
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. birželio 1 d., šeštadienis

What to eat?

The answer is easy: Tasty, easy to prepare, and healthy, fitting your metabolism, food. I love tasty Asian, African and South American food. I don't know how to make it, so I will talk only about how to get tasty European food, since I am a European. To get healthy food no special skills are needed. Fiber is in. Fat is out. 

Fat makes you fat since it is rich in calories. Your body fat impedes insulin stimulation of glucose absorption by your cells. Your cells sense starvation, so your body produces even more insulin. This additional insulin increases deposition of fat in your body. You are getting one of those vicious cycles that are so common in life. Sweet, salty, highly processed foods all have addictive properties, are usually overeaten, and should be minimized. Everything that farmers would not recognize in the production of the farm is highly processed food. It is optimized to make it addictive. Over-consumption of olive oil, fatty fish (including mackerel and salmon) should be avoided too. Replace with red snapper and cod. Our Western chicken is bred to be fat. Take it and cheese in moderation.

Fiber gives you no calories, fills you up, protects you from colorectal cancer, keeps you regular, if you know what I mean. Good sources of fiber are beans, peas, and vegetables of different colors containing different substances good for you. If you start eating more beans and peas and feel bloated, that might be temporary, since microbes in your gut did not adjust yet to a lot of fiber.

Fat dissolves and keeps in the food aromatic substances, so add it at the start of your cooking, a spoonful or two only for the whole family. You can cook any soup, only if it has cabbage, red lentils and dried wild porcini mushroom for umami taste. Red lentils dissolve when cooking. If at the end of the cooking you add 1/4 of a lemon juice per pot and bake for 30 minutes in 400°F  (204°C) oven beets, you get what is known as borscht. If you bake in the oven meat or fish, coat it with ground almonds to preserve the softness.  Eat more nuts, it is good for you.

A salad should be regular for each of you. When you are bringing cucumbers from the store try to wash them with warm water from the slime, dry them with a paper towel and keep them in an open container in the refrigerator. Dill, parsley, sage, basil and other such things give a lot of flavor and supposedly are good for your brain health. Salad can be improved with deliciously boiled beans.

Take in a lot of fruits. Tropical fruits have a lot of sugar that spikes your blood glucose level, so use them in moderation. Use our regular European fruit more.

The muscle cells take in sugar without insulin and are good for keeping your balance, so include in your activity some heavy lifting to keep your muscles.

You can replace pancakes with pancakes from red lentils. Soak lentils up overnight in water, pulse with a blender, add a tablespoon or two of chickpeas' flour. Spread the oil when making pancakes with half of the cleaned potato on the fork to reduce to minimum the amount of fat. Half done pancakes move onto separate clean plates to have the possibility to put some fat on the second side of the pancake.

If you are over 50 years old, your stomach becomes less robust, you should take a B12 supplement. Take vitamin D also. 

Keep powder of nuts and shredded cheeses in the freezer to protect from mold. 

People who live in the blue zones, where they still work in gardens at the age of 104, eat a lot of beans, prepared in one way or another.

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