Nes nežino tikros padėties:
"Lietuvoje dabartinė valdančioji koalicija surinko šiek tiek mažiau negu 40,7 proc. balsų, rinkimuose dalyvavo 47,8 proc. rinkėjų, tad sulaukė palaikymo iš 19,5 proc. visų rinkėjų."
"Conservative Žygimantas Pavilionis stated straight to the TV screen, and even in Russian, to a citizen who had fled Russia: that the President of Lithuania is nobody, absolutely nothing, no attention should be paid to him. I "(ie Ž. Pavilionis) and his shika (namely" my shika ") know and can do everything - they know together with American and European hardmen harder than B. Obama and D. Trump. "There is nothing more important for Lithuania than this fight, this war, this combination of money. We need to destroy Russia = Putin. Cold War weapons will be used, with particularly large sums of money. This is the task of our "chebra's" life - we, the poop, are coming! We are the flagship."
"Because the coronavirus is thought to spread primarily through tiny, airborne droplets, employers should upgrade their ventilation and filtration systems before bringing workers back, experts said.
“One thing you can do before you go back to work is simply ask them what they’ve done,” Dr. Allen said. “And if you hear things like, ‘Yes, we’re meeting code,’ then that’s a flag that something’s not right. They should be going above and beyond the bare minimum ventilation and filtration rates.”
Although the ideal ventilation rate varies, in general, employers should maximize the amount of fresh air coming in from outdoors, he said.
In a relatively small space — say, the size of a typical school classroom — employers should aim for four to six air changes per hour, meaning that the air inside the space is being completely refreshed every 10 to 15 minutes.
Opening windows can also improve air flow.
High-quality air filters, like those that are rated as MERV 13 or higher, can trap a majority of airborne viral particles. Some commercial buildings are not equipped for these heavy-duty filters; in those offices, portable air purifiers, equipped with HEPA filters, can be effective, experts said.
“These types of portable units can do a great job of taking particles out of the room,” Dr. Huffman said. “And the next level is even a desktop level HEPA filter, where you have a really small unit that provides clean air into your direct breathing zone.”
These personal units may be particularly helpful in poorly ventilated offices, although experts stressed that employers, not employees, should bear the burden of improving indoor air quality."
Politics with Belarus is good for us. Politicians can be tough. What more does it take for old ladies to re-elect us? But the economy is bad. With the help of our politicking, we are ruining our business with the transportation of fertilizers and other cargo from Belarus. What to do? Ukraine? The Russians did not want to organize good train connections between Lithuania and Ukraine during the Russian rule. The Russians just didn’t need to. Does not work. Here is a good idea. Penguins in Antarctica also produce fertilizers (these are their feces). Maybe we could start transporting those penguin fertilizers?
Politika su Baltarusija mums gera. Politikai gali pasirodyti kieti. Ko daugiau reikia, kad bobos vėl išrinktų? Bet va ekonomika bloga. Žlugdome mūsų politikos pagalba mūsų biznelį su Baltarusijos trąšų ir kitų krovinių pervežimais. Ką daryti? Ukraina? Rusai nepanorėjo suorganizuoti gerą traukinių susisiekimą tarp Lietuvos ir Ukrainos rusų valdymo laikais. Rusams tiesiog nereikėjo. Neišeina. Bet va, gera idėja. Pingvinai Antarktidoje irgi gamina trąšas (tai jų išmatos). Gal pradedame tas pingvinų trąšas vežioti, a?