
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. spalio 4 d., penktadienis

Why do we need peace for Lithuania?


 Because we will now have no more cheap labor to cover up our mistakes. There are also smaller arguments.


 "A geopolitical argument


 The provisions of some pro-Russian lists are beyond doubt - they have repeatedly demonstrated their statehood and orientation towards Russia through words and actions. The leaders of the lists showed their true colors again last week in the LRT TV debate.


 E. Vaitkus, leader of the list of the Lithuanian People's Party (LLP), said: "I am categorically against raising any taxes <...> for military purposes."


 W. Tomaševskis, the first issue of the Lithuanian Poles' Election Campaign - Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), explained: "We have to use diplomacy more to stop this conflict. <...> We ourselves do not have to provoke this conflict."


 According to the leader of the Peace Coalition (TK), В. У., with authoritarian Russia and Belarus, Lithuania should "communicate in such a way as not to provoke wars".


 The party "Nemunas Aušra" (NA) did not participate in the debate, but the program is enough - it pushed the emphasis on defense to the last sentence and with a minus sign: "we will ensure that national defense is not financed at the expense of vulnerable, socially excluded people."


 Let's summarize the provisions of the 4 election lists: let's support defense less, be less angry with Russia. 


Economic argument 


Other lists reveal their orientation not necessarily by favoring Moscow, but by commenting on Lithuania's foreign policy and its impact on the economy.


 Although the People and Justice Union (TTS) declared in its program the aim of strengthening the military and defense capabilities, the leader of the list A.O. in the debate indirectly belittled Lithuania's efforts to increase resilience against Russia with an economic argument: "All those activities of ours - well, such foreign policy - caused enormous economic damage to us and benefits for some reason to Russia."


 In its program, the Lithuanian Party of Regions (LRP) allocates one paragraph to the defense policy, which in principle does not contradict the 2022 for an agreement between parliamentary political parties on national security and defence. However, J.P., number one on the list, actively condemns Lithuania's sanctions and transit policy, because "4.8 billion euros that policy of ours earned the Russians." According to him, "we fired 3,000 people from the railways, 15 million tons of cargo was not received by our port: loss for us, profit for the Russians and no loss for the Belarusians."


 During this term, the unsmooth interaction between the Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is visible to the naked eye, is indeed to be criticized."


However, the stupidity of both institutions should not be criticized in Lithuania. Let's stop these stupid pranks. Let's become a serious state. Let's vote for E. Vaitkus.


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