
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 1 d., šeštadienis

Why Ukrainian leader, Mr. Zelensky is losing?

He is a part of the colonial movement of Western Ukrainians originally located around Lvov, trying to take over Donbas and Crimea now inhabited by the Russian majority. These Russians don't want their new colonial masters' intent on eliminating Russian culture and language there. Colonialism is not considered positively these days by science since colonialism kills local cultures. Old and calcified in their ways rulers in the West still support colonial wars. Young people in the West don't.

Rest of the world doesn't either. In the days of the internet and smartphones the rest of the world knows what is going on. Even intuitively the rest of the world hates their previous colonial masters in the West and their designs. Just look at the huge problems of the French in Africa and New Caledonia. This opinion of the rest of the world is now important:

"US GDP as % of world GDP is at 25.22%."

EU GDP is much smaller:   

"The EU accounted for 13.3% of global GDP in 2023."

  Total West GDP is  38.52%.  Rest of the world that mainly supports the Russians, GDP is 61.48% of total GDP, 1.6 times bigger. This is why sanctions on Russians don't work. This is why Mr. Zelensky  is losing. No charm offensives, no visits to switzerlands and singapores will change anything here. The horse left the barn.

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