
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2022 m. kovo 4 d., penktadienis

Biden's Covid Treatment Plan


"President Biden touted a new anti-Covid initiative in his State of the Union address Tuesday. "We're also ready with antiviral treatments. If you get Covid-19, the Pfizer pill reduces your chances of ending up in the hospital by 90%," he said. "And we're launching the 'Test to Treat' initiative so people can get tested at a pharmacy, and if they're positive, receive antiviral pills on the spot at no cost."

It's a bad idea, and the president's medical advisers should have steered him away from it.

The "Pfizer pill," Paxlovid, is actually two pills -- nirmatrelvir and ritonavir. The former is the actual antiviral agent, while the second inhibits an enzyme that degrades the first, thereby increasing the concentration of nirmatrelvir in the blood. The problem is that ritonavir can cause complications when combined with a huge number of commonly prescribed drugs, especially in the patient population most in need of Covid-19 treatment: The Food and Drug Administration has made Paxlovid available under an emergency-use authorization for Covid-positive adults "who are at high risk for progression to severe Covid-19, including hospitalization or death" -- the elderly and patients with comorbidities.

The FDA's Paxlovid fact sheet lists six pages of "Established and Other Potentially Significant Drug Interactions." While patients could probably do without or reduce the dose of their statin or antigout medicine during the five-day course of Paxlovid, that's not the case for many other drugs on the drug interactions list. They include blood thinners and drugs that prevent cardiac arrhythmias, seizures and psychotic behavior.

That gets us back to Mr. Biden's "Test to Treat" initiative. Picture the patient at the pharmacy with a positive Covid-19 test. Has he brought a complete list of his medications? Who's going to decide whether the probability of dangerous interactions outweighs the potential benefit of Paxlovid? The pharmacy tech? The cashier? Even the pharmacist is unlikely to be capable of making that judgment.

A thoughtful announcement would have been that the National Institutes of Health was in the process of determining how nirmatrelvir could be administered alone. In the absence of ritonavir, it would need to be given more frequently -- say, every six hours, instead of twice a day -- but that would eliminate the drug-interaction problem. It would be an easy experiment to do, requiring only the measurement of blood levels of nirmatrelvir after different dosage schedules to find one that would achieve therapeutic levels. But like much that comes from the Biden administration, "Test to Treat" is half-baked." [1]


Where doctors have a lot of political power in the West they block getting any medicines without prescription. The "Pfizer pill," Paxlovid, has to be taken as early as possible before the coronavirus multiplied and killed the patient. People are able to read list of incompatible medications by themselves. Kill the doctor's greed, save the patient.


1. Biden's Half-Baked Covid Treatment Plan
Miller, Henry I. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 04 Mar 2022: A.17.

2022 m. kovo 3 d., ketvirtadienis

Kaip Zelenskis meluoja

 „Kai kurie jaudinantys kadrai iš Ukrainos buvo paneigti arba dėl jų tikrumo buvo pagrindas suabejoti. Tai vaizdo įrašas apie vadinamąjį Kijevo vaiduoklį, tariamą naikintuvo pilotą, numušusį šešis Rusijos lėktuvus, ir buvo pranešta apie Gyvatės saloje dislokuotų kareivių mirtis, kurie, pasak Zelenskio, žuvo didvyriškai, bet iš tikrųjų visi tebėra gyvi. Plačiai išplatintas vaizdo įrašas, kuriame tariamai rodoma, kaip jauna ukrainietė susiduria su rusų kareiviu, iš tikrųjų parodė Ahedą Tamimi, jauną palestiniečių aktyvistę, kuri buvo nufilmuota netoli jos namų, Vakarų Krante. Ši filmuota medžiaga buvo nufilmuota 2012 m. 


Tiek daug to, ką matėme apie Ukrainą – vaizdai ir vaizdo įrašai, kurie įkvėpė visuomenę – nėra tikri. Praėjusią savaitę Sophie Pinkham, Ukrainos ir Rusijos ekspertė, dalyvavo podcast'e, kurį vedu su dviem mano draugais. Ji apskaičiavo, kad maždaug 75 procentai to, kas sakoma apie tai, kas vyksta Ukrainoje, yra arba nepatvirtinta, arba tiesiog klaidinga."


How Zelensky lies


"Predictably enough, some of the more stirring footage out of Ukraine has been debunked or had its veracity brought into serious question. This includes video of the so-called Ghost of Kyiv, the purported fighter pilot who took down six Russian planes, and the reported deaths of the soldiers stationed at Snake Island who Zelensky said had died heroically but in fact are all still alive. Widely circulated video that purportedly showed a young Ukrainian girl confronting a Russian soldier actually showed Ahed Tamimi, a young Palestinian activist who was filmed near her home in the West Bank. The footage was shot in 2012.


So much of what we’ve seen about Ukraine — the images and videos that have inspired the public — are not real. Last week, Sophie Pinkham, an expert on Ukraine and Russia, came on the podcast I host with two of my friends. She estimated that roughly 75 percent of what’s being said about what’s happening in Ukraine is either unverified or just flat out false."