
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2021 m. spalio 2 d., šeštadienis

Why Mr. Trump was not re-elected?

"Vindication Over Hunter's Emails" (Review & Outlook, Sept. 25) rightly criticizes the press and prominent former officials for labeling Hunter Biden's emails as Russian disinformation. But the victim -- President Trump -- is again disregarded. The Hunter story was neutralized to prevent Mr. Trump from winning re-election. Fair reporting of the graft and low behavior on full display in Hunter's laptop could have kept Mr. Trump in office.

The media speaks often of "the Big Lie" about the election result, but Mr. Trump faced a buffet of lies spanning his entire presidency. Dirty tricks kept him embroiled in a Russian hoax for two years and left the stink on him even when Robert Mueller could provide no evidence. Congress tied Mr. Trump up in impeachment trials. The press manufactured phony scandals about him and his family. And then key states relaxed controls on ballots. Acknowledging the onslaught that Mr. Trump faced could help the press understand why he might question an election result." [1]

1. Hunter's Emails Were Suppressed for a Reason
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 02 Oct 2021: A.12.  

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