
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. spalio 3 d., sekmadienis

What are the most important achievements of Landsbergis' Lithuania?


 If Estonian specialization is described by the letter E (electronic), then with us, Lithuanians, without competition SE: World Sanitary - Ecologists:

    1. We were the last in Europe to move from horses to ICE (Internal Combustion Engine).

    2. We have voluntarily reduced our population and environmental footprint by 30%.

    3. We have voluntarily destroyed most of the polluting large-scale industry and linked the future to eco-agriculture, trade and the service economy.

    4. We have resurrected t.y. we have ringed millions of pieces from western auto dump and hundreds of aircraft.

    5. We heroically took the most dirty logistics segments (transportation by diesel trucks) from the West.

    6. We circulated tens of thousands pieces. humanos wardrobe (worn rags) and, having successfully transferred our experience to the digital space, we created a unicorn.

    7. As true ecologists, we have fenced off the most beautiful corners of our nature with vandal-proof fences.

    8. Soberly abandoning the unsustainable atom, we are gradually becoming the leaders in the world's most expensive green energy.

    9. Being hopelessly intelligent aesthetes-sanitarians, we have been exporting our brightest minds and most beautiful women to the world for 30 years.

    10. By demonstrating the strength of our spine, we have severed all political and economic ties with the world's poisoners, China and Russia."

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