Lietuvoje automobiliai su neatsuktu odometru nepardavinėjami. Tas gražus, dažniausiai vartojamas, lietuviškas žodis: neapsimoka.
Lietuvoje automobiliai su neatsuktu odometru nepardavinėjami. Tas gražus, dažniausiai vartojamas, lietuviškas žodis: neapsimoka.
Cars with an odometer without rollback are not sold in Lithuania. That beautiful, most used, Lithuanian expression: it doesn't pay off.
"Of the approximately 40 million used cars sold each year, over 450,000 have odometers that were illegally altered, according to federal estimates.
That’s despite decades of efforts to curtail tampering, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Odometer fraud is a serious crime that costs Americans more than $1 billion annually,” an agency spokesman said.
Altering a vehicle’s odometer reading has been illegal since 1972 and was further discouraged by the Truth in Mileage Act of 1986, which requires mileage disclosure when ownership is transferred. In 1994, federal odometer tampering statutes were reworded to underscore that the practice is illegal. But odometer rollbacks are still stubbornly common.
While lower mileage can seal the sale of a used car, drivers of leased vehicles may also be tempted. Those who choose a cheaper low-mileage lease but exceed the limit will incur a penalty at turn-in time, often as much as 20 cents a mile. An extra 5,000 miles a year over a four-year lease could mean a $4,000 bill.
“Criminals target luxury vehicles on ultra-low-mileage lease programs using odometer ‘freeze’ switches or illicit odometer programming tools,” the NHTSA spokesman said.
Online, mileage cheats abound, underscoring the difficulty of rooting out the problem. A YouTube video demonstrates a procedure that prevents an Audi A8 from counting miles. A link accompanying the video goes to a site selling freeze switches for various vehicles.
A number of automakers did not respond to requests for comment on odometer tampering. However, General Motors said in a statement that it “uses industry-standard encryption methods to help prevent odometer manipulation, and we continually improve security and redundancies to safeguard vehicle data.”
“Those techniques used are proprietary and confidential,” it added. Pressed further on leased cars and the ways to detect tampering, G.M. said, “Our team is reluctant to divulge more details on this topic, due to the continually changing landscape.”
The fact that a low-mileage leased vehicle is more valuable at turn-in time than a heavily driven one may help explain why carmakers are seemingly not deeply concerned about odometer rollback.
The practice isn’t limited to leases. Used-car dealers can buy high-mileage cars inexpensively and then repair and clean them. The tires and other parts that show wear are replaced. An odometer rollback and falsification of paperwork complete the job.
Gary Gunn of Royal Oak, Mich., bought a 2010 Chevrolet Equinox in 2019 from a used-car dealer in Detroit. It was expensive for a nine-year-old car, at $12,650, but looked good and showed only 68,000 miles. Within a week, however, Mr. Gunn had to buy a battery, and the transmission started acting up.
He took the car to a Chevrolet dealer, which found that a Missouri dealer had a service record indicating the Equinox had a 174,000-mile odometer reading in July 2016. There was no telling how many miles it had traveled since. Armed with this knowledge, Mr. Gunn went back to the used-car dealer, and the vehicle was replaced.
Automakers could create firewalls to prevent access to a vehicle’s data, but doing so might violate independent service industry agreements. The Motor Vehicle Owner’s Right to Repair Act, enacted by Massachusetts in 2012, ensures that independent mechanics in the state have access to the data and repair paths that dealer technicians use. An informal agreement between automakers and aftermarket-parts associations reportedly made the act national policy. And because odometer calibration is necessary when a dashboard or gauge cluster is replaced, electronic access to the odometer reading has been maintained.
Altering an odometer has never been difficult. Early ones, which were driven by a cable from the transmission, could be turned back by removing the clear cover and using a needle to rotate the number wheel. Simple. Fraud was rampant.
Digital odometers appeared on cars in the 1970s, and by the early 2000s they had replaced mechanical instruments on almost all cars. At first glance, a digital odometer would seem tamper-proof, but just like a computer’s memory, its data can be altered. NHTSA explains on its website that while it’s difficult to detect tampering on old mechanical odometers, it’s even harder on digital odometers, which have no moving parts.
A web search for “vehicle mileage correction” revealed a number of enterprises that offer rollback services. The companies, at least superficially, discourage illegal tampering, but that doesn’t mean they won’t do it. The website of one says, “We require that all customers seeking mileage correction services have a legitimate reason for concern, as it is illegal to alter your car’s mileage and not disclose that information to potential buyers.”
The mileage adjustment costs $120 on one site. The instrument cluster must be removed and shipped to the supplier, which alters the reading and sends it back.
Odometer mileage can also be altered with a tool that plugs into the OBD2 port — a connector that enables mechanics to read service codes reporting failed components.
To determine how difficult it might be to trim vehicle miles, I bought a $120 odometer rollback tool — the least expensive of those offered on eBay — to give it a try.
The device was for G.M. vehicles, so I tested it on a 2014 Equinox. The tool is meant solely for altering an odometer’s reading — once powered up, it goes right to a screen that says “Cluster Calibrate.”
The tool correctly read the mileage as 78,624 kilometers, or roughly 48,855 miles, but two attempts to reset the odometer were unsuccessful. Tampering may be relatively easy, but it apparently requires a quality device. After the test, we disabled and discarded the tool, as advised by a law enforcement official.
There are ways to help detect odometer tampering, although they’re not foolproof. For example, a check for excessive wear on the car’s frequently touched parts can provide clues to true mileage. The pedals are good indicators: Be suspicious if those in a car showing moderate mileage, say 45,000, show extreme wear or, because pedals can be changed, no wear. Either might indicate something awry. Also look at the inside of door handles, the steering wheel, armrests and anything else that is touched regularly.
NHTSA suggests that used-car buyers ask to see the title and compare any mileage figure on it with the odometer reading. Maintenance and smog inspection records will also provide a record of mileage at a point in time, as will oil change stickers on the windshield or a door post. If an odometer shows mileage of 20,000 or less, the car should have original tires. You can determine if the tires are newer than the automobile by reading the origin date in the last four digits of the Department of Transportation code on the sidewall. If, for example, those digits are 1517, the tire was made during the 15th week of 2017.
Finally, if you do think the mileage of a vehicle you are considering has been fraudulently altered, NHTSA asks that you contact it or your state’s enforcement agency. In New York, that would be the Odometer Crimes Unit of the Department of Motor Vehicles."
"Perėjus prie nutukimą sukeliančios dietos, kurioje yra mažai kalcio ir vitamino D (CaD), padidėja nutukimas, gaubtinės žarnos uždegimas ir vėžys. Tačiau pagrindinius mechanizmus dar reikia išsiaiškinti.
Mokslininkai tyrė hipotezę, kad CaD papildymas (nuo nepakankamumo iki adekvatumo) gali sumažinti storosios žarnos uždegimą, onkogeninį signalizavimą ir disbiozę C57BL / 6 pelių, maitinamų vakarietiška dieta, gaubtinėje žarnoje.
C57 / BL6 pelių patinai (4 savaičių amžiaus) 36 savaitėms buvo priskirti 3 dietinėms grupėms: (1) AIN76A kaip kontrolinė dieta (AIN); (2) apibrėžta graužikų „nauja vakarietiška dieta“ (NWD); arba (3) NWD su CaD papildymu (NWD / CaD). Palyginti su AIN, pelėms, gaunančioms NWD ar NWD / CaD, buvo daugiau nei 0,2 karto padidėjęs plazmos leptino, naviko nekrozės faktoriaus alfa (TNF-alfa) ir kūno masės lygis. Interleukino 6 (IL-6) plazmoje, uždegiminių ląstelių infiltracijos ir beta-katenino / Ki67 baltymų (onkogeninio signalo) lygis ) NWD (bet ne NWD / CaD) grupėje padidėjo daugiau nei 0,8 karto, palyginti su AIN grupe. Laikantis uždegiminio fenotipo, storosios žarnos antrinės tulžies rūgšties (uždegiminio bakterijų metabolito) lygis NWD grupėje padidėjo daugiau, nei 0,4 karto, palyginti su NWD / CaD ir AIN grupėmis. Be to, storosios žarnos proteobakterijų (pvz., Parasutterela), laikomų disbiozės požymiais, gausa padidėjo daugiau, nei keturis kartus; storosios žarnos bakterijų rūšių alfa įvairovė, rodanti sveikatą, NWD grupėje sumažėjo 30%, palyginti su AIN ir NWD / CaD grupėmis.
Bendrai tariant, CaD pakankamumas sumažina gaubtinės žarnos uždegimą, beta-katenino onkogeninį signalizavimą, antrines tulžies rūgštis ir bakterijų disbiozę pelėms, maitinamoms vakarietiška dieta. "[1]
1. Adequacy of calcium and vitamin D reduces inflammation, beta-catenin signaling, and dysbiotic Parasutterela bacteria in the colon of C57BL/6 mice fed a western-style diet
By:Zeng, HW (Zeng, Huawei)[ 1 ] ; Safratowich, BD (Safratowich, Bryan D.)[ 1 ] ; Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhenhua)[ 2 ] ; Bukowski, MR (Bukowski, Michael R.)[ 1 ] ; Ishaq, SL (Ishaq, Suzanne L.)[ 3 ], JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume: 92, Article Number: 108613
"Adoption of an obesogenic diet low in calcium and vitamin D (CaD) leads to increased obesity, colonic inflammation, and cancer. However, the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. We tested the hypothesis that CaD supplementation (from inadequacy to adequacy) may reduce colonic inflammation, oncogenic signaling, and dysbiosis in the colon of C57BL/6 mice fed a Western diet. Male C57/BL6 mice (4-weeks old) were assigned to 3 dietary groups for 36 weeks: (1) AIN76A as a control diet (AIN); (2) a defined rodent "new Western diet"(NWD); or (3) NWD with CaD supplementation (NWD/CaD). Compared to the AIN, mice receiving the NWD or NWD/CaD exhibited more than 0.2-fold increase in the levels of plasma leptin, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and body weight. The levels of plasma interleukin 6 (IL-6), inflammatory cell infiltration, and beta-catenin/Ki67 protein (oncogenic signaling) were increased more than 0.8-fold in the NWD (but not NWD/CaD) group compared to the AIN group. Consistent with the inflammatory phenotype, colonic secondary bile acid (inflammatory bacterial metabolite) levels increased more than 0.4-fold in the NWD group compared to the NWD/CaD and AIN groups. Furthermore, the abundance of colonic Proteobacteria (e.g., Parasutterela), considered signatures of dysbiosis, was increased more than four-fold; and the alpha diversity of colonic bacterial species, indicative of health, was decreased by 30% in the NWD group compared to the AIN and NWD/CaD groups. Collectively, CaD adequacy reduces colonic inflammation, beta-catenin oncogenic signaling, secondary bile acids, and bacterial dysbiosis in mice fed with a Western diet." [1]
„Kinijos vyriausybė skyrė daugiau, nei 500 mlrd. dolerių įvairių fondų, skirtų remti vietinius mokslinius tyrimus ir plėtrą technologijų ir produktų srityje, kurioje Kinija šiuo metu priklauso nuo užsienio kompanijų. Kai kuriais atvejais Kinija pereina net į vagystes. 2010 m. „American Superconductor“ (AMSC), pirmaujanti programinėje įrangoje, naudojamoje vėjo jėgainėms valdyti, tiekėja atrado, kad jos kiniškas partneris Sinovelis sumokėjo Serbijos inžinieriui, dirbančiam AMSC Austrijos plėtros objekte, Dejanui Karabasevičiui, 1,7 mln. dolerių už visą AMSC šaltinio kodą. Nors JAV vyriausybė iškėlė ir 2018 m. laimėjo baudžiamąją bylą prieš Sinovelį, du Kinijos „Sinovel“ vadovus ir Karabasevičių (metus kalėjusį), AMSC apskaičiavo, kad 20% 2020 m. Kinijoje dislokuotų vėjo turbinų ir toliau neteisėtai naudojasi AMSC programine įranga.
Kinijos atsiejimo strategija prasidėjo 2005 m., kai buvo pradėtas vidutinės trukmės ir ilgalaikis mokslo ir technologijų plėtros planas (2006–2020 m.), arba MLP, kuriame vyriausybė paragino iki 2020 m. padidinti vidaus turinį 11 sektorių iki 30 proc. importo pakeitimo. Praėjus dešimčiai metų, paleidus „Made in China 2025“ (MIC 2025) planą, šie tikslai padidėjo, reikalaujant, kad iki 2020 m. vidaus turinys būtų 40%, o iki 2025 m. - 70%. 10 sektorių:
informacinės technologijos,
robotika ir dirbtinis intelektas,
kosminė aviacija,
medicinos įranga ir vaistai,
žemės ūkis ir
energetikos įranga.
MIC 2025 taip pat nustatė vidaus korporacijų rinkos dalies tikslus. Pavyzdžiui, plane buvo numatyta, kad Kinijos elektrinių transporto priemonių ir energetikos įrangos gamintojai užims atitinkamai 80% ir 90% vidaus rinkos. 2020 m. rudenį prezidentas Xi paskelbė savo Kinijos standartų 2035 planą, kuriuo bus įsteigta Kinija, kaip pasaulinio standarto nustatytojas technologijoms, įskaitant 5G, daiktų internetą ir dirbtinį intelektą. Taigi, nors reikšmingi vidaus turinio tikslai verčia užsienio bendroves didinti gamybą Kinijoje, dideli kinų tikslai rinkos dalims užtikrina, kad Kinijos rinkoje dominuoja vietinės įmonės. "[1]
Pats laikas Lietuvos biotechnologijos gaminių ir lazerių gamintojams mokytis pinti vyžas. Tai grynai lietuviškas verslas, jis sugebės konkuruoti su valstybės palaikomu Kinijos verslu.
1. The Strategic Challenges of Decoupling. Navigating your company’s future in China
J. Stewart Black
Professor, INSEAD
Allen J. Morrison
Professor, Thunderbird School
of Global Management,
Harvard Business Review, May–June 2021, p. 49
"Chinese government has set aside more than $500 billion in various funds to support indigenous R&D in technologies and products for which China currently depends on foreign companies.
In some cases China moves beyond extraction to outright theft. In 2010 American Superconductor (AMSC), a leading provider of the software used to control wind turbines, discovered that its Chinese partner Sinovel paid Dejan Karabasevic, a Serbian engineer employed at AMSC’s Austrian development facility, $1.7 million for AMSC’s full source code. Although the U.S. government filed and in 2018 won a criminal case against Sinovel, two Chinese Sinovel executives, and Karabasevic (who served a year in prison), AMSC has estimated that 20% of the wind turbines deployed in China in 2020 illegally continued to use its software.
China’s strategy began in 2005, with the launch of its Medium- and Long-Term Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006–2020), or MLP, in which the government called for increasing domestic content in 11 sectors to 30% by 2020 through import substitution. Ten years later, with the launch of the Made in China 2025 (MIC 2025) plan, it increased those goals, calling for domestic content of 40% by 2020 and 70% by 2025
in 10 sectors: information technology, robotics and AI, aerospace, shipping, railways, energy, materials, medical equipment and medicines, agriculture, and power equipment. MIC 2025 also set market-share goals for domestic corporations. For example, the plan envisioned that Chinese makers of electric vehicles and energy equipment would capture 80% and 90% of the domestic market, respectively. In the fall of 2020 President Xi announced his China Standards 2035 plan, which would establish China
as the global standard setter for technologies including 5G, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence. Thus, while significant domestic-content targets push foreign companies to increase production in China, high market-share targets ensure that indigenous firms will dominate the Chinese market." [1]
It is time for Lithuanian biotechnology and laser manufacturers to learn how to weave sandals from tree bark. It is a purely Lithuanian business, it will be able to compete with the state-supported Chinese business.
"Be Vokietijos, kita vieta gali būti Rusijoje."
Broileris visai užmigo. Skubiai važiuok į Rusiją. Gulk ant kelio. Neleisk.