
Ieškoti šiame dienoraštyje

2024 m. rugsėjo 2 d., pirmadienis

Biden's Biggest Disaster

When Mr. Biden showed up in White House as a boss, we all considered him as an old Cold warrior experienced enough to keep the balance needed for stability. We were wrong. The disastrous performance of Mr. Biden in debates demonstrated that Mr. Biden is just an empty shell.The show in White house were running young, energetic, inexperienced and, according to the results, stupid, advisers.

The goals of the USA in Western Europe during the Cold war were:

"Keep Russia out, keep Germany down, keep the USA in."

The election results in two German states show that Mr. Biden's advisers lost this game. As a result of these advisers' actions, the majority of Germans (extreme right and extreme left together) in these states think that keeping Germany down is not fair anymore, so they don't want to be down in Western Europe. Since Germany is the biggest power in Western Europe, they will get what they want. Moreover, the majority of these Germans think that the events in Ukraine are NATO's fault, that Russia has to participate in Western Europe's security negotiations. "Keeping Russia out" is going out of the window. This makes "keeping the USA in" questionable. The damage to America's interests is huge.

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