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2024 m. lapkričio 11 d., pirmadienis

How Chemistry Is Intertwined With Our Life: The mother of all industries is in the valley of tears

 "November 11, 2024 · Weak demand and high energy costs are causing problems for the German chemical industry. Nobody can say today how much production will ultimately remain in Germany. The green transformation is becoming a ride in the fog.


The chemical industry is considered the mother of all industries. Cars, consumer goods, houses, cosmetics, even medicines - there is chemistry in everything. How long and complex the value chains really are is often forgotten in good times.


The sanctions on  Russia, of all things, has raised awareness of this again. As soon as gas and oil suddenly became scarce and expensive, supply chains threatened to break. BASF CEO Martin Brudermüller even warned in an interview with the F.A.S. of irreversible damage if the federal government imposed a gas boycott. It has not been that bad, but the chemical industry is still going through a valley of tears. And the disruptions give an idea of ​​the rocky road ahead for industry if it does not use oil and gas.


In fact, large chemical plants are not only fueled by fossil fuels, but gas and naphtha are also the most important basic chemicals in chemistry. In huge plants, known as crackers, gas or naphtha comes in at the top and important basic chemicals such as ethylene and propylene come out at the bottom. These are then processed further in many production steps: into plastics and insulation material, varnishes, paints, seals, adhesives, consumer goods, fertilizers, detergents, cosmetics and, as mentioned, even medicine. In order to become "green", the energy-intensive industry must pursue a two-pronged approach: replacing both fossil fuels and fossil raw materials. The transformation is enormous and it will be very expensive.


There are a good two thousand chemical and pharmaceutical companies in Germany, employing almost half a million people. The number has been more or less constant for 25 years; for a long time the chemical industry was considered a haven of stability. Strikes were rare, and the last major industrial dispute was more than fifty years ago. While large companies such as BASF and Bayer determine the public image of the industry, the majority of the industry is still dominated by medium-sized companies. According to the industry association VCI, just 69 of the 2094 companies employ more than 1000 people.


In addition to individual large sites such as the BASF headquarters in Ludwigshafen, many companies have joined forces to form chemical parks. There they produce electricity, heat and steam together and efficiently line up individual plants one after the other. In Europe, the German chemical industry is by far the largest, with a global market share of 4.2 percent. But the music is playing in Asia: China, by far the largest chemicals market, is approaching a 50 percent share of sales.


In Germany, the chemical industry is currently under pressure. Due to weak demand from the automotive industry and the construction industry, two of the most important customer sectors, production in this country has fallen by more than a fifth since 2021. Many chemical plants are not profitable due to the lack of orders, reports the VCI. The decline in production is dramatic in some cases: Above all, ammonia production, which is particularly dependent on gas and from which Ad Blue and fertilizers are made, has fallen by 32 percent since 2020. For the important basic chemicals ethylene and propylene, the declines are 17 and 15 percent.


It is unclear to what extent production in Germany will shrink permanently. Plants are already being closed permanently. If BASF's plant balance sheet is taken as a benchmark, this selection process is likely to continue for some time: 80 percent of the plants at the headquarters are therefore also competitive in the long term, the remaining 20 percent "are associated with risks under the given circumstances".


In the last thirty years, the industry has certainly done its "green" homework, in its own opinion. While the production of chemical and pharmaceutical products has increased by 61 percent, energy consumption has fallen by a fifth and greenhouse gas emissions by more than half, reports the VCI. However, this view is distorted: It is true that greenhouse gas emissions fell sharply, especially in the years after reunification, when outdated GDR companies had to close. Since then, emissions have continued to fall, but at a much slower rate. Energy-saving measures are no longer sufficient to achieve climate-neutral production by 2045. The industry must renew all of its processes.


Today, 85 percent of chemical production is fed by fossil raw materials, primarily naphtha and gas. By 2050, according to the forecast of the DECHEMA trade association, the fossil share is likely to drop to six percent.  It is to be replaced by recycled plastics, biomass and above all carbon dioxide. Of all things, the "climate killer" could become a raw material. According to the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, basic chemicals and synthetic fuels can be produced from it with "a few chemical or electrocatalytic" production steps.


It is clear that the conversion will cost a lot of money and drive up the demand for green electricity, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. However, there are differing opinions about the right path to climate neutrality. Forecasts vary greatly depending on how many of the plants will be operated with electricity or hydrogen in the future, how large the proportion of renewable raw materials or recycled plastic will be. The VCI has just revised its demand forecast downwards due to current production declines and new pessimistic long-term assumptions. It assumes that the production of basic chemicals in Germany will shrink by half a percent annually until 2045, and only the business with specialty chemicals will grow. This will do little to change the hunger for green energy. If you take the average of the forecasts, the chemical industry will consume seven times more electricity in 2045 than it does today."


As you see, cheap Russian hydrocarbons-based chemistry is needed in order to build  affordable "green" transformation. Chancellor Merkel was right, working with  the Russians. Chancellor Scholz is wrong ruining the chances of the West in this field.


What is true these days and what is a lie: they spread "lies" about war Kommandanturs in Lithuania, announcing that the purpose of war Kommandanturs is to catch men on the streets of Lithuanian cities

 In reality, according to Orwell's definition, war Kommandanturs are meant to breed white doves and release them in all four directions as a symbol of peace.



 "The war Kommandanturs started to be created in Lithuania only this year have already managed to be surrounded by myths and lies.


 Netizens on social networks claim that military commandos will be aimed at arresting men of military age on the streets, as can be seen in the videos recorded in Ukraine during the martial law.


 However, the Lithuanian army confirmed that this information is not correct.




 War Kommandanturs in Lithuania will be responsible for arresting men of military age on the streets.




 A lie. The purpose of war Kommandanturs is to train civic-minded individuals to defend the country. Prepared persons are expected to perform functions ranging from assistance in the preparation of evacuation to the defense of important state objects.


 Lie detector comment


 A false message is being spread on social networks that the war Kommandanturs that appeared in Lithuania this year will be responsible for arresting men of military age on the streets, as is sometimes seen in videos from Ukraine.


 However, the Lithuanian army denied this false information and explained the purpose of war Kommandanturs in the country.


 "War Kommandanturs are peacetime military units that train civic-minded individuals to defend and defend important objects in specific areas."


 During the war, persons belonging to war Kommandanturs will take care of the protection of important objects in their city or district, installation and safety control posts, ensure the observance of curfew rules, participate in the process of property requisition, monitor the environment, fight against illegal armed groups or perform other tasks assigned by the Lithuanian army". - "Lie Detector" was written by the Military Public Relations Department of the Strategic Communication Department of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.


 In addition to the already mentioned tasks, the Ministry of National Defense (KAM) also distinguishes that the war Kommandanturs will also have to ensure civil-military mutual support, for example, providing assistance in evacuating residents, organizing the construction of fortifications, etc.


 The structure of war Kommandanturs


 The war Kommandanturs consists of commandants and their deputies. They consist of professional military servicemen, conscripts assigned to the prepared reserve, as well as war Kommandanturs' marksmen of the Lithuanian Rifle Association.


 Later, the war Kommandanturs will be filled with civilians willing to contribute to the defense of the state. There will be an opportunity to train people in the reserve during peacetime and to provide patriotic citizens with military knowledge and to integrate them into the structure of war Kommandanturs' units, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says.


 All citizens who are patriotic can sign up for war Kommandanturs.


 In September, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that 6,000 people had already signed up for war Kommandanturs. people, after checking their questionnaires and health, their training will be started.



 • Sources


 • "Lie detector" correspondence with the Military Public Relations Department of the Strategic Communication Department of the Lithuanian Armed Forces by e-mail, 2024 November 7


 • What are war Kommandanturs? What are their functions during wartime?


 • War Kommandanturs' offices - frequently asked questions


 • 6 thousand people signed up for war Kommandanturs, training begins


 • War Kommandanturs' offices" 


We are left wondering, how those videos recorded in Ukraine during the martial law, where it can be seen arresting men of military age on the streets, are coming through into the open? They are so damaging to our "truth", the only "truth" on the face of the Earth.


Kas šiomis dienomis yra tiesa, o kas yra melas: paskleidė "melą" apie karo komendantūras Lietuvoje, skelbdami, kad karo komendantūrų tikslas yra gaudyti vyrus Lietuvos miestų gatvėse

Realiai, pagal Orwello apibrėžimą, karo komendantūros yra skirtos auginti baltus balandžius ir išleisti juos į visas keturias puses, kaip taikos simbolį.


"Tik šiemet Lietuvoje pradėtos kurti karo komendantūros jau spėjo būti apipintos mitais ir melu. 

Internautai socialiniuose tinkluose tikina, kad karo komendantūros bus skirtos gaudyti karinio amžiaus vyrus gatvėse, kaip tai karo padėties metu galima išvysti Ukrainoje užfiksuotuose vaizdo įrašuose. 

Tačiau Lietuvos kariuomenė patvirtino, kad ši informacija nėra teisinga.


Karo komendantūros Lietuvoje bus atsakingos už karinio amžiaus vyrų gaudymą gatvėse.


Melas. Karo komendantūrų tikslas – rengti pilietiškai nusiteikusius asmenis ginti šalį. Parengtiems asmenims numatomos funkcijos nuo pagalbos, rengiant evakuaciją iki svarbių valstybės objektų gynybos.

Melo detektoriaus komentaras

Socialiniuose tinkluose platinama melaginga žinia, kad šiemet Lietuvoje atsiradusios karo komendantūros bus atsakingos už karinio amžiaus vyrų gaudymą gatvėse, kaip tai kartais matoma vaizdo įrašuose iš Ukrainos.

Tačiau Lietuvos kariuomenė paneigė šią melagingą informaciją ir paaiškino, kokiu tikslu šalyje veiks karo komendantūros.

„Komendantūros – tai taikos metu veikiantis karinis vienetas, kuriame rengiami pilietiškai nusiteikę asmenys, kad šie galėtų gintis ir ginti svarbius objektus konkrečiose vietovėse.

Karo metu komendantiniams vienetams priklausantys asmenys rūpinsis svarbių objektų jų mieste ar rajone apsauga, įrenginės ir saugos kontrolės postus, užtikrins komendanto valandos laikymosi taisykles, dalyvaus turto rekvizicijos procese, stebės aplinką, kovos su nelegaliomis ginkluotomis grupėmis ar atliks kitas, Lietuvos kariuomenės pavestas užduotis“, – „Melo detektoriui“ rašė Lietuvos kariuomenės Strateginės komunikacijos departamento Karinių viešųjų ryšių skyrius.

Be jau minėtų užduočių, Krašto apsaugos ministerija (KAM) dar išskiria, kad karo komendantūros taip pat turės užtikrinti civilių-kariškių savitarpio paramą, pavyzdžiui, teikti pagalbą evakuojant gyventojus, organizuojant įtvirtinimų statymą ir kt.

Karo komendantūrų struktūra

Komendantūrą sudaro komendantai ir jų pavaduotojai, komendantiniai vienetai. Juos sudaro profesinės karo tarnybos kariai, priskirti parengtojo rezervo karo prievolininkai, taip pat Lietuvos šaulių sąjungos komendantiniai šauliai.

Vėliau komendantiniai vienetai pasipildys pilietiškais asmenimis, norinčiais prisidėti prie valstybės gynybos. Atsiras galimybė rengti rezerve esančius asmenis taikos metu bei patriotiškai nusiteikusiems piliečiams suteikti karybos žinių, integruoti į komendantinių vienetų struktūrą, nurodo KAM.

Į komendantūras gali užsirašyti visi, patriotiškai nusiteikę, piliečiai.

Rugsėjį KAM skelbė, kad į karo komendantūras jau užsirašė 6 tūkst. žmonių, patikrinus jų anketas ir sveikatą, bus pradedami jų mokymai.


           „Melo detektoriaus“ susirašinėjimas su Lietuvos kariuomenės Strateginės komunikacijos departamento Karinių viešųjų ryšių skyriumi elektroniniu paštu, 2024 m. lapkričio 7 d.

           Kas yra karo komendantūros? Kokios jų funkcijos karo metu?

           Komendantūros – dažniausiai užduodami klausimai

           Į komendantūras užsirašė 6 tūkst. žmonių, prasideda mokymai

           Karo komendantūros"


   Belieka stebėtis, kaip į viešumą patenka tie vaizdo įrašai, užfiksuoti Ukrainoje karo padėties metu, kur matyti, gatvėse suimamus, karinio amžiaus vyrus? Jie taip kenkia mūsų „tiesai“, vienintelei „tiesai“ Žemės paviršiuje.