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2024 m. birželio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Fighting Climate Catastrophe Is Doomed if It Blocks Normal Functioning of Economy: Governor Halts Congestion Toll In New York City

"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is pumping the brakes on congestion pricing.

Hochul on Wednesday said New York will indefinitely delay the June 30 start date of the plan to charge a $15 toll on people who drive into Manhattan south of 60th Street. The nation's first congestion-pricing plan was signed into law in 2019 by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo and was intended in part to fund public transportation.

The toll plan has faced opposition from unions, business owners and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

Hochul said she delayed the plan from going into effect because she was concerned about the rising cost of living and New York's economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Office attendance in Manhattan is down compared with before the pandemic and Manhattan still faces a commercial vacancy rate of over 20%, she said.

"Given these financial pressures, I cannot add another burden to working and middle-class New Yorkers or create another obstacle to our continued recovery," Hochul said.

Congestion pricing would help the flow of traffic, improve air quality and help fund $15 billion in mass-transit improvements, leaders of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority have said.

According to MTA data, traffic on bridges and tunnels has returned to prepandemic levels. Meanwhile, estimated weekly average subway ridership this year is 66.5% of 2019 levels.

The push for congestion pricing in Manhattan has been under way for more than 15 years. Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg advocated for the system in 2008 but failed to get it enacted. Cuomo endorsed the idea in 2018 and signed legislation a year later.

New Jersey has challenged the congestion-pricing plan in court and sued the U.S. Transportation Department in 2023 for its role in approving the toll. The Murphy administration said the federal government should conduct a more complete environmental-impact study of the plan.

Murphy thanked Hochul for pausing the start of the congestion pricing.

"Although we have had a difference of opinion with our colleagues in New York on congestion pricing implementation, we have always had a shared vision for growing our regional economy, investing in infrastructure, protecting our environment, and creating good-paying jobs on both sides of the Hudson River," Murphy said.

Some are furious over the delay.

"It's terrible news for transit riders in the entire region," said Lisa Daglian, executive director for the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA.

The Hochul administration estimated that congestion pricing would generate $1 billion a year that would fund public-transit projects. The indefinite pause in congestion pricing will create uncertainty for many projects, said Kate Slevin, executive vice president for the Regional Plan Association, which supports the congestion-pricing plan.

"Delaying congestion pricing will only hurt millions of transit riders relying on improvements and hinder the economic success of our broader region," Slevin said.

Hochul said she is still committed to these investments in public transit. Her administration has set aside funds for the MTA's capital plan and are exploring other funding sources, she said, and will continue working with leaders to "ensure we can achieve the objectives of congestion pricing without putting undue strain on already stressed New Yorkers," she said." [1]

Forcing people to use the subway during pandemics is illogical.

1. U.S. News: Governor Halts Congestion Toll In New York City --- Drivers on June 30 were to start paying extra charge to enter much of Manhattan. De Avila, Joseph.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 06 June 2024: A.3.

Mindaugas Puidokas. Ar reikia taikos eisenos Lietuvoje?


"Neseniai grįžau su mūsų koalicijos komanda iš Vengrijoje, Budapešte, 500 tūkst. žmonių subūrusios Taikos eisenos. Šioje eisenoje dalyvavo žmonės iš visos Europos bei pasaulio. Renginio metu kalbą pasakė ir buvusio JAV prezidento Donaldo Trumpo sąjungininkas, Vengrijos premjeras Viktoras Orbanas.


Palaikau V. Orbaną bei jo idėjas dėl skubaus taikos siekio! Jis teisus, kad dabar pasaulis yra stumiamas link trečiojo pasaulinio karo. Lietuvą dabar valdanti LR Seimo dauguma savo sprendimais dėl Lietuvos karių siuntimo į Ukrainą provokuoja dar didesnio karo kilimą Europoje. Taip kyla grėsmė Lietuvos žmonėms, nes mūsų šalis greitai gali tapti karo dalyve. Taikos eisena buvo puiki proga pasakyti NE KARUI ir TAIP TAIKAI.


Atėjo laikas Europos Sąjungai grįžti prie pamatinių vertybių 

Kelionė į Budapeštą buvo labai vertinga patirtis mūsų visai komandai, nes teko bendrauti tiek su pagrindiniu taikos eisenos organizatoriumi Zoltanu Lomniciu, tiek su partijos „Fidesz“ atstovais, kuruojančiais Rytų Europos ir Baltijos šalis. Taip pat buvo užmegzti ryšiai su Taikos eisenoje dalyvavusiais Europos Parlamento (EP) bei skirtingų šalių parlamentų nariais, kurie priklauso patriotinėms politinėms jėgoms.


Aptarėme Europoje ir pasaulyje susidariusią pavojingą situaciją dėl konflikto Ukrainoje ir dėl grėsmės, kad jis gali išplisti į kitas Europos šalis. Pagrindinė mintis, kurią išgirdau – visos Europos patriotinės politinės jėgos privalo susivienyti bendram darbui savo šalių viduje ir EP rinkimams. Dabar ES valdančios ir globalistų darbotvarkę įgyvendinančios politinės jėgos to baisiai bijo. Ir tai suprantama, nes, tarkim, Vokietijoje sparčiai auga palaikymas opozicinei „AfD“ partijai, kuri turi realių galimybių laimėti EP rinkimus, o naujajame Bundestage po rinkimų prognozuojama, jog būsimasis kancleris bus „AfD“ narys. Lietuvos liberalkonservatoriams tai yra paties baisiausio scenarijaus realizacija. Mano suburtos koalicijos komanda jau yra užmezgusi gerus ryšius su „AfD“.


Planuojame ir toliau palaikyti ryšius su panašių pažiūrų politikais visoje Europoje, kadangi mus vienija tos pačios vertybės ir bendras taikos siekis. Nors šiuo metu Europos Sąjunga yra skaldoma, ypač vertybiškai, tačiau stiprėjant tradicinių pažiūrų politinėms partijoms, bendromis pastangomis galima Europos Sąjungą grąžinti prie Roberto Schumano pamatinių tradicinių vertybių, kurių pagrindu ji ir buvo sukurta.


Taikos idėjas remia žmonės iš viso pasaulio


Džiugu buvo sutikti tiek daug žmonių iš viso pasaulio, kurie pasisako už TAIKOS idėjas. Akivaizdu, kad ne tik Vengrijos, bet ir daugelis kitų šalių piliečių nori stabdyti tai, kas šiuo metu vyksta Ukrainoje, ir supranta tolimesnės konflikto eskalacijos pražūtingas pasekmes.


Eisenoje sutikome bendražygius iš Latvijos, Estijos, Lenkijos, Slovakijos, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos, Nyderlandų, Italijos, Čekijos, Serbijos, Kroatijos, JAV, Australijos ir, žinoma, daug mus šiltai priėmusių vengrų!


Nustebino tai, kad vengrai puikiai žino, jog Lietuva yra valdoma „karo vanagų“. Vis tik mes buvome priimti šiltai ir maloniai. Džiugu buvo būti tokioje didelėje bendraminčių minioje, kurioje visi vieningai pasisako už taiką Europoje.


Taip pat, kalbant apie patį renginį, jis praėjo išimtinai taikiai. Neteko matyti nė vienos Rusijos vėliavos, todėl LRT kaltinimai, kad tai yra prorusiškas renginys, atrodo juokingi. Ir dar – kai lankiausi „Fidesz“ būstinėje, visiškai šalia jos pastebėjome opozicinių partijų reklaminius rinkiminius plakatus, nė vienas iš jų nebuvo nuplėštas ar apgadintas. Tai rodo aukštą Vengrijos valdančiųjų politinę kultūrą ir neigia mitus apie V. Orbano diktatūrą.


Ėmiausi veiksmų siekdamas saugios ateities Lietuvai


Seime pateikiau nutarimo pataisą svarstymui, kuria buvo galima užkirsti kelią Lietuvos kariams, kaip instruktoriams, vykti į Ukrainą. Liktų galimybė treniruoti ukrainiečius Lietuvoje ar bet kurioje NATO šalyje narėje. Tačiau įtakingas konservatorius Jurgis Razma pareikalavo išbraukti iš darbotvarkės mano TAIKĄ Lietuvoje saugančią pataisą!


Skandalas tas, kad sistemos sukurta diktatūrinė tvarka Lietuvoje vėl neleido net diskutuoti dėl tokios pataisos reikalingumo Lietuvai! Vos 14 Seimo narių kartu su manimi išdrįso palaikyti taikos ir saugumo kelią Lietuvai. Net Prancūzijoje vėl iš naujo pradėtos diskusijos šiuo egzistenciniu klausimu. JAV net du kandidatai iš trijų palaiko taiką – D. Trumpas ir Robertas Kennedy’is, bet Lietuva gyvena baime leisti kalbėti. Dievo valia mano Tėvynė yra Lietuvoje ir su komanda padarysime viską, kad mūsų mamoms ir tėčiams netektų raudoti netekus sūnų ir dukterų.


Šių metų Europos Parlamento rinkimai bus lemtingi Lietuvos ir Europos ateičiai


Svarbu žinoti, kad būtent Europos Parlamente spręsis Lietuvos likimas, kai bus balsuojama už Europos federalizacijos projektą, kuris mus paverstų JAV analogija, kai Briuselis su didžiosiomis šalimis nutars, kaip Lietuvai elgtis, ir neliks veto teisės bei mūsų valstybingumo! Būtina tam pasipriešinti, nenorime, kad Lietuvai tektų vergiškai linksėti galva.


Matydamas dabartines tendencijas tikiu, jog patriotinėms-politinėms jėgoms, kurių atstovai pateks į Europos Parlamentą, tikrai pavyks susijungti bendram darbui ir stabdyti ES federalizacijos projektą, kuris sukurtų Jungtines Europos Valstijas ir atimtų balso teisę iš tokių valstybių, kaip Lietuva. Todėl žmonių aktyvus dalyvavimas EP rinkimuose labai svarbus. Atsiveskite į rinkimus po draugą. Paprastas receptas pergalei prieš liberalkonservatorius – aktyvumas ir mūsų vienybė.


Mano suburta Taikos koalicija Europos Parlamento rinkimus vertina kaip pasirengimą Seimo rinkimams. Abu mūšiai svarbūs, bet lemiamas mūšis už Lietuvos valstybės išsaugojimą bus rudenį. Galimybė laimėti lemiamą mūšį atsiras tik tada, jei mūsų suburtos jėgos bus vieningos ir sugebės pasiryžti realiam apsijungimui. Taip sėkmę pasiekė patriotinės politinės jėgos Vengrijoje ir Lenkijoje. Žadame išmokti jų pamokas ir sugrąžinti Lietuvą žmonėms."

Putin says fears, that Russia will attack NATO, are 'nonsense'


If one side of the Russia-NATO conflict were to successfully attack the other side with conventional weapons, the other side would be forced to respond with nuclear weapons, which we have enough to destroy humanity. What are you preparing for? 


 "Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to begin supplying long-range capabilities to Western enemies, which would be an "asymmetric response" to Ukraine's strikes with Western weapons deep into Russian territory, RFE/RL reported.


 In an interview with the editors of foreign agencies, V. Putin said that strikes with high-precision missiles supplied to Ukraine by the West are impossible without the participation of the Western military. According to the Russian president, they participate in the selection of targets.


 "If someone thinks that such weapons can be brought into a combat zone and hit our territory causing problems for us, why do we not have the right to supply the same class of our weapons to those regions of the world from which they would strike sensitive targets of countries that do this in relation to Russia V. Putin stated, but did not specify to whom the Russian missiles could be supplied.


 From 2023 American military bases have been attacked several times by Iranian-backed militant groups, and Western commercial ships are regularly attacked by the Yemeni Houthis. Iran's missiles and drones are mostly used for those strikes.


 North Korea also regularly fires missiles towards South Korea and Japan. V. Putin said that Russia "highly appreciates" the fact that South Korea does not directly supply weapons to Ukraine.


 During this interview, V. Putin also stated that Western countries are already sending military instructors and advisers to Ukraine, some of whom have already died. V. Putin did not provide any evidence to support his words.


 Commenting on the possible delivery of German long-range missiles to Kyiv, Putin said it would "ultimately destroy" relations between Moscow and Berlin.


 Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are in Russian captivity


 Vladimir Putin stated that more than two years after the events in Ukraine, Russian forces have taken over 6,000 Ukrainian prisoners of war. This figure is much higher than the number of Russians held captive in Ukraine, he said at a meeting with major international news agencies in St. Petersburg on Wednesday. Ukraine, according to V. Putin, holds 1,348 Russian soldiers in captivity, while Russia holds 6,365 Ukrainians. It is not possible to independently verify this data.


 When asked what the Russian losses are in the war, V. Putin said that neither side of the conflict provides specific data about it. However, the relationship is said to be similar to that of prisoners of war. V. Putin assured that Ukraine's losses in the war are much greater than Russia's.


 Believes that fears that Russia will attack NATO are "nonsense"


 Vladimir Putin called the fears of the Western countries about the invasion of NATO territory by Russian forces "nonsense". "You made up your mind that Russia wants to attack NATO. Are you completely out of your mind? Are you as dumb as this table? Who came up with this? This is nonsense, understand," Putin said at a meeting with employees of major foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Wednesday.


 In a meeting with foreign journalists, V. Putin also stated once again that Russia would use its nuclear weapons only in self-defense. At the same time, he said: "For some reason, the West always thinks that Russia will never use it. We have a nuclear doctrine. Look what it says there. If someone's actions threaten our sovereignty, we believe that we can use all the means at our disposal. This is not to be taken lightly. It should be approached professionally."


 V. Putin is the host of the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is taking place these days.


 Does not expect changes in US policy towards Russia


 Vladimir Putin does not expect significant changes in Washington's policy towards Moscow after the US presidential election. "For us, the (election) results are not of great importance," he said at a meeting with representatives of international news agencies in St. Petersburg on Wednesday. Russia will cooperate with the president chosen by the Americans. In the past, Putin has said that he would prefer incumbent President Joe Biden to win because he is more predictable.


 At the same time, V. Putin criticized the court proceedings against former US President Donald Trump, who on November 5 is going to run against Mr. Biden in the upcoming elections. Law enforcement in the United States is used for political struggle, V. Putin said. D. Trump is accused of old things, which, according to him, allows us to talk about political persecution. Many people understand this and support Trump because of it, added the Kremlin master."


Some focus on Putin's personality rather than what he says. It turns out that only Mother Teresa (eternal rest), Biden (still alive, barely) and Landsbergis (strangely, but also barely alive) have the right to say something. It turns out that the person who is condemned, by the not recognized by the Americans and Russians court (for example, the Prime Minister of Israel) not only has no right to say anything to us, but also cannot say anything worthy of our attention. Putin is saying a very simple thing: if the Landsbergis' family are well-armed and by some miracle appear at the gates of the Kremlin, it will force the Russians to defend themselves with nuclear weapons, and everyone, including the Landsbergis' family and us precious, will be dead, wherever we live. Since Putin is a believer, he is not deterred by such a prospect. The idea sounds logical. And instead of examining the arguments, attacking the personality of the person bringing up the arguments is a serious logical error. Unfortunately, this error is very common in the Lithuanian press. Maybe that's why we don't have a serious business in Lithuania, because it's impossible for us to think seriously.


Are you saying that Maxima owner is serious? He already lives in Britain and pays taxes there. We were deceived, encouraged happily drink alcohol, but he left, and the money was taken away. If Landsbergis is not going to go to Russia, then why is he buying very expensive tanks with our money? Will he go to Dusia lake to catch pikes?