
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. spalio 1 d., penktadienis

Conscripts become criminals more often than those who did not serve in the army

 "A study of Sweden by Randi Hjalmarsson and Matthew Lindquist in the Economic Journal published in Oxford found that conscription "significantly" increased post-service crime rates by those aged 23 to 30.

What is modern conscript life like? In most countries, conscription is either tedious or miserable. "You're stuck in this place with other 18- and 19-year-olds and you're forced to be there," says Victor Naziris, a 33-year-old who served in the Cypriot National Guard, a force that has not had a sniff of real combat for decades. His experience as a conscript was defined by a combination of exhaustion, boredom and a general sense of pointlessness. "It's like a vegan working at McDonalds," says Mr Naziris, who is now an accountant.

During the Iraq war in 2003, tens of thousands of Iraqi conscripts fled the field. Even where conscripts have the will to fight, armed forces' increasing reliance on precision munitions and other advanced technologies makes them less useful on the battlefield." [1]

1. "Call me maybe; Conscription." The Economist, 2 Oct. 2021, p. 38(US)

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