
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 2 d., sekmadienis

Lithuanian fascists shoot and kill an unarmed Lithuanian and call it a shootout. We are all in danger. Let's drive them out of the Seimas during the elections

Become distracted, while driving down the street, and the fascists will shoot you.



"On Saturday evening, border guards at the border with Belarus, while trying to arrest a suspected smuggler from Lithuania, shot him to death, the State Border Guard Service (VSAT) reported on Sunday.




According to Giedrias Mišutis, VSAT adviser, the police have started a pre-trial investigation.




It is stated that on Saturday around 9 p.m. the officers of the Padvarioniai border checkpoint of VSAT Vilnius border team, having information about smuggling, carried out search and arrest actions in the approaches of Padvarioniai village in Šalčininkai district.




This place is right next to the border with Belarus.




A VW Passat car was observed driving here, the driver of which, when stopped by uniformed border guards with VSAT service SUV with light and sound signals activated, did not obey this requirement and increased the speed.




The officers chased him. There was another uniformed border guard on the road nearby, it is said that the fugitive could have tried to run him over with a car while running in this direction, but he avoided that at the last moment.




According to initial data, in the event of a threat to health and life and in order to stop a deadly fugitive, the border guard fired one shot from his service weapon into the tire of the speeding car, because it is suspected that the VW Passat would soon have run into the village of Tabariškii, where there would have been a great danger to the surrounding people.




According to VSAT, the car stopped after a short drive after the shot. Officers found a Lithuanian citizen fatally wounded by a gunshot in the driver's seat.


Well known to law enforcement


Rustam Lyubayev, VSAT commander general, claimed to reporters on Sunday that the deceased is well-known to law enforcement officers, who was punished for transporting contraband.




"It was VSAT and he was a well-known resident of the city of Vilnius to the police, who has an impressive criminal past, has been convicted many times for various crimes, smuggling, including violations of the state border and possession of excise goods. He has also been punished many times for other administrative offenses," he asserted.




According to him, bundles containing contraband cigarettes were transported in the car, according to the knowledge of the border guards.




As R. Lyubayev said, this is the second case in the last few years when border guards shoot a person transporting contraband and resisting the arrest.




According to R. Lyubayev, the officer who shot the born man has been working for VSAT for more than 15 years.




"During the entire period of his service, he had no penalties, was characterized very positively by his immediate superiors, and was repeatedly encouraged. He was awarded the VSAT silver medal "Exemplary border guard", claimed R. Lyubayev.




The border guard is provided with psychological assistance.




R. Lyubayev claimed that Belarusian officials did not react to the shootout.




Another pre-trial investigation into smuggling has been launched at the VSAT Vilnius border police station. An official inspection is also being carried out at VSAT due to this incident."




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