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2021 m. lapkričio 1 d., pirmadienis

MIT’s CSAIL Called ‘Roboat’ Is Now Used on Amsterdam Canals, Bringing a Self-Sailing Water Taxi


“The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) has debuted the "Roboat," a self-sailing water taxi, in the Amsterdam canals. The technology is an autonomous water vehicle that brings its service to the Netherlands and focuses on clean energy as well as a massive fleet without any driver.

MIT CSAIL's Roboat

The water taxi from MIT's CSAIL and Dutch partner schools, including the Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and Delft University of Technology (DUT), helped in this venture. The "Roboat" was five years in the making, and it has already brought its early prototypes that are sure to be working and are meant for full autonomy.

Fábio Duarte is one of MIT's leads in this venture, and he, together with the team, has developed a self-driving water taxi that can ferry itself across Amsterdam's canals with little to no supervision from a skipper. And while it would not be fully autonomous, a human operator can monitor its sail on one computer or system and see as many as 50 Roboats in operation.

Self-Sailing Water Taxis on Amsterdam

Amsterdam's canals are known to be one of the top tourist destinations in the world, and it is an ideal way to see the city that is standing atop the body of water. The design of Amsterdam makes it ideally a place to use water taxis for faster transportation than land. It can ferry up to 5 people in a single load.

Hence, these self-sailing water taxis that are electric-powered can help in reducing the need for cars and add to the pollution to the environment.

Autonomous Driving Technology on Road and Water

Autonomous Driving technology is widespread all over the world, and MIT is only one research body and contributor to it, with the many different companies behind it that aim for an autonomous world. The focus of MIT's CSAIL is to partner up with Dutch schools and bring the Roboat to life, a venture that started in 2016 and has now made its full circle.

Not only do roads get the self-driving technology, as the seas and oceans of this world are a massive focus of the autonomous features, with boats being the focus of the improvements. Companies like Sea Machines have developed a tugboat that would be navigating the waters on its own, having more than a thousand-mile journey ahead of it.

Not all focuses are for offshore adventures or destinations like Sea Machines, as the Autonomous Sailing technology from MIT and the Dutch schools that helped in building Roboat have meant it for its canals. While remaining to be more focused on waters in the heart of the city, it would still be a device that would go on its own to ferry people and have little to no human intervention with it.”

How much do US doctors earn

 "U.S. family physicians earned an average of $ 237,000 per year in 2018, and specialists earned $ 341,000. The median salary for U.S. physicians was about $ 206,000 per year."  

In terms of wealth, we are not much different from Western countries. 

"Lithuania's GDP per capita is only about 40 percent. lower than in Germany."

  Unfortunately, the pay for doctors' work is a catastrophically smaller share of the wealth we create than in the West. If doctors get so much less, it means someone gets as much more. These more getting people are our beloved entrepreneurs. Their businesses are primitive, based on cheap labor. Their businesses requires neither special knowledge, skills, nor brain power. Why do entrepreneurs take the lion’s share? Because they can do it. Corruption. Bribes, don't you think so, Eligijau Masiuli?  

Kiek uždirba JAV gydytojai

 "JAV šeimos gydytojai 2018 m. vidutiniškai uždirbo 237 tūkst. dolerių per metus, o specialistai – 341 tūkst. Medianinis JAV gydytojų atlyginimas buvo apie 206 tūkst. dolerių per metus."

Turtingumo lygiu mes nedaug skiriamės nuo Vakarų šalių.

"Lietuvos BVP vienam gyventojui yra tik apie 40 proc. mažesnis, negu Vokietijos."

Deja, gydytojų darbo apmokėjimui nueina katastrofiškai mažesnė mūsų sukuriamo turto dalis, negu Vakaruose. Jei gydytojai gauna tiek mažiau, reiškia, kažkas gauna tiek pat daugiau. Tas kažkas yra mūsų mylimi verslininkai. Jų verslai yra primityvūs, paremti pigia darbo jėga, nereikalaujanty nei ypatingų žinių, nei įgūdžių, nei proto. Kodėl verslininkai paima liūto dalį? Nes gali tai padaryti. Blatas. Kyšiai, ar ne, Eligijau Masiuli?


Country of beggars - Lithuania


 "One in five Lithuanians live in poverty, and more than 70% receive a lower-than-average wage."

Ubagų Lietuva

"Kas penktas lietuvis gyvena skurde, o daugiau nei 70 proc. gauna mažesnį, nei vidutinį, atlyginimą."

Ar darbas nuotoliniu būdu turi reikšti mažesnį atlyginimą?

„Daugiau žmonių ieško naujų nuotolinių darbų, tačiau daugelis nerimauja, kad dėl tokio žingsnio gali būti sumažintas atlyginimas.


    Ekspertai teigia, kad atlyginimų mažinimas nėra savaime suprantamas dalykas, tačiau asmenys turi būti išmanūs, kaip derėtis.


    Darbuotojai, norintys žengti tolimą šuolį, turėtų ištirti darbo užmokesčio skales rinkoje, kurioje jie nori gyventi, ir būti pasirengę pateikti įtikinamą argumentą, kaip jiems turėtų būti atlyginta.


    „Nuotoliniai darbai paprastai apmokami maždaug tiek pat, kiek jų kolegos biure“, – sakė Brie Reynoldsas, karjeros plėtros vadovas ir nuotolinių darbo vietų sąrašų svetainės „FlexJobs“ treneris.


    Įmonės paprastai nustato atlyginimus pagal darbo vietų rinkos vertę ir pragyvenimo išlaidas darbuotojo mieste. Nuotolinis darbas apsunkina šią lygtį: kai kurios įmonės sutinka leisti darbuotojams dirbti iš bet kurios vietos už tą patį atlyginimą, tačiau kitos įmonės, ypač taikančios mišrų modelį, nustato nuotolinius atlyginimus, pagrįstus darbo užmokesčiu tose vietose, kur darbuotojai faktiškai gyvena.


    Jei įmonė yra visiškai nutolusi, atlyginimai gali būti susieti su regionu, kurį organizacija vadina savo būstine arba kur yra įsikūręs nuotolinis darbuotojas, arba tam tikram šių dviejų deriniui.


    „Kai atliekate atlyginimų tyrimą, norite pažvelgti tiek į savo, tiek į įmonės vietą ir sužinoti, ar galite iš to gauti tinkamą diapazoną“, – sakė M. Reynolds, kuri rekomenduoja darbuotojams ir, kad ištirti atlyginimus. .


    Daugelis įmonių vis dar tikisi grįžti prie normalaus darbo, o tai reiškia, kad žmonės dirbtų biuruose.


 Lankstumas tapo itin svarbus, samdant geriausius, sakė Lauren Gardner, Microsoft Corp. talentų vadovė.


    M. Gardner sakė, kad norint išlikti konkurencingiems, reikia samdyti „ten, kur jie nori gyventi ir kur gali dirbti geriausiai“.


    Nauji „LinkedIn“ duomenys rodo, kad nuo rugsėjo pradžios 70 % žmonių filtravo savo darbo paieškas platformoje, kad būtų rodomi tik nuotoliniai darbo skelbimai. Tačiau kai kurių darbų negalima atlikti namuose, todėl daugelis vadovų norės bent jau dalį laiko matyti savo komandas asmeniškai.


    Žmonės, norintys dirbti nuotoliniu būdu arba turėti tam tikrą mišrų grafiką, turi iš anksto žinoti, kas daro juos patrauklius, kaip nuotoliniu būdu dirbančius darbuotojus ir kokio tikslaus darbo organizavimo bei atlyginimo jie ieško, sakė pasaulinis talentų įsigijimo vadovas Michaelas D'Ausilio. JPMorgan Chase & Co.


    „Sąžiningai pasikalbėkite su įdarbintoju arba su samdos vadovu, nes nežinai, kai neprašai“, – sakė p. D'Ausilio. „Mūsų darbas yra užtikrinti, kad suteiktume jums tikrovišką darbo apžvalgą, koks būtų gyvenimas čia.


    Sara Sutton, „FlexJobs“ įkūrėja ir generalinė direktorė, sakė, kad geros padėties įmonėje žmonės gali išlikti su dabartiniu atlyginimi, kai persikels į naują, pigesnę vietą.


    „Jei esate geras atlikėjas, jie nenorės jūsų pakeisti“, – sakė ji. „Jie turi investuoti į samdymą ir supažindinti pasamdytąjį su darbu, todėl įmonei tai kainuoja".


    Darbo ieškotojai taip pat turėtų peržiūrėti išlaidas, susijusias su ėjimu į biurą. M. Sutton sakė, kad darbas namuose galėtų jiems sutaupyti tiek, kad atlyginimo sumažinimas atsipirktų. 


Maždaug 40% nuotoliniu būdu dirbančių darbuotojų praneša apie 5000 dolerių per metus sutaupę asmeninių išlaidų, susijusių su darbu biure, pavyzdžiui, važiavimu į darbą ir atgal, cheminiu valymu ir pietų pirkimu, sakė ji. Kiti 20 % teigė sutaupantys iki 10 000 dolerių per metus – tai svarbus aspektas derantis.“ [1]


1. Does Working Remotely Have to Mean Less Pay?
Dill, Kathryn.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 01 Nov 2021: A.10.

Does Working Remotely Have to Mean Less Pay?

"As return-to-the-office dates come into focus, more people are looking for new remote jobs, but many worry such a move could result in a pay cut.

Experts say a pay cut isn't a given -- but individuals must be savvy about how they negotiate.

Workers looking to take the remote leap should do research about pay scales in the market where they want to live and be prepared to make a compelling case for how they should be compensated.

"Remote jobs tend to pay about the same as their in-office counterparts," said Brie Reynolds, career development manager and coach at remote job listings site FlexJobs.

Companies typically set salaries based on the market value of the jobs and the cost of living in the employee's city. Remote work complicates this equation: Some companies are agreeing to let employees work from anywhere for the same pay, but other companies, particularly those that have adopted a hybrid model, are setting remote salaries based on pay in the locations where employees actually live.

In the case of a fully remote company, salaries could be pegged to the region the organization calls its headquarters or where the remote worker is based, or some combination of the two.


"When you're doing your salary research, you want to look at both your location and the company's location and see if you can get a decent range out of that," said Ms. Reynolds, who recommends workers research salaries on and


A lot of companies are still hoping for a return to normal, which means people in offices.


Permitting flexibility has become crucial to hiring the best, said Lauren Gardner, a talent executive at Microsoft Corp.


Getting hires "where they want to live and where they can do their best work," is key to staying competitive, Ms. Gardner said.

New data from LinkedIn show that since early September 70% of people have filtered their searches for jobs on the platform to show exclusively remote-only job postings. But some jobs can't be done from home and many managers will prefer to see their teams in person, at least some of the time.

People who want to work remotely or have a certain hybrid schedule need to be upfront about what makes them attractive as a remote employee and the exact type of work arrangement and pay they are looking for, said Michael D'Ausilio, global head of talent acquisition at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

"Have the honest conversation with the recruiter or with the hiring manager, because you don't know if you don't ask," Mr. D'Ausilio said. "It is our job to make sure we're giving you a realistic job preview of what life here would be like."

Sara Sutton, founder and CEO of FlexJobs, said people in good standing at a company can make their case for maintaining their current pay when they move to a new, cheaper location.


"If you're a high performer, they are not going to want to replace you," she said. "They have to make an investment in hiring and bringing somebody up to speed, so there is a cost to the company."


Job hunters should also review the expenses associated with going into an office.


Working from home could save them so much that a pay cut could pay off, Ms. Sutton said. Around 40% of remote workers report personal savings of $5,000 annually on expenses related to working at the office, such as commuting, dry cleaning and buying lunch, she said. Another 20% said they save up to $10,000 a year -- a big consideration when negotiating." [1]


1. Does Working Remotely Have to Mean Less Pay?
Dill, Kathryn.  Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 01 Nov 2021: A.10.