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2024 m. rugsėjo 23 d., pirmadienis

Why should you stick a piece of tape to a tomato?

 "A famous American chef has revealed the secret of how to keep tomatoes fresh for a long time. This interesting trick may surprise you, because you will need adhesive tape.


 Tomatoes are exactly those vegetables that spoil too quickly in the kitchen. Before you can even blink an eye, you have to throw them in the trash.


 Most experts say that tomatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator.


 Store them in the shade, in a well-ventilated area and at room temperature. But even so, they can be stored for no more than a few days, especially if they are already well ripened. Fortunately, there are very effective methods that will help extend the shelf life of tomatoes.


 First of all, when buying tomatoes in the store, pay attention to their stem. It is the stem that will show whether the vegetable is fresh. You can buy a tomato if the stalk is green and well attached to the flesh.


 Experts say that the stalks should not be torn off when returning home from the store. It is thanks to them that the freshness and elasticity of tomatoes are preserved. If you tear it off, you will see the wound "exposed". Moisture comes out from there, so microorganisms develop well in this place.


 And now we come to the duct tape trick. American chef J. Kenji Lopez-Alt told about him. The cook would simply cover the place where the stalk was torn off with a piece of duct tape. In this way, moisture will not be able to penetrate, so the tomatoes will stay fresh and juicy for much longer.


 According to the expert, he conducted an experiment on more than 30 tomatoes and all of them stayed fresh much longer than those that were not covered with tape.




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