
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 18 d., antradienis

During the Games in Paris, a new means of transport will land on the Seine



"During the Olympic Games in Paris, which will take place between July 26 and August 11, air taxis will fly over the city. These are huge, futuristic drones from the German company Volocopter.


French Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, announces in an interview with the newspaper "Le Parisien" that two-person drones will appear over Paris during the Olympic Games. These are air taxis that, apart from the pilot, will take only one passenger - reports the German portal T-online. – This is technological progress that may prove useful – adds the minister.


Drones will land on the Seine


The machines will fly at a maximum speed of 110 kilometers per hour and can be used at designated times. Moreover, they will not be available to the general public. Drones will have four landing pads designated within the metropolis, including Charles de Gaulle airport and the smaller one - Le Bourget. There will also be a floating platform on the Seine in the western part of Paris, which will serve as a landing pad.


 The drone manufacturer, the German company Volocopter, has reached an agreement on this matter with the airport operator ADP, bus and metro operators RATP and the Paris authorities.


Air taxis - transportation for the rich


Before drones are introduced into widespread use, the French authorities must be convinced that this means of transport is actually environmentally friendly - thanks to the fact that it runs on batteries, it is supposed to be a low-emission solution.


– We will conduct tests during the games. If it turns out that they do not bring the expected results and drones cause too much noise, we will deal with consequences - says Vergriete. The minister is not in favor of calling this solution a flying taxi.


The concept is already controversial. The Paris City Council voted unanimously against the solution. – This is greenwashing in its purest form, a means of transport available to the ultra-rich who are in a hurry. There is only room for one passenger in the drone, explains the deputy mayor of Paris, Dan Lert, quoted by the AFP news agency."


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