
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. spalio 11 d., penktadienis

An award for Japanese survivors reflects new global concerns


"The award to Japan’s atomic bomb survivors comes amid concern about the potential use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine and about nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and Asia.

In announcing the award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee expressed its fear that the “taboo” against the use of nuclear weapons was under threat, without identifying any countries in particular.

But it comes as President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has made intermittent threats about using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, though American and NATO officials have said that they have detected no preparations by Moscow for their use.

Separately, China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal while forming a stronger alliance with Russia, which has high-level nuclear technology.

Both countries are increasingly allied to Iran, which is considered perhaps a year away from being able to create a nuclear warhead to fit to a missile.

There are concerns that Moscow might be willing to provide Tehran with nuclear technology in return for Iran’s continued support for Russia in Ukraine.

North Korea is also part of the informal “axis of resistance” to an American-led order, and it has an active nuclear-weapons program and increasingly sophisticated missiles.

In addition, there are concerns that the events in Ukraine are endangering the safety of major civilian nuclear power plants." [1]

Lithuanian propaganda is stuck in a paradoxical state. Lithuanian propaganda calls those NATO leaders who push into Russian-inhabited territories in Ukraine, risking a global nuclear war, heroes, and those who advocate peace talks, Lithuanian propaganda calls peace doves from hell (?). Let's hope that there will be no need to wait for God's punishment, voters will punish during the elections all those who pose the risk of nuclear danger and impose Western customs on those who do not want them.

1. An award for Japanese survivors reflects new global concerns. Erlanger, Steven.  New York Times (Online) New York Times Company. Oct 11, 2024.


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