
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 14 d., penktadienis

The Lithuanian conservatives' only justification for their desire for power is to ensure Lithuania's national security. The conservatives' web of corruption involves the world's biggest criminals and poses a huge threat to Lithuania's national security. So what's going here, Juozai?



We are not mentioning here many millions of euros stolen from our pension funds by financier of Landsbergis family's firm. The story turns out to be much more dangerous.



 "It would seem that the story of the relationship between the financial technology company iSun and its management with the environment of the Minister of Social Security and Labor, Monika Navickienė, has ended - the deepening crisis ended with the third member of Ingrida Šimonytė's cabinet falling in more than two and a half years. However, the issue is far from resolved.




 The last straw was the news about Ms. Navickienė's strange flight on a private plane with actors of dubious reputation to Dubai. 




A couple of hours before that, information about the transactions of the "Litlab" company of the minister's husband Mindaugas Navickas, who suddenly went on a motorcycle trip in the midst of the crisis, in the territory of the Vilnius airport with the head of the "iSun" group Ieva Trinkūnaitė, which was recognized last week as not meeting the interests of Lithuania's national security.




 This circumstance helped to explain why the investigation into I. Trinkūnaitė's compliance with national security was carried out by a government commission, not only by the Bank of Lithuania. M. Navickienė herself said at the press conference held on Thursday that the trip to Dubai was a "human error", explaining that she simply did not know many circumstances. The conservative of the new generation slipped into the trodden paths of the old-timers - she flew expensively at someone else's expense.




 But, my dears, this is not the biggest scandal. Although, of course, it is the easiest to understand for the general public.




 Let's briefly go back to the beginning: the origins of the story go back to mid-May, when VŽ first published a month-long investigation into how iSun-related companies could have participated in a scheme designed to service online casinos operating illegally in the European Union. After this publication, the real Pandora's box opened quite quickly - other circumstances poured into the public, including the work of Ms. Navickienė's husband at iSun and Foxpay.




 The sentence for Ms. Navickienė was actually written on Sunday evening, when "15min" announced about Vilhelm German, a man who has been in the shadows, changed his name, has a huge influence in the "iSun" group and a rich criminal past, which would not allow him to officially touch the management of financial institutions. According to the sources, V. German was even known as "owner and manager Vilhelm" in the iSun group, although his co-habitant I. Trinkūnaitė was listed as the manager or direct shareholder of Foxpay. The whirlwind got even worse when VŽ described the couple and their business ties with Prinz Marcus von Anhalt, a well-known criminal in Germany.




 At the same time, more and more circumstances came to the public, testifying that M. Navickas was not a pawn in the iSun group, as he tried to imagine: his traces were everywhere, wherever the iSun group was. He owns a small part of the shares in the iSun Lithuania company, he managed a whole bunch of different iSun companies at different times.




 The now former minister tried to gloss over the situation, pretending that her relations with V. German are quite distant: allegedly, he is the family of the husband's brother's wife's sister. Yes, we agree that, when formulated exactly like this, everything becomes obvious and even justified - after all, Lithuania is the "land of in-laws". However, in a normally functioning democracy with accountable politicians in power, we should formulate the question as follows: why are the business partners of Minister M. Navickienė's family people who do not meet the interests of national security? So what about the appearance of alignment of interests?




 While the private flight to Dubai has gotten the most attention, it's only one piece of the puzzle, with the most important details somewhat lost behind it. 




According to VŽ, the essence of the story is that elements threatening national security circulated in the close environment of the minister and her husband was a close partner of these elements. This is not a matter of undeclared expensive gifts, but a matter of national security.




 Let's remember that the minister (covered with the shield of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats) has been shaking off "insinuations" for quite some time. Did you expect that the man's connections with criminal figures would run like water off a goose? The defense of the "new generation" politician looked extremely poor: my husband and I didn't talk about work at home (we don't pretend to be relationship experts, but it sounds strange to say the least), the flight to Dubai was offered to the children (?). That flight was offered by a person with whom the minister barely communicates (?!) from the group of companies where her husband works. Since they don't talk about work at home, understand, nobody really knew who really was who and what they were doing. Although it can be seen in Ms. Navickienė's public CV that she has had professional ties with the Trinkūnai family for many years.




 All questions are far from being answered. Perhaps himself M. Navickas answers them, after finishing riding a motorcycle? The only information communicated in a truly understandable and logical way was that the minister is grateful to colleagues, third-century universities or someone else. Such a situation should not please either the public or the conservatives, who until relatively recently, while in the opposition, tried to force the minister out of office for enjoying a schnitzel at the expense of the port of Klaipėda during a business trip.




 M. Navickienė, who had good political prospects, caused a new headache for conservatives. Repentance is of little value if it is only done when you are against the wall. Maybe she herself, as political scientist Rima Urbonaitė said in the VŽ podcast, will rise again someday, maybe she is "teflon" and tar will not stick to her, but the party received a serious blow before the elections a good four months before.




 In this situation, one would like to know if the Prime Minister does not have the question of how much she can trust her ministers.




 "Navickienė was Šimonytė's close circle. Make no mistake, this is not some Liberal minister. They maintain a close relationship. If the prime minister had been told about all this earlier, this situation would not have existed, we would not have seen such a desperate press conference," said the political scientist.




 The coalition will probably work as it has been working, the collapse of the entire Government is not foreseen. However, the president, reconfirming the composition of the cabinet, will feel his superiority and will feel the right to put more pressure on the rulers than he would have done before the aforementioned scandal. It may be more difficult for I. Šimonytė to maneuver.




 True, according to R. Urbonaitė, the leader of the country, who feels his superiority and seeks to moralize, should also remember his biography. The only difference is that he accepted the gift in London with taxpayers' money, and then it was "refinanced" by a person with subordinate ties to the president. In the minister's case, the king of gifts was business: unclear connections, an undeclared gift."



A pox on both your houses. You are ruining the country.



1. Wilhelm German


"Wilhelm German (formerly Vilius Židelis) is a businessman who was imprisoned for fraud, born in 1986.


It is said that he is the cohabitant of the entrepreneur, owner of Foxpay and iSun Lithuania Ieva Trinkūnaitė.


in 2016 Vilius Židelis (Wilhelm German) was convicted for 16 different fraud episodes, and the sums he obtained or tried to obtain through various scams reach hundreds of thousands of euros. In addition, 19 counterfeit 500 euro banknotes were found in his wallet during the searches. The man swindled by pretending to be a solid businessman and buying all kinds of things.


In total, he managed to steal items worth 161 thousand EUR, and another 120 thousand EUR attempted to obtain by deception but was unsuccessful in doing so due to circumstances beyond his control.


V. Židelis was even pardoned by the court of first instance, he was given a suspended prison sentence. However, one of the victims did not agree with this, he was convinced that the convicted person is a danger to society and must really be behind bars.


And the Appellate Court agreed with this position, noting that even during the hearing of the case, V. Židelis continued to carry out scams and was convicted for it twice more.


He was given a real prison sentence of 4 years. He has been imprisoned in the Pravieniškių prison.


Monika Navickienė, Minister of Social Security and Labor, with W. German and I. Trinkūnaitė in 2023. flew together to Dubai on a private plane. As the minister herself pointed out, the Navickai family did not pay for this flight. Later, the minister resigned due to her relations with I. Trinkūnaitė and W. German.


W. German, who was imprisoned for fraud in 2023. worked for some time at the company "Litlab" managed by Mindaugas Navickas, the husband of Minister of Social Security and Labor M. Navickienė."



  "As you can see, the young generation of politicians has a somewhat no changed mentality. A bunch of examples - conservative Taliban G. Lansbergis (husband of an education magnate and figure in the MG court case) Kaščiūnas, Adomėnas, Skaistė, Kreivys (trade and energy magnate), now Navickienė, socialist  beaver Sinkevičius, ex-liberalist Masiulis, demographer Skvernelis. The scandal of Checks has shown that most of the current politicians are simply fraudsters and people call them thieves."


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