
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Can China's Export Machine Keep Running Without the West?


 If China can, the West is screwed. Oh Dear, China can, the West is screwed indeed. China is getting enough money from the to move on China's technology, the West does not have enough money even to start.

"China's exports are still going strong. 

That has created tension with the West and led to a new wave of tariffs on its electric vehicles. But it is also reshaping global trade.

The question for Beijing is whether a pivot to the developing world will be enough to keep its export machine humming.

China's latest trade data released last week said a lot. Exports in May increased 7.6% from a year earlier in dollar terms, while imports rose 1.8%. The implosion of China's housing market has dragged down domestic demand, so Beijing has revved up its export engine to drive growth.

That has, however, caused much unease in Western capitals. The Biden administration has announced new tariffs of 100% on Chinese electric vehicles and a 25% tariff on Chinese EV batteries and parts.

On Wednesday, the European Commission unveiled new duties on Chinese EVs ranging from 17.4% to 38.1% following an antisubsidy investigation.

Some of the recent strong growth could be due to manufacturers trying to front-run potential trade restrictions. China's exports to the U.S., for example, rose 3.6% year over year in May, contrary to the trend of the past couple of years. 

But overall, China has been selling less to the West and more to Southeast Asia and Latin America. Exports to Southeast Asia in the first five months of this year rose 12% from the same period two years earlier. Over the same time, China exported 17% less to the U.S.

This could be partly because Chinese companies are rerouting their trades through countries like Vietnam and Mexico, though those countries also have been building up lower-end manufacturing while China moved up the value chain.

China is also finding new markets. Exports to Russia have surged 70% over the past two years as Western sanctions cut the country off from much of its trade with others. 

But more important, China is selling different types of products than before. New segments including EVs, batteries, solar panels and mature chips accounted for 8.5% of China's total exports last year, compared with 4.5% five years earlier, according to Morgan Stanley.

These exports have been met with a backlash in Europe and the U.S. since they are also trying to build up technologies necessary for the green transition and the rise of artificial intelligence. 

Chinese goods with affordable prices might, however, be welcomed in many lower-income countries.

Southeast Asia is now a bigger destination for China's exports than the U.S. or the European Union. Southeast Asia and Latin America together have made up nearly one-quarter of China's exports so far this year, still smaller than the combined 29% share of the U.S. and the EU, but altogether a sizable market with good growth potential.

China's export pivot toward developing countries has worked out so far." [1]

Oh Dear...

1.  Can China's Export Machine Keep Running Without the West? Wong, Jacky.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y.. 13 June 2024: B.12.

Having created a stress collar, Lithuanians are trying to conquer the USA

 Lithuania is more in need of anti-stress ankle bracelet, suitable for the control of criminals. Once we get all the Landsbergis family and their henchmen down, we're going to need a lot of them. 


Apykaklę nuo streso sukūrę lietuviai bando užkariauti JAV

Lietuvai labiau reikalinga apykojė nuo streso, tinkanti ir kriminalinių nusikaltėlių kontrolei. Kai visus Landsbergius ir jų pakalikus išgaudysime, reiks daug tokių.

Lithuanian Conscription Reform Adopted: 17-year-olds will be on the list, service will last 3-9 months

 "17-year-old youths will be included in the list of conscripts, 18-22-year-old boys will be conscripted, and their service will last from three to nine months.




 On Thursday, the Seimas approved the so-called conscription reform, 85 MPs voted for it, three were against, and 14 abstained.




 Dainius Gaižauskas, the representative of the "Valstiečių" faction, said that the faction abstained from the amendments because it believes that the expansion of conscription and universal conscription are too early, in addition to the fact that Lithuania is carrying out many other expensive projects in the field of national defense. According to him, we should talk about general conscription in five to ten years.




 Conservative Paulius Saudargas claimed that the changes are necessary, they are balanced, and the planned exceptions are correct.




 "Without expanding this reserve, I don't see how we can deter anyone," he emphasized.




 Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said that the new wording of the law allows combining the professional army with conscription.




 "One of the most important things about this law is that we have a principle that applies to everyone, no matter what family you come from, no matter who your parents are, no matter who you are, you have the same duty. And, frankly, in those societies where it is applied, it is a very, very great school for young people, a great social elevator, as we know from the example of Israel, it is also a great foundation for a modern economy," she said.




 According to the adopted changes, young people aged 18-22 who have finished school will be called up for military service. At the moment, guys aged 18-23 are being drafted.




 Persons wishing to perform voluntary service could do so between the ages of 18 and 39.




 According to the adopted amendments, boys who have reached the age of 17 will have to contact the institution of the national defense system that administers conscription no later than within one month and submit the necessary documents and data to maintain communication - e-mail address, address of the actual place of residence and telephone number.




 17-year-olds who have entered the list of conscripts will have to undergo a health check, and if they are fit, they will go to serve only after they turn 18.




 The law also provides for the possibility to perform the service for those who want to, but cannot be called up due to their health condition. The length and form of their service will be decided by the army commander.




 During the consideration of the changes, a lot of discussion was caused by questions about the possibility of deferring service while studying in higher education.




 The Ministry of National Defense has proposed that studying should no longer be treated as an exception allowing the postponement of service, but this was not approved.




 For guys who entered higher education before being included in the annual list of conscripts, mandatory initial military service can be postponed once for one study period on an individual basis.




 In addition, on Thursday, the Seimas approved the proposal of the members of the Laisvė faction that students would have the opportunity to postpone their service for another nine months after bachelor's and master's studies, during which individuals would have the opportunity to prepare for admission to higher-level studies.




 The National Security and Defense Committee of the Seimas (NSGK) did not support this proposal.




 According to the committee, a situation would arise in which conscripts who have acquired specialties would not be called up for service, as well as those who do not continue higher education after graduation, and the proposed service postponement period is, in NSGK's opinion, "obviously too long".




 The changes also provide for the differentiation of regular service according to the duration - young people would have the opportunity to serve for three, six or nine months.




 High school students would perform their service by participating in Junior Officer Command training or by joining the National Defense Volunteer Force, thus combining it with studies. They could also suspend their studies and perform regular service.




 The Seimas also extended the duration of alternative service from ten to 12 months.




 The adopted reform, if signed by the president, will enter into force in stages - from July of this year until the beginning of 2026.




 The Minister of National Defense Laurynas Kasčiūnas has emphasized that the proposed changes are not universal mandatory conscription. According to him, they will only allow more young people to be called up for military service.




 Last week, after the presentation, the Seimas approved the amendments, which provide that the limit number of conscripts would be increased, it would reach from 4,240 to 7,040.




 The army estimates that up to 7,000 young men graduate every year and are fit enough to serve.




 The plans to reform conscription into the army were announced last February, and the draft laws providing for the reform were registered in August and December and approved by the Government.




 Currently, about 4,000 soldiers are conscripted into the Lithuanian army every year.”







 "This is discrimination against men on the basis of gender in the right to pursue higher education. While the ladies will be studying, the men will be washing toilet balls in the barracks.


 The problem is that, for example, in Israel, both men and women go to serve, and we will have a special caste of women who will gain a competitive advantage in education and later in the work field over their former male classmates. And that is discrimination."


Who cares. Led by Grandson, we will all die fighting a nuclear-armed China, go to heaven and get 72 virgin women each. Then we will make up for it. And there is nothing for us to be interested in this world, nothing good will happen anyway, our women don't even give birth to children now. They care mostly about not very fair or clean ways to get ahead in their work places. Anything goes.


Priimta karo prievolės reforma: sąraše bus 17-mečiai, tarnyba truks 3–9 mėnesius

"Į karo prievolininkų sąrašą bus įrašomi 17-os metų jaunuoliai, į tarnybą bus šaukiami 18–22 metų vaikinai, jų tarnyba truks nuo trijų iki devynių mėnesių.


Ketvirtadienį Seimas patvirtino vadinamąją šauktinių reformą, už ją balsavo 85 parlamentarai, prieš buvo trys, 14 susilaikė.


„Valstiečių“ frakcijos atstovas Dainius Gaižauskas teigė, kad frakcija susilaikė dėl pataisų, nes mano, kad šaukimo išplėtimas ir visuotinis šaukimas yra per ankstyvi, juoba, kad Lietuva krašto apsaugoje vykdo daug kitų brangių projektų. Anot jo, apie visuotinį šaukimą reikėtų kalbėti po penkerių–dešimties metų.


Konservatorius Paulius Saudargas tvirtino, kad pakeitimai būtini, jie yra subalansuoti, o numatytos išimtys – korektiškos.


„Neplečiant šito rezervo, nesuprantu, kaip mes galime ką nors atgrasyti“, – pabrėžė jis.


Premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė teigė, kad nauja įstatymo redakcija leidžia derinti profesionalią kariuomenę su šaukimu.


„Vienas iš svarbiausių dalykų šiame įstatyme yra tai, kad turime principą, kuris galioja visiems, nesvarbu, iš kokios šeimos tu kilęs, nesvarbu, kas tavo tėvai, nesvarbu, kas tu esi, tau galioja ta pati pareiga. Ir, tiesą sakant, tose visuomenėse, kur tai taikoma, tai yra labai labai puiki mokykla jaunuoliams, puikus socialinis liftas, kaip žinome iš Izraelio pavyzdžio, tai dar puikus ir modernios ekonomikos pagrindas“, – sakė ji.


Pagal priimtus pakeitimus, atlikti karo tarnybą bus šaukiami mokyklą baigę 18–22 metų jaunuoliai. Šiuo metu šaukiami 18–23 metų vaikinai.


Savanoriškai tarnybą norintys atlikti asmenys tą padaryti galėtų nuo 18 iki 39 metų.


Pagal priimtas pataisas, 17 metų sulaukę vaikinai privalės ne vėliau, kaip per vieną mėnesį, susisiekti su karo prievolę administruojančia krašto apsaugos sistemos institucija ir pateikti reikalingus dokumentus ir duomenis ryšiams palaikyti – elektroninio pašto adresą, faktinės gyvenamosios vietos adresą ir telefono numerį.


Į karo prievolininkų sąrašą patekę 17-mečiai privalės pasitikrinti sveikatą, ir jeigu ji bus tinkama, tarnauti jie eis tik sulaukę 18 metų.


Įstatymas taip pat numato galimybę tarnybą atlikti tiems, kas nori, tačiau dėl sveikatos būklės negali būti pašaukti. Dėl jų tarnybos trukmės ir formos nuspręs kariuomenės vadas.


Svarstant pakeitimus daug diskusijų sukėlė klausimai dėl galimybės atidėti tarnybą, studijuojant aukštojoje mokykloje.


Krašto apsaugos ministerija yra siūliusi, kad studijavimas nebebūtų traktuojamas, kaip išimtis, leidžianti atidėti tarnybą, tačiau tam nebuvo pritarta.


Vaikinams, į aukštąją mokyklą įstojusiems iki jų įtraukimo į metinį karo prievolininkų sąrašą, vieną kartą vienam studijų laikotarpiui galės būti atidėta privalomoji pradinė karo tarnyba individualia tvarka.


Be to, Seimas ketvirtadienį pritarė Laisvės frakcijos narių siūlymui, kad studentams po trumpųjų, bakalauro ir magistrantūros studijų būtų galimybė atidėti tarnybą dar devynis mėnesius, per juos asmenys turėtų galimybę ruoštis stojimui į aukštesnės pakopos studijas.


Šiam siūlymui Seimo Nacionalinio saugumo ir gynybos komitetas (NSGK) nepritarė.


Pasak komiteto, susidarytų situacija, kad į tarnybą nebūtų šaukiami specialybes įgiję karo prievolininkai, taip pat tie, kurie po studijų baigimo netęsia aukštesnės pakopos studijų, o ir siūlomas tarnybos atidėjimo laikotarpis NSGK nuomone – „akivaizdžiai per ilgas“.


Pokyčiai numato ir įprastos tarnybos diferencijavimą pagal trukmę – jaunuoliai turėtų galimybę atlikti trijų, šešių arba devynių mėnesių tarnybą.


Aukštųjų mokyklų studentai tarnybą atliktų dalyvaudami Jaunesniųjų karininkų vadų mokymuose arba stodami į Krašto apsaugos savanorių pajėgas ir taip suderindami ją su mokslais. Jie taip pat galėtų stabdyti studijas ir atlikti įprastą tarnybą.


Seimas taip pat pailgino alternatyviosios tarnybos trukmę nuo dešimties iki 12 mėnesių.


Priimta reforma, jeigu ją pasirašys prezidentas, įsigalios etapais – nuo šių metų liepos iki 2026 metų pradžios.


Krašto apsaugos ministras Laurynas Kasčiūnas yra pabrėžęs, kad siūlomi pakeitimai nėra visuotinis privalomas šaukimas. Pasak jo, jie tik leis į karo tarnybą pakviesti daugiau jaunuolių.


Seimas praėjusią savaitę po pateikimo pritarė pakeitimams, kurie numato, jog būtų didinamas šauktinių ribinis skaičius, jis siektų nuo 4.240 iki 7.040.


Kariuomenė skaičiuoja, kad kasmet mokyklą baigia ir tinkamos sveikatos atlikti tarnybą yra iki 7.000 vaikinų.


Apie planus reformuoti šaukimą į kariuomenę paskelbta pernai vasarį, pertvarką numatantys įstatymo projektai registruoti rugpjūtį ir gruodį jiems pritarė Vyriausybė.


Šiuo metu į Lietuvos kariuomenę kasmet pašaukiami apie 4.000 karių."



 "Tai yra vyrų diskriminacija lyties pagrindu teisėje siekti  aukštojo mokslo. Tuo metu kai panelės mokysis, vyrukai plaus tūlikus kareivinėse.

 Problema tame, kad, pvz., Izraelyje ir vyrai, ir moterys eina tarnauti, o pas mus bus išskirtinė kasta moterys, kurios įgis konkurencinį pranašumą mokslo ir vėliau darbo srityje prieš buvusius klasiokus vyrus. Ir tai yra diskriminacija."

Kam tas rūpi. Vedami Anūko, mes visi žūsime, kovodami su branduoliniu ginklu ginkluota Kinija, pateksime į rojų ir kiekvienas gausime po 60 nekaltų moterų. Va tada ir atsigriebsime. O šiuo pasauliu mums domėtis nėra ko, vistiek nieko gero nebus, mūsų moterys dabar net vaikų negimdo. Joms labiausiai rūpi ne itin teisingi ar švarūs būdai, kaip išsiveržti į priekį jų darbo vietose. Viskas tam tinka.

G7 Summit in Futile Attempt to Prevent Donald Trump from Stopping Bloodshed in Ukraine: Billions for Ukraine, but the Global South Continues to Help Russia



 "The leaders of the world's richest countries gathered in Puglia failed to convince Brazil and India to end relations with Moscow and support Ukraine.


 Most of the presidents and prime ministers of the world's seven largest Western powers, who appeared on the Adriatic Sea this Thursday, must consider the inevitable end of their political careers. Joe Biden will face an election in November in which Donald Trump has a good chance of winning. Only a miracle could save the British Tories and Rishi Sunak from a spectacular defeat on July 4. Emmanuel Macron has decided to dissolve the National Assembly in a risky maneuver to stop Marine Le Pen's march to power. And Chancellor Olaf Scholz's SPD got only a catastrophic 14% last Sunday in European Parliament elections.


 Ukrainians will receive 50 bln. dollars of aid. This will save them even if Trump returns to the White House


 Perhaps it was the realization that time was not on their side that prompted G7 leaders to reach a breakthrough Ukraine deal. By the end of the year, Kyiv should receive 50 billion dollar loan, predatorily guaranteed by the proceeds of Russian assets frozen in the West. The aid is meant to give Ukrainians the means to fight back, even if the White House changes president.


 But the more important goal of the summit – to persuade the countries of the Global South to come to the aid of Ukraine – was a spectacular failure. This was especially important for Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is emerging as a key EU leader in light of Macron and Scholz's problems. Therefore, the leaders of 14 countries that are not members of the G7 were invited to Puglia. Argentina's President Javier Milei, Tunisia's Kais Saied and Kenya's President William Ruto will appear. Even Pope Francis announced his presence.


 But most importantly, the presence of the leaders of the two giants: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. We are talking about two great democracies, even if they do not function without serious flaws. But both New Delhi and Brazil want to strike a balance between the West and Russia.


 Modi will appear in Puglia, but has announced in advance that he will not attend a peace summit scheduled to follow in Lucerne, Switzerland. There is also no chance of India joining the US and EU sanctions against Russia. In 2023 New Delhi's imports of Russian oil increased 13 times compared to previous year and reached 37 billion dollars. In this way, Indians became the largest recipient of raw materials from Russia. It is transported by oil tankers, often unmarked. According to experts, India's import of Russian oil is the main reason why Russia's budget has remained stable despite sanctions and conflict spending. Russian gas exports to China face much more difficulties, especially due to the cost of building the pipeline network.


 However, Modi, who has never condemned Russia for the events in Ukraine, wants to maintain good relations with Putin for political reasons as well. Russia is India's main arms supplier and an important ally against the threat posed by China.


 Lula invited Putin to the G20 summit in Rio.


 Meloni couldn't win much more with Lula either. The Brazilian president spoke to Putin again on the phone on Monday. He announced that he would attend the BRICS summit in Kazan in October and invited the Russian president to the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro a month before. At the same time, Lula is in deep conflict with Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Although the leader of Ukraine appeared in Puglia, it is difficult to expect talks between the two politicians."


Donald Trump is a manly person. He will love to brake this financial trap just to show that he can do what he promised to do.