
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 11 d., antradienis

„Apple“ pristato planus įtraukti dirbtinį intelektą į „iPhone“ --- Suasmeninta sistema, siūlanti funkcijas naudojant „ChatGPT“ ir pabrėžiant privatumą

„Apple“ prisijungė prie dirbtinio intelekto (AI) ginklavimosi lenktynių, pirmadienį pareikšdama, kad planuoja savo 2,2 milijardo įrenginių naudotojams pristatyti labiau suasmenintą dirbtinio intelekto versiją, įskaitant susitarimą su ChatGPT gamintoja OpenAI.


 Naujoji AI sistema, kurią ji pavadino „Apple Intelligence“, suteikė galimybę peržiūrėti tai, ką daugelis laiko šventuoju AI graliu – balso asistentu, turinčiu pakankamai asmeninės naudotojo informacijos, kad prasmingai padėtų atlikti daugybę užduočių. „Apple“ susivienijo su „OpenAI“ ir jos „ChatGPT“, siekdama kai kurių naujų dirbtinio intelekto funkcijų, tokių, kaip atsakymas į sudėtingesnes užklausas ar pranešimų kūrimas, kurių Apple AI negali valdyti.


 Šis pranešimas paskelbtas po to, kai „iPhone“ gamintojas pastebėjo, kad jo rinkos vertė sustingo, palyginti su konkurentais, kurie greičiau įtraukė generatyvųjį dirbtinį intelektą į jų pagrindinius produktus.


 „Manome, kad „Apple Intelligence“ bus nepakeičiamas gaminiams, kurie jau atlieka tokį svarbų vaidmenį mūsų gyvenime“, – pristatyme sakė generalinis direktorius Timas Cookas.


 Pasaulinėje kūrėjų konferencijoje „Apple“ teigė, kad naujoji programinė įranga nuskaitys informaciją iš įvairių programų ir nuskaitys asmeninę informaciją, kad padėtų vartotojams koreguoti tekstą, iškviesti konkrečių šeimos narių nuotraukas arba įvertinti eismo modelius prieš netipišką kelionę į darbą ir atgal. Vartotojai gali kurti vaizdus ir jaustukus, o apytikslius eskizus paversti nugludintomis diagramomis.


 Atnaujinta „Siri“ galės geriau suprasti natūralią kalbą, apdoroti kontekstinę informaciją ir imtis veiksmų programose. Vystytojai gali naudoti naujus įrankius, kad galėtų pasinaudoti AI sistemų pranašumais.


 Dauguma šių naujų „Apple“ galimybių bus pasiekiamos vėliau šiais metais.


 Tam tikroms sudėtingoms „Siri“ užklausoms „Apple“ pateiks raginimą paklausti, ar vartotojas nori prisijungti prie „ChatGPT“, kad gautų geresnį atsakymą. „Apple“ taip pat leidžia „ChatGPT“ prisijungti prie kitų operacinės sistemos sričių, pavyzdžiui, naudojant dirbtinį intelektą kuriant tekstą. „Apple“ teigė, kad tai suteikia vartotojams galimybę valdyti, kada ir ar jie nori naudoti „ChatGPT“. „Apple“ taip pat pristatė galimybę prisijungti prie išorinių AI ir teigė, kad ateityje planuoja pridėti papildomų dirbtinio intelekto sistemų.


 Bendrovė vedė derybas su „Google“ ir AI startuoliu „Cohere“, pranešė „The Wall Street Journal“.


 „OpenAI“ generalinis direktorius Samas Altmanas, kuris dalyvavo „Apple“ renginyje, bet nekalbėjo tiesioginės transliacijos metu, sakė esąs dėkingas už galimybę integruoti „ChatGPT“ į „Apple“ įrenginius. Ant X jis parašė: „manau, kad tau tikrai patiks“.


 „Apple“ teigė, kad „ChatGPT“ pagrįstos funkcijos bus pasiekiamos vėliau šiais metais. 


OpenAI atstovas spaudai atsisakė komentuoti partnerystės sąlygas, kaip ir Apple atstovai.


 Privatumas yra „Apple“ naujų dirbtinio intelekto galimybių pagrindas – funkcija, kuri gali dar labiau pritraukti vartotojus į jos ekosistemą. Dauguma apdorojimo bus atliekami įrenginyje, o ne siunčiami į debesies serverius. Tačiau bendrovė teigė, kad, naudodama didesnius AI modelius „Apple“ išlaikys savo privatumą, naudodama savo serverius su tuo, ką ji vadina „Private Cloud Compute“. Į šiuos serverius jis siųs tik su užduotimi susijusius duomenis. Bendrovė teigė, kad duomenys nėra saugomi ir „Apple“ kompanijai nepasiekiami tolesniam mokymui.


 Elonas Muskas, kuriantis dirbtinio intelekto sistemą, pavadintą xAI, sakė, kad jei „Apple“ integruos „OpenAI“ „OS lygiu“, jis planuoja uždrausti „Apple“ įrenginius jo įmonėse. „Tai nepriimtinas saugumo pažeidimas“, – sakė jis per X.


 „ChatGPT“ užklausos iš „Apple“ įrenginių bus nukreiptos į „OpenAI“ serverius, tačiau naudotojų informacija nebus bendrinama su „OpenAI“, o paleisties programa negalės atpažinti konkrečių „Apple“ vartotojų užklausų. „Apple“ naudos „ChatGPT“ versiją, kuri kitur internete pasiekiama nemokamai, tačiau turintys aukščiausios kokybės „ChatGPT“ prenumeratas, galės susieti jų paskyras.


 „Apple“ praėję metai buvo būdingi iššūkiais, įskaitant mažėjantį pardavimą Kinijoje ir JAV antimonopolinio ieškinio bei naujo Europos įstatymo kontrolę, kurių tikslas – trečiųjų šalių programinės įrangos valdymas.


 Investuotojai tikėjosi, kad pirmadienio pranešimai paskatins naują akcijų augimą. „Apple“ akcijos pirmadienį atpigo beveik 2 proc.


 „Svarbu, kad jie pradėtų rodyti pažangą“, – sakė „Apple“ investuotojo „Johnson Investment Counsel“ vyriausiasis investicijų pareigūnas Charlesas Rinehartas.


 Kai kurios AI funkcijos, kurias demonstravo Apple, jau kurį laiką buvo prieinamos kitoje programinėje įrangoje, įskaitant automatinį atsakymą į el. laiškus ir nuotraukų redagavimą, kuris gali pašalinti dėmesį blaškančius fono vaizdus.


 „Apple“ akcijos per pastaruosius metus pabrango beveik 7%. „Microsoft“ išaugo maždaug 30 proc., o sausio mėnesį ji išstūmė „Apple“, kaip vertingiausią pasaulio bendrovę pagal rinkos kapitalizaciją. Per pastaruosius metus „Google“ motininė kompanija Alphabet išaugo daugiau, nei 40 proc. „Microsoft“ ir „Google“ greitai įtraukė generatyvųjį AI į savo produktus. Nvidia, pagrindinė lustų tiekėja AI bumui, trečiadienį pasiekė 3 trilijonų dolerių vertę ir trumpam viršijo „Apple“ rinkos ribą.


 „AI yra tas dalykas, kuris gali išvesti „Apple“ iš duobės“, – sakė „Apple“ investuotojo „Gullane Capital Partners“ vadovaujantis partneris Tripas Milleris." [1]


1. Apple Unveils Plans to Bring AI To iPhone --- Personalized system to offer features using ChatGPT and stress privacy. Tilley, Aaron.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 11 June 2024: A.1.

Apple Unveils Plans to Bring AI To iPhone --- Personalized system to offer features using ChatGPT and stress privacy

"Apple joined the artificial intelligence arms race, saying Monday it plans to bring a more personalized version of artificial intelligence to its 2.2 billion device users -- including striking a deal with ChatGPT maker OpenAI.

The new AI system, which it called "Apple Intelligence," offered a preview to what many consider to be the holy grail of AI, a voice assistant empowered with enough personal user information to meaningfully help complete an array of tasks. Apple teamed up with OpenAI, and its ChatGPT, for some new AI functions, such as answering more complex queries or composing messages, capabilities that Apple's AI cannot handle.

The announcement comes after the iPhone maker saw its market value stagnate compared with rivals that were quicker to incorporate generative artificial intelligence into their core products.

"We think Apple Intelligence is going to be indispensable to the products that already play such an integral role in our lives," Chief Executive Tim Cook said in the presentation.

At its Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple said its new software will retrieve information from across apps and scan personal information to help users proofread text, call up photos of specific family members or gauge traffic patterns ahead of an atypical commute. Users can create images and emojis and convert rough sketches into polished diagrams.

An updated Siri will be able to better understand natural language, process contextual information and take action in apps. Developers can use new tools to take advantage of the AI systems. 

Most of these new Apple capabilities will be available later this year.

For certain complex Siri requests, Apple will surface a prompt to ask if the user wants to connect with ChatGPT to get a better answer. Apple is also allowing ChatGPT to connect with other areas of the operating system, such as using the AI to help with composing text. Apple said it gives users the ability to control when and if they want to use ChatGPT. Apple also unveiled the ability to connect to external AIs and said it planned to add support for additional artificial-intelligence systems in the future.

The company has held talks with Google and AI startup Cohere, The Wall Street Journal reported.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who was on hand at the Apple event but didn't speak during the livestreamed broadcast, said he was grateful for the opportunity to integrate ChatGPT into Apple's devices. He wrote on X: "think you will really like it."

Apple said the ChatGPT-based functions will be available later this year. An OpenAI spokesman declined to comment about the terms of the partnership, as did Apple representatives.

Privacy is at the heart of Apple's new AI capabilities, a feature that could further lock users into its ecosystem. Most processing will be done on a device instead of shipping to the servers in the cloud. But the company said for running larger AI models Apple will keep it private by running its own servers with what it calls Private Cloud Compute. It will only send data relevant to the task to these servers. The data isn't stored or accessible by Apple for further training, the company said.

Elon Musk, who is developing an AI system dubbed xAI, said if Apple integrates OpenAI "at the OS level," he plans to ban Apple devices at his companies. "That is an unacceptable security violation," he said on X.

ChatGPT queries from Apple devices will be routed to OpenAI servers, but user information won't be shared with OpenAI, and the startup won't be able to identify the queries from specific Apple users. Apple will use a version of ChatGPT that is available elsewhere online for free, but those with premium ChatGPT subscriptions will be able to link their accounts.

For Apple, the past year has been characterized by challenges including falling sales in China and regulatory scrutiny from a U.S. antitrust lawsuit and a new European law, both of which take aim at how it manages third-party software.

Investors hoped Monday's announcements would propel a new rally. Apple shares fell by almost 2% on Monday.

"It's important for them to start showing progress," said Charles Rinehart, chief investment officer at Johnson Investment Counsel, an Apple investor.

Some AI features Apple showcased have been available in other software for some time, including auto-reply for emails and photo editing that can remove distracting background images.

Apple's shares have risen almost 7% in the past year. Microsoft surged about 30%, and it supplanted Apple as the world's most valuable company by market capitalization in January. Google parent Alphabet is up more than 40% over the past year. Microsoft and Google have rapidly incorporated generative AI across their products. Nvidia, the main chip provider in the AI boom, reached a $3 trillion valuation on Wednesday and briefly exceeded Apple's market cap.

"AI is the thing that can get Apple out of the ditch," said Trip Miller, managing partner at Apple investor Gullane Capital Partners." [1]

1. Apple Unveils Plans to Bring AI To iPhone --- Personalized system to offer features using ChatGPT and stress privacy. Tilley, Aaron.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 11 June 2024: A.1.


2024 m. birželio 10 d., pirmadienis

Where to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

"American travelers going abroad this summer will find their money buys more in some unexpected countries, including Japan and Australia.

It’s the backpacker’s call to India, the sunseeker’s attraction to Mexico, and the digital nomad’s drive to get to Thailand: Go where the dollar buys more.

The evergreen budget travel strategy is getting a boost this summer: The dollar has surged against a number of foreign currencies, including the Japanese yen, thanks to high interest rates offered by the Federal Reserve — attracting foreign investment, which bolsters the dollar.

“A destination’s weaker currency spells greater value for U.S. tourists,” said Erina Pindar, the chief operating officer and managing partner at SmartFlyer, a global travel agency based in New York City.

“This economic advantage could make far-flung bucket list destinations in Asia, such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan, or in South America, like Peru, Argentina and Chile, more accessible than ever before,” she added.

Distant destinations are usually more expensive to fly to, which, along with the physical toll of jet lag, helps make the case for the country’s North American neighbors, Canada and Mexico, where the exchange rates have long favored the dollar’s buying power.

But this year there are some new contenders with attractive exchange rates to consider, including the following destinations.


Currently, the U.S. dollar is worth about 1.50 Australian dollars, up about 16 percent over the last three years.

The hurdle, of course, is the long flight, which can easily run over $1,000 round trip. But the travel search engine Kayak lists some attractive summer round-trip fares between the West Coast and Sydney starting at $770, with the best availability in August.

Getting around Australia by air isn’t cheap either, especially since the recent collapse of the low-cost carrier Bonza. Jetstar offers lower fares, including, recently, $50 one-way tickets between Melbourne and Adelaide.

Camper vans can be an affordable way to take an Australian road trip, with companies like Jucy, Britz and Apollo offering vehicles that include beds and cooking facilities. Jucy recently priced a two-person van rented for a week in July at about $53 a night.

The Northern Hemisphere summer is Australia’s winter. If you’re planning a ski vacation in the Australian Alps, Tourism Australia suggests avoiding mid-July when schools are on break and many families head to the slopes.

Australia does not have a culture of tipping, potentially saving travelers 20 percent on restaurant meals, according to Craig Bradbery, the chief operating officer of Baillie Lodges, which includes the newly rebuilt Southern Ocean Lodge, a luxury property on Kangaroo Island.

Bali, Indonesia

Many destinations in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, offer compelling exchange rates. In Indonesia, the rupiah is at a four-year low against the dollar.

“I would send clients to Bali, Indonesia,” said Rob Huie, the owner of Luxury Travel Services by Rob, based in Millsboro, Del., noting that the cost of living is low on the island. “The caveat is a higher upfront cost to fly there, but once you’re there you are able to stay at three- and four-star hotels at very affordable rates, have meals for $10 to $25 per day and massages for $10 to $30.”

Travelers with Marriott loyalty points can cash them in at the Four Points by Sheraton Bali, Kuta (rooms from $57 a night). IGH Reward members can spend or earn points at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach (from $138).

Tripadvisor’s list of the top budget hotels in the central highlands around Ubud includes options under $100.

Bali is a good place to look for a vacation rental, according to the home rental platform HomeToGo. Its data shows the median per-night price for a rental property on Bali this summer is $86, compared to the median price of a rental in the United States at $388.

“Despite the strength of the U.S. dollar on a global scale, prices across the states continue to rise, prompting travelers to look to international destinations where their dollar can stretch further,” said Eleanor Moody, a travel expert at HomeToGo, who added that searches for rentals in Indonesia have more than doubled in the past year.


South America — including Argentina where inflation has spiraled, and Peru where the sol has softened against the dollar — is another place to look for value.

“Stop going to Europe,” said Cecile Blot, the owner of the travel agency Boundless Travels in Washington, D.C., praising “destination dupes” in South America. “Many of the countries on the southern continent offer the entire package — history, culture, nature, culinary delights, world-class accommodation — at a fraction of the price.”

One of these is Colombia, where the dollar recently equaled about 3,935 pesos, a gain of roughly 20 percent over the past five years.

“Colombia has something for everyone,” said Stefanie Pichonnat, the owner of AAV Travel, based in Terre Haute, Ind., citing Cartagena on the Caribbean as a budget-friendly substitute for a European capital, and coastal Tayrona National Natural Park as a cheaper alternative to Costa Rica.

“Coffee aficionados can spend days touring the coffee fincas, passionate hikers can challenge themselves with a trek to the páramo desert and bird watchers will find an abundance of options to explore,” she added.

Air service is frequent and affordable. A recent search for round-trip fares from the New York area turned up summer departures starting from about $290 to the capital of Bogotá and $320 to coastal Cartagena.

From Bogotá, visitors can reach Chingaza National Natural Park in the eastern Andes or spend a few days in the laid-back colonial city of Villa de Leyva. But Colombia’s mountainous terrain and perilous roads often require travelers to fly domestically to see other areas.

Among tour operators that do the planning for you, Responsible Travel, based in England, offers a customizable 12-day trip to Colombia that visits Bogotá, Medellín and the central coffee country, including the lush Cocora Valley with its nearly 200-foot-tall wax palm trees (from $2,990 a person).


The U.S. dollar is currently worth about 156 Japanese yen, a gain of more than 11 percent over the past year.

Demand for Japan was already booming when the economic picture improved. BWH Hotels, which includes Best Western Hotels, said occupancy and rates have grown steadily for the past two years because of demand and a shortage of employees, especially in popular destinations like Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hokkaido.

But with careful planning, Americans can still exploit the exchange rate. IHG Hotels & Resorts, which operates hotel brands in the country from the design-focused Voco to the high-end InterContinental, suggested traveling by early July for the best rates (an overnight at the Voco Osaka Central starts at $135).

The Japanese-owned Hoshino Resorts tend to be upscale, but their OMO line offers more entry-level accommodations, from capsule hotels to full-service locations. The OMO5 Kyoto Gion, for example, offers rooms that sleep up to six people and include kitchens, starting at 24,000 yen, or about $153. Staff guides offer free tours to temples in the area.

While many temples, parks and shrines are free, travelers in the capital can get the Tokyo Museum Grutto Pass for 2,500 yen (about $16) that includes admission to more than 100 museums and attractions around town.

Among its tips for budget travelers, the tourism office of Japan recommends making lunch your big meal as many restaurants offer midday specials.

There are a number of cost-conscious ways to get around Japan, including trains (a Japan Rail Pass starts at 50,000 yen, or about $320, for seven days), low-cost airlines like Peach and Zipair and overnight buses.

Or consider walking the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route that connects sacred shrines in the Kii Mountains. Walk Japan has a self-guided seven-day trip, including accommodations and most meals, starting at 224,000 yen." [1]

1. Where to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck: Frugal Traveler. Glusac, Elaine.  New York Times (Online) New York Times Company. Jun 10, 2024.