tokie kaip 10x, gali gauti naudos iš sprogimo biotechnologijų tyrimuose. Šių priemonių duomenys gali padėti plėtoti terapiją ir padaryti jas veiksmingesnes, sakė A. Asher.


    OMX, finansuojanti pradedančiąsias įmones ankstyviausiuose jų etapuose, padeda verslininkams kurti savo verslą. Pavyzdžiui, stipri intelektinė nuosavybė yra gyvybiškai svarbi gyvybės mokslų įrankių gamintojams dėl konkurencijos pramonėje, sakė Billas Colstonas, Sestina Bio LLC, startuolio, kuris surinko pradinį finansavimą iš OMX, Foresite Capital ir General Inception.


    A. Asher dirba su advokatais, kad padėtų įmonėms sustiprinti intelektinę nuosavybę, sakė daktaras Colstonas.“ [1]


1. Venture Firm OMX Plans New Fund for Biotech
Gormley, Brian. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 04 Feb 2022: B.4.

Venture Firm OMX Plans New Fund for Biotech

"OMX Ventures, a venture-capital firm led by investors with a history of backing successful life-sciences-technology companies, aims to raise $250 million for a new fund this year.

OMX formed in 2020 as four investors with experience at other venture firms came together. The firm that year closed a $150 million debut fund with commitments from investors including family offices and individuals, and invested it in 17 startups. Last year, it raised a $75 million opportunity fund to invest further in some of its most-promising companies, Managing Director Daniel Fero said.

U.S. venture firms last year raised a record $28.3 billion to fund healthcare startups, up from the previous high of $16.8 billion in 2020, as investors rapidly deployed capital and sold or took portfolio companies public, according to Silicon Valley Bank.

OMX aims to close its latest fund by year-end with plans to back 25 startups, Dr. Fero said. While some life-sciences firms focus solely on drug companies, OMX invests frequently in technologies that enable drug and biological research.

Before launching OMX, the firm's team members funded companies such as 10x Genomics Inc., a provider of instruments for single-cell research that went public in 2019 and now has a market capitalization of around $11 billion; and DNA-synthesis company Twist Bioscience Corp., which went public in 2018 and has a market cap of about $3 billion.

In addition to Dr. Fero, who previously invested with Twist backer Merieux Equity Partners, OMX's managing directors are Nick Haft, who previously invested with Arcos Ventures and Morgan Noble, and Craig Asher, who previously invested with Trancos Ventures and Vital Venture Capital, which backed 10x and Twist.

Paul Conley, an OMX limited partner, leads General Inception, an OMX startup incubator in Palo Alto, Calif.

OMX is based in Lincolnshire, Ill., from where it runs its administrative functions. Its investors operate from their respective locations, with Mr. Haft in New York, Dr. Asher in Washington, D.C., Mr. Fero in Boston and Dr. Conley on the West Coast.

Having collaborated as members of different firms, OMX's founders realized they shared views on investing in life sciences and decided to start their own firm. "We wanted to work together and create our own destiny to some extent," Dr. Fero said.

Life-sciences toolmakers, such as 10x, stand to benefit from the explosion of biotech research. Data from these tools can inform the development of therapeutics and make them more effective, Mr. Asher said.

OMX, which funds startups in their earliest stages, helps entrepreneurs build their businesses. Strong intellectual property, for instance, is vital to life-sciences toolmakers because of competition in the industry, said Bill Colston, CEO of Sestina Bio LLC, a startup that has raised seed financing from OMX, Foresite Capital and General Inception to create molecules using synthetic biology for sectors such as personal care.

Mr. Asher works with attorneys to help companies solidify intellectual property, said Dr. Colston." [1]

1. Venture Firm OMX Plans New Fund for Biotech
Gormley, Brian. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 04 Feb 2022: B.4.

Putinas ir Xi žada: Rusijos ir Kinijos draygystė "be apribojimų"

  "Susitikimas Pekine" Choreographed "solidarumo šou, Kinijos lyderis palaikė Rusiją konflikte su Vakarais.


     Bendra pareiškime jie prieštaravo NATO plėtrai ir apkaltino JAV ir vakarus dėl nestabilumo.


    Pekinas - prezidentas XI Jinping Kinijos penktadienį pasiūlė tvirtą paramą prezidentui Vladimirui V. Putinui, stiprinant santykius, kurie kelia nuolatinį iššūkį Jungtinių Valstijų dominavimui pasaulyje.


    Labai choreografiniame solidarumo rodyme, du lyderiai susitiko Pekine prieš atidarymo ceremoniją žiemos olimpinių žaidynių, pirmasis susitikimas, kad p. Xi turi asmeniškai su užsienio kolega beveik per dvejus metus.


    Jame yra didėjanti įtampa tarp Vakarų ir Rusijos dėl Ukrainos. P. Putinas su savo kaimynais sukaupė daugiau, nei 100 000 karių į šiaurę, pietus ir rytus, kokie NATO sąjungininkai mato kaip grėsmingą preliudiją į ataką.


    Ilgai bendrame pareiškime, Kinija apkaltino Jungtines Valstijas, keliant protestus Honkonge ir skatinant Nepriklausomybę Taivane, o Rusija sakė, kad Jungtinės Valstijos grojo panašiai destabilizuojantį vaidmenį Ukrainoje.


    "Rusija ir Kinija yra prieš bandymus išorės jėgų pakenkti saugumui ir stabilumui savo bendruose gretimuose regionuose", atsižvelgiant į 5300 žodžių bendrą pareiškimą. Jis sakė abi tautos "ketina kovoti su kliūtimis dėl išorinių pajėgų kišimosi į suverenių šalių vidaus reikalus, priešinasi spalvų revoliucijoms ir padidina bendradarbiavimą pirmiau minėtose vietovėse."


    Kinija sakė, kad pasaulis neturėtų būti suskirstytas į galios blokus, kurie apibrėžė erą, kai Sovietų Sąjunga ir Jungtinės Valstijos buvo dvi dominuojančios supervalstybės. Penktadienį,  Kinija su Rusija pasisakė apie vieną iš pagrindinių saugumo reikalavimų: nutraukti NATO plėtrą į rytus ir arčiau Rusijos sienų.


    "Šalys priešinasi tolesnei NATO plėtrai ir ragina Šiaurės Atlanto aljansą atsisakyti savo ideologizuoto šalto karo požiūrio", - sakė pareiškimas.


    Nors ketinimas už karių kaupimo išlieka neaiškus, Kremlius apkaltino Jungtines Amerikos Valstijas dėl invazijos grėsmės ir įtampos, didinant savo kariuomenę Rytų Europoje.


    Per susitikimą iki susitikimo dienų - 38-asis tarp dviejų lyderių - Pekinas išreiškė paramą p. Putino skundams ir ji prisijungė prie Rusijos, kad bandyti blokuoti veiksmus dėl Ukrainos Jungtinių Tautų Saugumo Taryboje.


    Bet kokie nauji Kinijos ekonominės ir politinės paramos pažadai Putinui gali pakenkti Bideno strategijai. Jie taip pat galėjo signalizuoti tektoninį poslinkį tarp Jungtinių Valstijų ir Kinijos, su galimais poveikiais nuo Europos iki Ramiojo vandenyno.


    Xi ir Putinas penktadienį pranešė, kad jų šalys stengsis užmegzti glaudesnius ryšius dėl prekybos, diplomatijos ir saugumo.


    "Draugystė tarp dviejų valstybių neturi jokių apribojimų", pora sakė savo bendrame pareiškime."